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[Therian-related] Common Questions & Answers
Ishvala's list of questions and answers
(for young or budding therians that are unsure or mislead)
Criticism is welcomed!
Question: Now that I identify as a therian, what do I do? How am I supposed to act around non-therians?
Answer: Your identity doesn't affect how you act around physical humans like yourself. Just do you, you'll be fine - I promise. Unless of course you start biting not to do that sort of thing. ^^;
Question: Does identifying as a therian change my other identities or beliefs?
Answer: While discovering a new part of yourself can impact other factors that make up your identity, overall it's up to you what does and does not make sense and feel right to you as an individual. No one can tell you what you believe is false - unless of course, it's something that is scientifically impossible.
Question: Should I join Therian Facebook groups, Instagram pages, Tumblr(s), etc.?
Answer: Any media can be either detrimental or strengthening. Even TG. It's your choice to join what you want, but for the sake of your own happiness and sanity, I suggest using a discerning eye when doing so. You'll be much happier with yourself and the online people you interact with.
Question: Now that I identify as a therian, I want to get to know other therians outside of forums. Is there a way to do this?
Answer: Social Media, for one. However, refer to question three for details. After social media there's always gathering for "HOWLS" - something a community of therians will do in order to get together and have (safe) fun. However, if you are not at an adult age (18/21 +) then I suggest making sure safety and parental support is a go before running off to meet irl-strangers.
Question: What about youtuber therians, or even famous ones?
Answer: There is a few therian youtubers, though most of them are unreliable. There's a lot of bad ones, such as Shiro - but youtubers like Catspajamma's still stay strong and give good information. If you're looking for a full list, message myself or ask around. There may even be a thread topic holding the information you seek!
As far as celebrities...while it's possible a number of famous people could feel nonhuman to a certain extent, it's highly doubtful they'd come out and say it publicly. You've seen the bad publicity us normal therians get through the media and internet. There's a reason we as norms stay on forums, can you imagine what a celebrity might go through in comparison? I don't see a therian celebrity coming out anytime soon. Don't lose hope though, there's always a chance, however slim.
Question: Do I need a tail or therian gear to be a therian? What sort of gear counts as "Therian" enough?
Answer: I personally hate the term "Therian Gear" as things like tails, jewelry, etc are no more than a fashion statement. That being the case, of course you don't need it to be a bonified therian. You only ever need to identify as an earthly animal for that. Don't worry about the expectations of others, especially if they tell you otherwise.
Question: Do I need to be spiritual to be therian?
Answer: No, therianthropy is an identity - not a religious or spiritual belief, though a person's identity as a therian may be tied to their beliefs. Just as your beliefs can tie into yours, such as psychological or cognitive theories. No Therian has the same way of identifying, which is what makes the identity itself such a broad and fun topic to talk about.
Question: What is a fluff?
Answer: A 'fluff' is a person who claims to be therian, but either has been mislead/has chosen to be ignorant, or is a troll. A true therian can be a former fluff, and a fluff could be a real therian and still troll due to their knowledge of the community. I suggest staying away from them, as they're very easy to recognize and outside of attempting to educate - aren't worth your time or anger.
Question: I'm having trouble controlling my shifts and behavior, what should I do?
Answer: Practice self-control, just as any other bad behavior. It is not an issue related to therianthropy, it is just an issue that is connected to it through you for whatever reason you may have. This does not make you less of a therian, but it does mean you require more practice with self-control. If you cannot control yourself at all, you may need to seek help.
Question: I'm one hundred percent sure that I am physically a werewolf. I can shift, but I cannot prove it because my shifts are only visible by me/my shifts are blocked/etc. why won't anyone believe me or consider me a therian?
Answer: What you described is not the identity, but a clinical condition called Lycanthropy, which is very different and an actual mental disorder. Seek help, and please research more of the disorder before jumping to conclusions about your identity.
However, you could be a clinical lycanthrope and an Otherkin psychologically in theory...this is trespassing on a more 'edgy' topic. Please pm a more experienced member for discussion, start a thread, or bring it up elsewhere.
Question: I want to run away from my family because they won't accept my identity. What do you recommend I do to survive?
Answer: If you're a minor by your state's laws, stay home. You have the necessities for survival there (food, water, a roof) and can survive until you are legally allowed to leave. If your family is being physically abusive, request help from the appropriate sources.
If your family is being verbally abusive, request help or find other ways to deal with it in a safe manner until you are able to safely leave without any records on your file.
Question: I met a therian online that I love, and I wish to run away with them. Any suggestions?
Answer: Don't do it unless you know you can do so safely and securely, and preferably independently. Depending on anyone in a strange unfamiliar territory is obviously unsafe and can lead to very poor decisions.
Question: I want to start a therian blog/youtube channel/write a book/etc. and I also want to include your group/forum/etc.
Answer: Ask permission, and make sure those you include are willing. Other than that, have fun!
Question: Where can I read a detailed history of the therian community?
Answer: This site here is a pretty good start. You can also ask older members - they may have well experienced the online portions of it in their time!
Question: Teen Wolves and Furries are gross posers, right?
Answer: Teen wolves are a friendly gang of people who are in no relation to Therians, and have never claimed to be. Furries are people who like anthropomorphic art, and while adults tend to sexualize it, a good ninety percent of it is still just normal art like this and nothing more. Things like the media usually give all communities a bad light, so instead of going along with them, find out the answers for yourself. You'll feel much more accomplished and you might even find a great new community to join.
Question: Why are all therians wolves?
Answer: All therians are not wolves, there are birds, sea life, insects and so on. Due to a beginner's first identity as non-human usually being young, a lot of animals are still unknown to them and a lot of wolf traits can relate to the basic human traits - thus a wolf identity is born before they come to terms and do more research.
This does not make them fake, but it does hinder their self-discovery, quite possibly for years when considering things like a bad community's peer pressure, self-inflicted peer pressure, denial, and simple cases of immaturity or laziness.
Question: Can I ask a question that wasn't listed here?
Answer: Yes, feel free. It stops repetitive threads and educates all at the same time. I love it when people ask questions.