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[Therian-related] Common Questions & Answers
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Post: #11
RE: [Therian-related] Common Questions & Answers

(2017-02-14 7:43)Neema Wrote:  

(2017-02-14 2:17)Alliana Wrote:  But yeah, that's the definition I was given on Werelist, which was Otherkin = culture/sentience, Therianthropy = beastly in nature.

Pardon the intrusion, but I just checked Werelist and found this post which states the terms and definitions of the therian community.

"Therianthrope: A person who is, feels, or believes he/she is in part or whole (non-physically) one or more non-human animals on an integral, personal level."

I'm not sure where you were looking on the site, but yeah. It's also worth mentioning that this ^^^ is the generally accepted definition by the community as a whole, across just about every therianthropy forum and group on sites. The only thing it leaves out is that therianthropy is limited to earthly animals (animals that exist or have at some point on this earth).

Not that I will stop you from calling yourself what you prefer, but I just thought I should let you know Smile The term theriomythic was used way back when, and some still use it, so I see no reason not to if that's what you like.

And if it interests you at all, here's a link to an older member of the community discussing the evolution of our definitions and how "therianthropy" came to mean what it does.

I wish I had the thread but it was sometime back on the site and yeah, I think I'll stick to theriomythic since that's what I am. I don't believe myself to be otherkin and I think they threw out the whole term of limiting it to just earthly animals, since Otherkin can also be Earthly animals (again, from my experience on Werelist).

Yeah, I know on how unsubstantiated claim that it is, I wish I could bring up the thread but I honestly forgot where it was or else I would. I am pretty old for a member in the therian community, having been from one forum (Awereness forums, Werelist) to this forum so I am not exactly new, but I definitely appreciate the link though, I'll check it out when I am done with this post.

Edit: I do have to say that was an interesting read and it seems like the guy supports my claim about Therianthropy for those who are on the feral side (like me):

Quote: Most people interpreting it just saying animal to mean Earth animals obviously but with a few people who identified as mythical beasts who felt feral enough to use it to also (more or less) be accepted as well at least by some portion of the community. However, I’m sure that many therians long before the late 2000s intended to only include animals known to be native to Earth when they thought of the concept and meaning of therianthropy, but the community as a general whole didn’t start cracking on the occasional inclusion (self-included or otherwise) of more mythical beasts until the late 2000s with that addition to the definition more and more.

So, it seems that mythical beings can ALSO be considered therians or at the very least theriomythic. But yeah, that's why I called myself a therian, mainly because I feel like I am on the feral side of things. Smile Very interesting read though! *bookmarks it* Thank you!

Did I get it wrong? I probably read it wrong but that's what it came off as, was feral mythics can be considered therian.

Ishvala Wrote:I wanted to point this out in my reply but I thought it would be considered harassment if I went further in explaining my original point. Good to know you've got my back. Tongue

Hmm? It wouldn't be harassment, I probably came off a little on the sore side and everything in which I apologize. But yeah, I'll just use theriomythic since that seems to fit me best. Smile

Avatar comes from my good friend Yvvki outside of TG. Smile Thank you so much for doing it!
(This post was last modified: 2017-02-14 23:20 by Alliana.)
2017-02-14 23:03
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Post: #12
RE: [Therian-related] Common Questions & Answers
I may just not be be looking in the right place, but is there somewhere that has definitions for the different types of shifts, as they are referenced on this site?
2017-07-02 15:26
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Post: #13
RE: [Therian-related] Common Questions & Answers

(2017-07-02 15:26)purplewolf Wrote:  I may just not be be looking in the right place, but is there somewhere that has definitions for the different types of shifts, as they are referenced on this site?

I think you may be looking for this? Look under "types of shifting".

2017-07-02 16:40
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Fly on the wall
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Post: #14
RE: [Therian-related] Common Questions & Answers
Thank you
2017-07-10 23:39
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Misha Pantanal
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Post: #15
RE: [Therian-related] Common Questions & Answers
@Ishvala I disagree with your answer to question one. I am speaking from experience here. Although I did have avian traits mildly before I discovered myself, once I identified as a hyacinth macaw my behaviour and mentality changed drastically. My mannerisms, behaviour, mental state, etc was affected a lot. From dysphoria to the feelings and sensations that come with this identity. Expressing this by acting more bird like was essential for reducing dysphoria and being less suicidal.

That weird hyacinth macaw lady! cawheart

My blood belongs to the sea, my heart to the sky, and my mind to the cosmos

"I would rather spend my life close to the birds than waste it wishing I had wings"
2017-07-12 7:38
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Post: #16
RE: [Therian-related] Common Questions & Answers

(2017-07-12 7:38)Der_Hyazinth_Ara Wrote:  @Ishvala I disagree with your answer to question one. I am speaking from experience here. Although I did have avian traits mildly before I discovered myself, once I identified as a hyacinth macaw my behaviour and mentality changed drastically. My mannerisms, behaviour, mental state, etc was affected a lot. From dysphoria to the feelings and sensations that come with this identity. Expressing this by acting more bird like was essential for reducing dysphoria and being less suicidal.

We each have different unique experiences. I cannot possibly speak for everyone, and you have every right to disagree. However my opinion will likely stay an opinion. I think that overall it's important to note that I didn't mean acting like an animal wouldn't feel helpful, I just meant that acting like an animal didn't directly equate to identifying as such.

But opinions vary.

2017-07-12 13:57
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Post: #17
RE: [Therian-related] Common Questions & Answers
I have a question. Is it possible for someone to be a PolyTherian and Otherkin?

Live in the present. Remember the past and fear not the future, for it doesn't exist and never shall. There is only now. - Saphira - The Inheritance Cycle
2019-01-07 2:25
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Post: #18
RE: [Therian-related] Common Questions & Answers

(2019-01-07 2:25)FanWarrior16 Wrote:  I have a question. Is it possible for someone to be a PolyTherian and Otherkin?

Why wouldn't it be? There's no technical "limit" for the amount of kintypes one can have, assuming they're genuinely putting thought into it all and they're not just cameo shifts. If someone has more than one theriotype and a kintype more aligned with the otherkin side of things, they easily fit into that category, and it's not so farfetched as to not see it frequently.

2019-01-07 2:36
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Curious Chimera
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Post: #19
RE: [Therian-related] Common Questions & Answers
Thank you for answering my question. I wasn't sure if that was possible.

Live in the present. Remember the past and fear not the future, for it doesn't exist and never shall. There is only now. - Saphira - The Inheritance Cycle
2019-01-07 2:39
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Post: #20
RE: [Therian-related] Common Questions & Answers
@FanWarrior16 Yeah I agree with Future (I'm not trying to attack you, so do not worry). Think of it this way, a therian identifies as a Kangaroo, a wilderbeast, and a dragon. Do you think that it could be referred as both a Polytherian and Otherkin?

Plus, Polytherian is just a term to say that you have more than one therianthrope... so... yeah...
Great question tho!
2019-01-07 16:18
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