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Regarding the age groups on the Therian Guide
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Post: #31
RE: Regarding the age groups on the Therian Guide
I think that what Kaitsev is wondering is if we should conduct a new poll since the old one is from 2015 and could be inaccurate considering all of the new members we've accumulated.

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[Image: A3DMeOrH_o.png]
2018-04-14 20:07
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Post: #32
RE: Regarding the age groups on the Therian Guide
Well the new people can vote on the old poll and that way improve upon the old result?

Honestly though I feel like the old poll has pretty much a gauss distribution, so it doesn't appear to be inaccurate. Either way, discarding the old votes will not improve the accuracy, that much is certain.


If you think I'm wrong just say so. Let's talk about it.
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2018-04-14 20:48
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Post: #33
RE: Regarding the age groups on the Therian Guide
This doesn't affect me, and I don't know if anyone has voiced this concern, but what about systems? Some alters could be under 13, so should be not be allowed from the site when they're in the "driver's seat" of the host? And what about the age on the profile, what should the host say?
2021-02-27 13:41
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Post: #34
RE: Regarding the age groups on the Therian Guide

I didn't notice this post earlier.

(2021-02-27 13:41)Bubbles Wrote:  This doesn't affect me, and I don't know if anyone has voiced this concern, but what about systems? Some alters could be under 13, so should be not be allowed from the site when they're in the "driver's seat" of the host? And what about the age on the profile, what should the host say?

The rule is one account per physical body and the age (birthdate) is supposed to be of the physical body aka "the truth".

Good luck proving the mental age of your made up alter in court. So I hope that covers what they should be allowed to do.

Obviously some people are retarded and their mental age is much younger than that of their physical body... in those cases it's not ideal but there is no way to be fair to everyone and also cover such exceptions, so for now, physical age it is.


If you think I'm wrong just say so. Let's talk about it.
Most problems are man-made.

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2022-06-11 11:28
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Post: #35
RE: Regarding the age groups on the Therian Guide
I think people should be accepting of people who awakened at all ages although people who awakened at around 8 usually grow out of it.
2024-08-10 0:20
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Post: #36
RE: Regarding the age groups on the Therian Guide
I was reading this and I saw "pup reps" does that mean there are multiple pup reps? I only know of Avis. I get being intimidated by the staff members though, Tornir was a bit scary at first but she's really just a goofball who keeps us in line :>

"Inside every soul lies a creature, wild and untamed"
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2024-12-20 17:32
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Post: #37
RE: Regarding the age groups on the Therian Guide
I usually read all the replies before adding my own opinion, but there are far too many pages for me to read personally, so I apologize if my post is similar to others.

I believe no matter where you are on the internet, there are always going to be safety risks involved, especially on forums and spaces that are available to any/most age groups. I have seen the staff continuously make efforts to keep TG safe, and appropriate for all ages, as well as keep the site informational and helpful for all. I also want to add that i had my awakening when I was 15ish in age, and if not for being able to be a part of TG I wouldn't have had the experience I had awakening as a Therian. Adult members were there to guide me and new members were there to relate with me. Everyone was very helpful and informative.

I think as long as the staff continues to monitor the forum as they have been it will remain a safe place. The only thing that concerns me is an adult seeing that most of our userbase are minors, and posing as a therian in order to gain access to a forum of young and uninformed users..

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2025-02-08 22:25
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