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Opinions on Quadrobics?
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Post: #61
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?
I see no issue with it. To each their own I always say! I've personally thought of giving them a go but I don't really have a space to do that that's large enough at this moment. That, and I have a back injury from work that I'd rather not unnecessarily agitate, lol.
2023-01-17 20:56
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Post: #62
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?
I am hypnotized by the tiktok kids doing quads. I am in awe.
They are exercising and I'm going to support that forever, as long as they are careful and safe about it!

I used to do the running part as a child, and even more recently, but my body is getting older and I worry about injury. I don't think I'd attempt a jump.
(This post was last modified: 2023-01-17 21:34 by Obsydian.)
2023-01-17 21:33
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Post: #63
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?

(2023-01-17 21:33)Obsydian Wrote:  I am hypnotized by the tiktok kids doing quads. I am in awe.
They are exercising and I'm going to support that forever, as long as they are careful and safe about it!

Seconding this as exercise does wonders for anyone who's able to get moving and grooving. So long as they're taking care of themselves, I feel its all good.

"See, the horns on my head, they're from goddesses,
Goddesses, on God."
2023-01-17 22:04
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Post: #64
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?
Quads is fun but on stuff like tiktok it's become the only thing therians do. Other than that it's a good exercise and there's no harm as long as you stretch before. It's a good way to connect with theriotypes for me but it could be different for others and not everyone can do quads. It's just an exercise in my opinion
2023-01-18 14:59
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Post: #65
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?
I do quads. Its fun! I view it as excersize.


The wolf is wise, the eagle is brave, and the dragon is large. What does that make me? A large, wise, brave lump of dysphoria.- Weagle
2023-01-22 0:24
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Post: #66
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?
I wish my body would allow me to try !

I feel on platform like tiktok some people think that being therian is just wearing gears and walking on all fours so there's a lot of misinformation I feel. But fundamentally there's nothing wrong with quadrobics !

Du hast den Kampf noch nicht verlor´n
Du kommst zurück, hast Du geschwor´n!
Und wenn die Hexe wiederkehrt
Dann bleibt kein Richter unversehrt
~Faun - Schrei es in die Winde
2023-01-22 7:24
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Post: #67
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?
I think quadrobics are alright, but it's not for me. I tried it before but it ended up giving me more dysphoria. Sad My body just isn't built to walk on all fours naturally.

[Image: 7f712b48363232be1bc9a953152f5c5ceed54f49.gif]


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2023-02-20 22:39
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Post: #68
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?
but I'm cautious with myself
(you should to if you want to try quads)
make sure you stretch before you do em!

"Be carefulwho you trust Sargent, even the people you love the most can hurt you" -Ghost CoD
2023-02-21 1:03
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Post: #69
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?
I think quadrobics are super cool to be honest! I mean sure, for people that aren't built to do all that jumping and things it can be a little dangerous but all around I think it's pretty okay as long as you're doing them properly!

When I say people that aren't built for them, I mean like people who experience hypermobility are probably a little better at quadrobics if not at high risk to yank something out of place. For instance I have hypermobility in my legs, hips, and arms but I have childhood arthritis in my hands! So, while quadrobics is fun to do I can't do them often because of my hands.

It's sort of like you have to try to figure out if your body is okay enough to handle the stuff it involves, and if it can't then you have to stop no matter how fun it is. As long as you're doing it properly, there's nothing wrong with it and it's a lot of fun!
2023-02-23 15:25
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Post: #70
RE: Opinions on Quadrobics?
There’s nothing wrong with Quadrobics (quads) on its own. It can be tons of fun and its an excellent source of exercise for people who are able to preform it, what is wrong is when people who’ve been misled spread the misinformation that being a therian is solely about doing quadrobics.

I myself do quadrobics, or used to at least (I haven’t been feeling the best physically recently so thats why,) and I actually found out about therianthropy because of quadrobic TikTok videos a couple of years back. But i did my own research and found out what therianthropy really is, and confirmed that i am a therian, and that i also like to do quads.

On tiktok, quads is trending amongst therians. You cant look for therian videos on tiktok without having tons of quadrobics videos dumped on you. Which would be okay, but people who are curious about therians only see the quads videos, and they assume thats all there is to it. That’s also partially why some people think you can just “become” or choose to be a therian. You cant.

Therianthropy =/ quadrobics

Dont get me wrong of course, like i said, i enjoy quadrobics a lot !! It can be great for your body, (if you’re safe about it and doing it properly), and me personally, i would rather do quads for fitness rather than other types of exercise. It also can connect some people (like myself) with their theriotype(s), and its just alot of fun overall. However, it can definitely be hard for therians on TikTok who physically can’t do quads. (Now i cant speak for anyone else, but I’ve heard from multiple therians who cant do quadrobics that it feels like they’re excluded in a way, and i can only imagine that some of those people have been told they arnt real therians because they dont do quads.)

This isn’t exactly related to quads, but theres also the misconception that you cant be a therian without a mask/ some type of gear, and this is of course incorrect. Gear is just for fun/ self expression for many therians, and while most therians do have some form of gear, there are some therians who dont want any, and that’s totally cool too !! Its up to the individual to decide if they want gear or not.

So to sum it all up, quads doesn’t equal being a therian, and gear doesn’t equal being a therian either. Both can be fun and a way of expressing your therianthropy, but is in no way required whatsoever.

[Image: caracal1a-scaled.jpg]

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why be a human when you could be FLopPa ??
2023-02-26 0:05
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