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Thanks for understanding and see you around.

Meet The Staff
The people who make this place safe!
TG staff
What is being staff about?...
• Being Friendly
• Always a good attitude
• Emotional Stability & Emotional Intelligence
• Remaining Calm during Confrontations
• Being able to see situations from multiple perspectives
• Being able to understand and show compassion
• Always willing to help with a smile
Protecting the Community
• Ultimate Devotion for our members

Euipoi - Founder / Creator of Therian-Guide

Hi members!, as you may already know I am the Creator of the Therian Guide. I started creating the site in late 2009 and finally published it in May 23, 2010. I wanted to create a website in which had a firm foundation for therianthropy, as it seemed there was not many websites that actually went about explaining it at the time. So I put together a little something from what I experienced and what I have learned to help guide other people. Being a young therian for me was hard because I was limited to information. I knew what I was experiencing but didn't know why or what it was. It wasn't until I was a little older did i discover there was actually people around the world who experienced the same thing I did.

I am currently living in California. I enjoy playing video games, art, anything wildlife, spirituality, and girly things. I am also a Solitary Eclectic Witch. I very much enjoy spending time with my little family and working on new projects. I have two pet birds. A Sun Conure name Jade and an African Senegal Parrot named Milo. You can visit my blog ChakraGypsy or my social network Modern Buddha.

I want to thank you all for being part of this community, without you all therian guide wouldn't be so awesome. So keep posting and keep being positive!

DustWolf - Therian-Guide's techwolf

Hello ^.^ I'm DustWolf, I'm.. you guessed it, a wolf therian. I am not a shifter, which means I am mentally always wolf to a degree. I've been around the therian community for over 25 years and have already been in and out of plenty of trouble, asked and answered all those questions, made and lost many friends... But still I like to hang out with you.

I live in Slovenia in Europe. I work as a devops engineer. I love walks, nature, building things and watching things grow. I have a canine best friend and a very few select friends I spend all my time with. I am an atheist and a science-minded person, but I keep an open mind and am not ignorant of spiritual beliefs.

Please do not PM me with technical and/or site issues! If you need the staff to help with something, post a thread to the Write to staff forum!

BearX - Our Fedora-ed Admin!

Howdy, I'm BearX! I'm a coastal brown bear therian, and long-time member of the community. I live in the Eastern United States with my very understanding wife and two active sons, leading a relatively normal middle-aged life.

In the 1990s, I was an early member of the alt.horror.werewolves newsgroup which spawned modern therianthropy and was the owner/operator of, the first ISP devoted to giving therians our own online space.

I am always open to talk, so feel free to give me a shout.

Zefer Nezumi - Our Punkin Admin!
Zefer Nezumi


I'm Zef, a Siberian tiger. Cat of all trades, meowster of pun!

I "felt feline" very early on and overcame many obstacles on my journey of self-discovery. Since I didn't know about the community and had limited resources while I figured things out, it's important for me to help support the community now that I've earned my stripes.

I'm an engineer who dabbles in things shamanic, loves the outdoors, and smooshes his paws on a tablet to make art stuff. I love to learn and love to teach. It's rare that I turn an opportunity down (though I may grumble about it at first).

I'm the co-founder of TeamSiberian, along with Secret Doggo. With this much fluff and derp, how can we NOT be epic? :laugh:

On a serious note, I'm always willing to lend a paw. If you need anything - from a lame pun to advice to... well, mostly just lame puns... reach out to me! :cool:

- ZN

Elicat - Our Fantastic Super Mod!

Hello, I'm Elicat, or Eli for short, and I'm a moderator here on TG. I was previously known as elinox.

I'm a domestic cat. My therian experiences are a combination of psychological and spiritual and I'm also a practicing Wiccan. I've been online since about 2001; active in both the therian and otherkin communities.

I'm a writer and published author and I enjoy fantasy movies and books. I'm also an avid scuba diver. I live in central Pennsylvania with my mate and kitties.

If you need help with anything or have a question, I'm more than willing to help you any way that I can/know how. Just leave me a pm here and if I don't know the answer, I probably know someone who does!

Tornir - Our Googly-Eyed Super Mod!

I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of...

(Whoops, sorry, wrong speech) Ahem.

Greetings members, I'm Tornir, a leopard from the UK; I've been aWere of my therianthropy for about 29 years. I joined TG in 2021, then got locked in the staff room after sneaking in there to "decorate" Zef's rainstick.

I'm a techie who likes photography, fixing things, then sticking googly eyes on them when the owner isn't looking.

So, if you have a problem, or just wanna talk, gimme a poke.

AgitatedSneaker - Our Furriendly Mod!

Hello! I'm AgitatedSneaker, but call me AS or Agi.

I have a generic canine therian experience, we're going with wolf since I've been drawn as one. I get phantom shifts, and I'm always feeling a bit canine in the head.

I'm Australian, so most of you might have a hard time catching me in the day time! I am currently studying to become a software engineer, I love programming and sports like baseball and tennis.

I always got the shout open when I'm awake, I am happy to chat with y'all!

WereWulfra - Our Energy-Eating Mod!

Hello there, I am Wulfra... but don't let the name fool you, I'm not a wolf!

I am the resident staff draconic cryptid, but what I truly am is an enigma you will never crack....

In life I am currently a full-time student working on my bachelor's degree in computer science. I plan to go into a master's program for cyber security after that. I fancy myself a renaissance woman—I am very into math-y things like CS, writing and drawing, and physical fitness. I find it important to always be open to improvement—in every aspect!

I am one who's kept away from social media and the community at large, but I am happy to talk if you wish to PM me here, although I'll talk much more readily on Discord. Give me a boop... if you dare!

Zacchary - Our Car-Cronching Mod!

Hey! I am Zacc and I have been a member of Therian Guide since late 2014. I am a wyvern therian/otherkin who is very active lurker on shoutbox/discord, so you'll most likely see me on every day. And when I am not lurking, I'm usually being silly on shoutbox.

I am an amateur hobbyist writer and gamer with very good world building skills. As a part of my self-discovery journey as a therian/otherkin, I have done years of research and am well studied in dragons. I have often coached members questioning if they're a dragon or some sort of draconic creature, being one of TG's better mediators.

So if you are questioning you may be some kind of draconic creature, need a second opinion, story ideas or would like someone to help you vent, feel free to ask me.

vrydi - Our Gliding Fox Spirit Mod!

Hi everyone, I am joining the moderator team :3

I have been a therian for a few years now, I am a Huli Jing (chinese spirit fox) and a Siberian flying squirrel.

I tend to hover around in the shoutbox a lot, so don't be afraid to come say hi.

I hope to be a help for everyone around here and to spread my positivity around.

I live in Belgium, a little country in Europe where I work as a frontend developer. Other times I hang around here or play games with my friends. (Yuumi my beloved)

If you're ever in need of some positive talk, or need a listening ear, don't be afraid to poke me. I don't bite... Often :ff2:

BlackWolf - Our Elder Sage!

Howdy, I'm BlackWolf. I'm an administrator here. You could probably guess what I am by the rather straightforward name. I've been a therian for as long as I can remember and I'm not too sure if I was ever "awakened" but rather always have been. I've been on this site for a handful of years now and have always done my best to help anyone so don't be shy. I like music, Blacksmithing, weaponry throughout history, and anything that involves being outdoors. I've seen a lot in life and have done good and bad things, just as we all have. I'm honest, straight up, and serious but that doesn't mean I can't have fun with anyone. If you ever need anything, I'm here.