As the other site co-owner, I have to say that I agree with Dust whole-heartedly. As it's name implies, we are Therian Guide and the reason we are here is to help and educate therians and kin of all ages. It just so happens that most who come to us seeking guidance are younger people. Being experienced in how the world works on a large scale, this seems on-par to me because most adults have developed their own positions throughout the course of their lives, where as younger people have not and continue to seek guidance and help.
I would like to express a concern, however, with being able to retain our older members and even possibly start appealing to more older therians in the future.
Dust, you, I, Lupa and the others whom are within our age range may not be able to always maintain the ability to meet the needs of these young members, should the ratio continue to trend toward mostly younger members joining. As of now, we dont do a bad job because we are graced with some highly intelligent and responsible staff members who sort of bridge the gap between the pups and our ancient selves. Renata, WereRen, Calico, Wayward and Thorviem are a huge help to us in this endeavor.
I suppose my concern with this issue is not based on the number of pups joining but rather rooted in the ratio of those available to effectively meet their needs.
To second you and kind of reaffirm your point, we do have an adults only section, which is good for those of us who feel the urge to discuss things that aren't necessarily appropriate for our younger members.
I have, at times, considered an adult shout box but I've concluded that this may be counterproductive of our goal to provide guidance.
As far as anyone making demands go, I haven't caught wind of this and if I had, it wouldn't go well. Everyone knows how I am. You can approach me with any concern and I'll do my best to at least try and resolve or find some middle ground but to outright, brazenly demand something from me, it's like "Wait, who are you, again?

As far as COPPA goes, I'm not sure rather we fall under US jurisdiction or not being that one of our backup servers is now physically located in the US, one of the owners of the site is also physically located in the US and majority of our members. That's kind of a gray area that I'll look more into in the coming days, if not for anything but my own peace of mind. Regardless of legality, I'm sarisfied with limiting pup age to 13+, however.
I'm basically agreeing with everything you've said, Dust but If there's a way we can better appeal ourselves to both younger and older members alike, I think we could at least remain open to discussion and suggestions on how to do so. As far as demands, haha, whoever is making them obviously doesn't know me very well.
I've been scouting and snooping out other online communities and resources lately and I can tell you, from my perspective, we remain the world's best online therian/kin community as far as atmosphere and quality of members go and we will continue to strive in remaining as such.
Have a good day everyone.