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To start things off.....

I think it’s alright.

Quadrobics, in the case you have no clue about this, is the “art of running on all fours, trotting, jumping, cantering, etc....” as described by Google.

Many young therians on Therian Amino and most elsewhere on TikTok I have found practice the exercise to help connect with their theriotypes. I have also noticed a vast portion of these therians are the ones who name their theriotypes, give them a presumed personality, things like that.....

Not saying that’s a bad thing at all, but I’ve always viewed it differently- separately, you could say - from the types of experiences we usually discuss here on the TG forums. My mind almost seems to separate the two into entirely different categories.... Anyone else ever getting this vibe?

But more relevantly.....

I think Quadrobics are a nice exercise for the body and the legs especially (some may oppose with the claim it is not meant and therefore not healthy for the human physique.) It never really personally connected me to any one species or another, but I do do it because I think it looks sweet and releases a ton of endorphins! Haha.

Your thoughts on the exercise? Panting
I think its fine. I used to do that sort of stuff as a kid as well. I just hate the culture on like, tiktok that acts like quadrobics = therian. I dont think enjoying it makes you any less of a therian, but it doesnt make you more of one either, you know? I think to put it in perspective, its like saying doing yoga makes you a therian. Completely different thing from therianthropy.
For those able bodied, quadrobics is an incredible way to exercise and it even helps some feel closer to their theriotype. I used to be able to indulge in quadrobics for a good bit and I found it was rather relaxing, especially if you were able to do it comfortably. But with age, it’s no longer something I am able to do anymore. At least, not pain free.

However, a good number of youngsters, especially those on tiktok, believe that in order to be a therian you need to be able to do quadrobics. That is not the case at all. Just because someone can run and jump on four legs doesn’t make them any more of a therian than someone who can’t.

All in all, it’s a great exercise and it can be a great stress reliever for some. If you can and want to do it, go right ahead!
I think it's alright, it's nice to do it in the grass of walking down a stream but I did bust my elbow yesterday XP And I haven't named my theriotypes, I don't think I ever will because your theriotype is you, so why should it have a separate name. I think the people who do that are fine though.
I tryed it and it's actually quite fun. But I dislike seeing young therians post videos with music of them running on all 4rs with animal masks. It just looks a little cringe.

(2021-03-03 8:33)OakLeaf Wrote: [ -> ]I tryed it and it's actually quite fun. But I dislike seeing young therians post videos with music of them running on all 4rs with animal masks. It just looks a little cringe.

That sounds fair, haha.

They may just be a tad confused. Weren’t we all at some point? Wink

(2021-03-03 8:40)Elysian Wrote: [ -> ]

(2021-03-03 8:33)OakLeaf Wrote: [ -> ]I tryed it and it's actually quite fun. But I dislike seeing young therians post videos with music of them running on all 4rs with animal masks. It just looks a little cringe.

That sounds fair, haha.

They may just be a tad confused. Weren’t we all at some point? Wink

Yes definitely XD I don't blame them. If I had found the community on TikTock when I was like 11 I would have purrobably have done the same thing because it looked fun.

Oh, my back would absolutely not hold up doing that. Back when I played soccer in high school, we'd sometimes run "Bear Run" drills, especially during the early part of the season where we needed to get back in form. I guess they were basically this, but they just murdered my back. Couldn't focus on much beyond the discomfort back then, and it would only be worse now.

Idk, I don't get too caught up in like, whatever folks are doing on tiktok or what-have-you. If it makes them happy, power to them, I guess. It doesn't really seem like the sorts of nontherian folks I'd ever discuss therian stuff with would get most of their information about what therianthropy is from the tiktok subgroup of a community they haven't heard of, so it doesn't seem like much of a thing I need to get too worked up about.
I've actually never heard of it until I came here! It sounds interesting, not sure I could do it though due to my disabilities, but for those who can - it's still a form of exercise and looks fun!

(2021-03-03 8:33)OakLeaf Wrote: [ -> ]I tryed it and it's actually quite fun. But I dislike seeing young therians post videos with music of them running on all 4rs with animal masks. It just looks a little cringe.

This ^

I could care less what someone does in their own home or with friends. Heck, I still run up the stairs on all fours, often.

The thing is, when social media becomes populated with this stuff it confuses others to believe that being a therian is some kind of trend or fad.

If one wants to do quadrobics - have at it.

Just don't post it on TicTok, instagram or whatever without being accompanied by something of actual substance.


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