As many of you have probably seen by now, TG's staff has recently been overhauled to add several new members (myself included). We've been settling in quite well all things considered, but we've been very busy at work with new developments. Part of these developments is an overhaul to the staff teams system—and a very exciting one at that!
This overhaul, of course, comes with new teams for the participating staff, but it also include tweaks to the existing teams as well. For ease of access, I'll list all the teams and what they stand for here.
All of the pretty colors and banners in one place!
Camp X: Summer camp for the gifted. BearX is known for his relaxed and open-minded approach to life. He's been a part of the Therian community longer than most of us and has returned to share his wisdom. Though as a bear therian, he is solitary by nature, his team will nevertheless be a sanctuary for those to whom who find this way of thinking comfortable or appealing. If you just need reasonable and open-minded people to talk to, this may be the team for you.
Dusty's Pack: He may be a little distant at times, but you know that at heart he really cares about all of you. He is loyal to a fault and is willing to work hard to protect his own. Let his stars speak for themselves—he's been here for you for years. He doesn't believe in good and evil, but rather that every person chooses their own truth and should fight for it: May the best philosophy win. In his team, he'll be there for you, he'll run alongside you, and he'll fight for you, even if society thinks you're wrong. Will you run with him?
Zefer Nezumi's
Team Stripe: Zefer is the fun, energetic, spiritual tiger we all know who believes in the power of goof and derp, and who truly wishes to help the Therian community. You may have heard his thoughtful podcasts or just had a good laugh with his puns, but you know what he stands for is good. If you want to stand with him, join his team, have a blast, get in touch with your spiritual side, and help make a better tomorrow for all therians.
Tornir's Tree: What is it with big cats and derpiness? Tornir is a goofy-yet-kind leopard therian who's always willing to help out with things. Her tree is a place to hang out (and hopefully not fall out) while plotting to take over the world... which we can then stick giant googly eyes on!
Hopefully... this will discourage AlphaLex from eating it. If you want to help out derp the folks of Team Stripe, join her in the tree.
Foxies Spirit Den: a mysterious place far away from Earth. A place where no mortal can come and where mortal problems fade away and only positive elements remain. Humans are still trying to find their way into this oasis but have yet to succeed. ying yue, the gatekeeper to this place, welcomes you. But beware, with greatness comes great responsibility. And don't forget to feed her ... with positivity ✨️
Bag's Myrg:
A Myrg is a group of drehgora, usually young, who become like a family and go through the trials of life together into adulthood. On my team, I want to preserve this sense of familiarity, but welcoming all ages and species. This is a place for friends to gather and support one another. Join my team if you'd like a place to have in depth discussion on all kinds of thoughts and knowledge. I welcome dreamers, seekers of wisdom, and those who like to think outside of the box.
Escher space:
A liminal place between worlds familiar and not; a sanctuary in the haunted world.. This is a space for the discussion of therianthropy in all it's light and dark aspects, as well as an open forum to talk about many other related (and unrelated) topics such as: the nature of reality, the spiritual and magickal, and even the mundane sciences. Bring a critical mind and a sense of maturity, because there's no telling where the rabbit hole may go..
Noodle's Rainforest:
This is a place of sanctuary, a retreat from the anxieties and overstimulation of human cities. Explore the perpetually shaded ferns and conifer roots, smell the trees and damp earth, bask in the sunlight on the bank of a bubbling creek, and let your inner self out without fear. For this is a calm, wild place, unwelcoming of bigotry. Here, you can express your instincts and your interests, away from prying human eyes.
A cozy garden quietly tucked away, where creatures of all shapes and sizes can come together. If you listen closely, you'll hear the gentle chirping of birds, the calming rustle of a warm breeze, and the quiet babble of a nearby brook. This is a peaceful escape focused on positivity and our strength as a community, a place to form new bonds and grow as we journey together.
Staff Identification
We've done a lot of tweaking to get all the colors in place, but the results are more colorful than ever! Following this theme of colorfulness, we've changed how TG Staff are identified. On both here and the Discord, TG Staff now represent their own team color... TEAM PRIDE!
To still keep it easy to identify the impurrtent purrsonnel, TG Staff on the form will have an
Underlined name. Nothing else uses the underline, so it will be immediately apparent who is who! As for the discord, TG Staff will be represented by a badge next to their name.
Joining Teams
As a reminder, or for those who haven't seen the original
TG Teams Announcement Post, joining teams is easy! All you have to do is ask the Staff member, either by PM on the forums or in the Discord. There's no limit on the amount of teams you can be in if you have multiple favorite Staffers.
Once you've joined a team, you'll get access to their subform on the site, access to their special text chat on the discord, their banner under your forum profile, and you'll get to rep their color yourself!
On the Discord, the color choice is automatic—the team you have with the lowest member population will take priority in order to give the smaller teams more representation (although certain roles like pup, youngster, and others will override any team colors—this is not a glitch).
On the forums, the color choice is decided by you. All you have to do is go to your
User Control Panel's Display Group page, then select whichever team you'd like to represent.
Thank you for bearing with us through all these tweaks and updates we've had to do.
We hope you'll enjoy the new, more colorful TG!