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Regarding the age groups on the Therian Guide
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Post: #11
RE: Regarding the age groups on the Therian Guide

(2016-08-01 7:05)Lupa Wrote:  

Quote:I am always ashamed, saddened, what have you that it took me 18 to awaken, stop suppressing myself.

I know this is kinda off-topic, but I just keep thinking about this everytime I see your name somewhere. Don't feel ashamed. Cliché I know, but it's better late than never. I'm a late bloomer myself in several ways and always have been. Looking back on my life I now realise how many things I have misses because of my own incapabilities.
It hurts, but it has made me more determined to make the best out of the days still to come. At my own pace I try to live my life in a way I can enjoy it. Don't let shame or sadness rule your life, please. There's so much more to it than that. For you and for everyone else on here. Smile


When I first started to read that I thought maybe I had done something wrong. Perhaps making it "too much about me". I have a tendency to do that sometimes. So I am sorry for that.

I know this too is off topic, but I really do appreciate your support. We can't turn back time and change the past. But it's almost a case if we could, would we? I mean, if I had awakened say in 2005 would it have been better or worse? I don't know to be honest.

I could rack my brain on the issue. But it doesn't help me. I know I need to focus on the past to learn from it for my Therianthropy. But aside from that, leave what's there, there and how things have transpired have happened. Realizing I cannot change it. I can feel sad how it happened. But it did.

I really do appreciate your reply. Thank you ever so much. Smile


[Image: Mexican-Gray-Wolves-puppy.jpg]
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2016-08-01 7:21
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Post: #12
RE: Regarding the age groups on the Therian Guide
I find it interesting how much younger folks are in the modern therian scene. I figured myself out when I was around 8 years old, and was well into college before I started looking online. Admittedly, that was because I finally got access to online resources at college. I had a dial-up modem, but the only things around were BBSes and they were unbelievably provincial. It was difficult in those times because it was library research, and any materials that existed covered clinical lycanthropy, which didn't really fit. Since college was how most folks got internet, the majority of the therians I knew were in their 20s.

Personally, I think it is fantastic that resources exist now, and that folks don't have to go through that self-discovery alone.

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2017-01-26 13:29
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Post: #13
RE: Regarding the age groups on the Therian Guide

(2017-01-26 13:29)BearX Wrote:  I find it interesting how much younger folks are in the modern therian scene. I figured myself out when I was around 8 years old, and was well into college before I started looking online. Admittedly, that was because I finally got access to online resources at college. I had a dial-up modem, but the only things around were BBSes and they were unbelievably provincial. It was difficult in those times because it was library research, and any materials that existed covered clinical lycanthropy, which didn't really fit. Since college was how most folks got internet, the majority of the therians I knew were in their 20s.

Personally, I think it is fantastic that resources exist now, and that folks don't have to go through that self-discovery alone.

I remember when I finally found out that my local library had a free dialup connection that would allow people to surf the web through a text based Unix shell at a cool 2400baud, ahahaha. I was ecstatic when I found others like me but by that point, I'd gone through much of the journey alone, as well.

It's cool to meet others that remember those times. Ear Fold

2017-01-26 20:45
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Post: #14
RE: Regarding the age groups on the Therian Guide

(2017-01-26 20:45)LycanTheory Wrote:  It's cool to meet others that remember those times. Ear Fold

Or depressing to realize how old one is getting...Embarrassed

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2017-01-26 21:44
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Post: #15
RE: Regarding the age groups on the Therian Guide

(2017-01-26 21:44)elinox Wrote:  

(2017-01-26 20:45)LycanTheory Wrote:  It's cool to meet others that remember those times. Ear Fold

Or depressing to realize how old one is getting...Embarrassed

Oh jeez... I go back and forth between hating my age and liking the perks that come with life experience so it's a mix, haha.

2017-01-26 21:54
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Post: #16
RE: Regarding the age groups on the Therian Guide
* Snipe prances youthfully around the grandparents
2017-01-26 21:57
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Post: #17
RE: Regarding the age groups on the Therian Guide

(2017-01-26 21:57)Shmi Wrote:  * Shmi prances youthfully around the grandparents

Where've 'ya been, 'ya young wippersnapper? We're called 'greymuzzles'. Derp

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cat | 42 | writer & published author | scuba diver | chaotic good | Hufflepuff | INFJ | eclectic Wiccan witch
2017-01-26 22:01
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Post: #18
RE: Regarding the age groups on the Therian Guide

(2017-01-26 22:01)elinox Wrote:  

(2017-01-26 21:57)Shmi Wrote:  * Shmi prances youthfully around the grandparents

Where've 'ya been, 'ya young wippersnapper? We're called 'greymuzzles'. Derp

* Snipe brings offerings of Murray Mints for the goldie oldies

2017-01-26 22:03
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Post: #19
RE: Regarding the age groups on the Therian Guide
I wasn't even aware in the slightest in the days when I was using early T1 in school on a trunk line. Then at home I did have 56Kbps dial up, after a while. In 1998 I didn't know really what was going on. I just feared it. So I ignored it for a long time then suppressed when it got worse years later.

I was lucky by the time I started researching that Wikipedia was around. But naturally I too landed on clinical lycanthropy.

But good places like TG is a blessing.. This was my very first site I went to in may 2015 when I accwted who I was.


[Image: Mexican-Gray-Wolves-puppy.jpg]
Mexican Wolf Dad and Pup.

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2017-01-26 23:13
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Post: #20
RE: Regarding the age groups on the Therian Guide
Maybe this topic is a little old but I just want to say how gratefull I am that people here are looking realistic on different subjects.

Like this here, no member under the age of 13.
Yeah I know there are kiddos from 13 and under who can take serieus desicions and be kind of adult-like. Who aren't childish at all. I've met some of those people who are more adult-like than me, an almost 17 year old. But there are SOOO many peeps out there who are so childish, they fight, they don't really understand what therianthropy means.
Maybe I don't either, but I'm open to learn. I really want to know these things. I dare to look at myself and tell myself that I understood something TOTALLY wrong and I'm even able to change it.
But MANY kiddos are like
"NO, a therian does this and this and this" (barking, wearing collars, has to be wolfs, be in some kind of gang, bully 'normal' people etc etc etc)
I hate how a lot of kiddos makes therianthropy in something totally different and attention-like for the sake of being 'different', cool and 'interesting' while Therianthropy is something personal.. for most.

Like when I first heard of Therianthropy, I watched this documantary of 2009 (i think) about Teenwolves. And it excalated so quickly in something typical (and fake) for kids of 8 to 12 mostly. It turned into a game.

And I admit, therianthropy can be fun and playfull etc etc. Personally it make me look at the world in a more positife light and made me wanna learn more about it and enjoy the cloudy days and sunny days more then I already did.

But kiddo's.
It's not a game you can play to be interesting and different at the playground at school.

Therianthropy is a identity. It is part of you. Yu are (often) born like it. And you can pay less attention to it or more. But keep it in control.

Keep it with therianthropy
and not some child game of playing a pack and YOU have to be alpha becuz it's soooo cool.

AND guy's this is total no offense and I don't hate the kids who do it. But it annoys me. Smile

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2017-02-01 13:39
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