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Opinions on Quadrobics?
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Post: #71
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?

(2023-02-26 0:05)eeddiitt444 Wrote:  There’s nothing wrong with Quadrobics (quads) on its own. It can be tons of fun and its an excellent source of exercise for people who are able to preform it, what is wrong is when people who’ve been misled spread the misinformation that being a therian is solely about doing quadrobics.

I myself do quadrobics, or used to at least (I haven’t been feeling the best physically recently so thats why,) and I actually found out about therianthropy because of quadrobic TikTok videos a couple of years back. But i did my own research and found out what therianthropy really is, and confirmed that i am a therian, and that i also like to do quads.

On tiktok, quads is trending amongst therians. You cant look for therian videos on tiktok without having tons of quadrobics videos dumped on you. Which would be okay, but people who are curious about therians only see the quads videos, and they assume thats all there is to it. That’s also partially why some people think you can just “become” or choose to be a therian. You cant.

Therianthropy =/ quadrobics

Dont get me wrong of course, like i said, i enjoy quadrobics a lot !! It can be great for your body, (if you’re safe about it and doing it properly), and me personally, i would rather do quads for fitness rather than other types of exercise. It also can connect some people (like myself) with their theriotype(s), and its just alot of fun overall. However, it can definitely be hard for therians on TikTok who physically can’t do quads. (Now i cant speak for anyone else, but I’ve heard from multiple therians who cant do quadrobics that it feels like they’re excluded in a way, and i can only imagine that some of those people have been told they arnt real therians because they dont do quads.)

This isn’t exactly related to quads, but theres also the misconception that you cant be a therian without a mask/ some type of gear, and this is of course incorrect. Gear is just for fun/ self expression for many therians, and while most therians do have some form of gear, there are some therians who dont want any, and that’s totally cool too !! Its up to the individual to decide if they want gear or not.

So to sum it all up, quads doesn’t equal being a therian, and gear doesn’t equal being a therian either. Both can be fun and a way of expressing your therianthropy, but is in no way required whatsoever.

I 100% agree

[Image: IMG-0112.png]
2023-02-26 0:26
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Post: #72
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?

(2021-03-03 8:33)OakLeaf Wrote:  I tryed it and it's actually quite fun. But I dislike seeing young therians post videos with music of them running on all 4rs with animal masks. It just looks a little cringe.

Eh. It isn't all that cringe. Some people make a true art of it. Just look at wildnettle_115. Their masks, and form are absolutely stunning. There are some truly talented people that do this.

2023-10-13 4:54
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Post: #73
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?
It's a good way to express your theriotype, and it's very good excercise for your body, but one negative that I would say about doing quadrobics is that it can also hurt your body, because human bodies aren't meant to walk/run on all fours. I'm not a therian myself, so I don't really know what it's like; I'm just animal-hearted. Tongue

A big misconception is that quadrobics is only linked to therians. Quadrobics isn't just for therians. For example, Collin McClure is the fastest person on all fours. But he isn't a therian, he just does quads for sport. Anybody can do quads without being a therian. ^_^

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2023-10-21 17:27
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Post: #74
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?
I think quads are very fun! It just feels natural to me, and it sucks I can't do them frequently. Sad

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2024-03-11 15:31
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Post: #75
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?
I really like quads and think they are very fun and feel natural for me

Just a dude human

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2024-03-11 15:52
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Post: #76
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?

(2021-03-03 8:33)OakLeaf Wrote:  I tryed it and it's actually quite fun. But I dislike seeing young therians post videos with music of them running on all 4rs with animal masks. It just looks a little cringe.

I am someone who does that, and yea, its cringe ik, and there is nothing wrong with that! For me, it doesn't connect me to my theriotype very much but its a fun way to get exercise and it just feels right. (ik quads don't make u a therians btw) I also think it looks cool, but thats just me Tongue

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2024-03-11 19:12
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Post: #77
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?
Cringe culture is dead guys


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2024-03-11 19:14
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Post: #78
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?
I tend to separate therianthropy from quads in my mind. I don't like the "only therians do quads" culture around it but quads is very important to me because [vent warning] last year my coaches made me do a bunch of running without a hoodie in front of a lot of people and exercise after not doing any for a few years so that fucked up my feelings towards exercise so noe the only physical activity I enjoy is quads and archery.

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2024-03-11 23:44
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Post: #79
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?
I do enjoy quadrobics sometimes. I used to practice it every day or every other day which really built up my muscles to be good with it, but now I just do it if I'm having a mental shift and I'm in a safe environment (woods, basement, room, etc) or if I'm bored. I'd say I only really actually practice it once or twice a month, but I do run across my room on all fours if I don't feel like standing up, and I go up the stairs on all fours. So, in short, I engage in quadrobics daily but only for about a few minutes each day. I enjoy quadrobics, but when I get tired or can't keep my head up in the right position it makes me a little dysphoric because it's just proving to me how much I am not actually an animal and never will be.

(2024-03-11 23:44)CubanCrocodile294 Wrote:  I tend to separate therianthropy from quads in my mind. I don't like the "only therians do quads" culture around it but quads is very important to me because [vent warning] last year my coaches made me do a bunch of running without a hoodie in front of a lot of people and exercise after not doing any for a few years so that fucked up my feelings towards exercise so noe the only physical activity I enjoy is quads and archery.

Oh my gosh, I can't believe they did that to you.. I would be traumatized as well.

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(This post was last modified: 2024-03-11 23:59 by WanderingForests.)
2024-03-11 23:58
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Post: #80
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?
I think quadrobics are cool, although probably not for everyone. It didn't help me with finding my theiotypes, but it is helping me work towards keeping my asthma down, and getting the exercise I need, and quads are fun to do. It also helps me tire down before bed.
2024-03-12 6:05
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