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Teen Wolves
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Post: #71
RE: Teen Wolves
Well, I guess that's the same story I suffer when I reveal I'm a furry or a wiccan: people immediately associate me to hypersexuality or Charmed. And I just give 'em a glance and whisper "No man".
Wicca is not a superpower and furry fandom is not being unruly idiots. Wicca magic is hard and a matter of toil (I myself never use it, even in desperate occasion, and when I do I carefully plan the thing) and furry is focused onto personality.

Same for teen wolves: Produces grabbed the idea of the werewolf and charmed little pipsqueaks who wanted to be original and do "the bothers" they want. It's the same old story: take something serious and hard and make it likeable to pups, so they can ravage and deform it.
2019-11-12 19:49
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Campfire Guitar Guy
Theriotype: Canine, Northern Bobcat
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Post: #72
RE: Teen Wolves
I think teen wolves are OK. People are allowed to do what they want, but it REALLY gets to me when they are compared to therians

not online much so if its urgent, please message my discord cheesus#8573

therian-guide's official campfire guitar guy
2020-10-28 17:40
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Aloof werewolf
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Post: #73
RE: Teen Wolves
I would say that I have a problem with them but that's pretty hypocritical of me because of how I went thru a phase like that of wanting to be in a pack, acting like a wolf in one. Nowadays I don't, mainly because I have an inkling of how incredibly hard it is to be a wolf. I think it's all a fad though so hopefully, those kinds of things end like one.

Now I am not saying those who are genuine wolf therians (or wolfkin for those who like that term) aren't experiencing their wolfy self for real, just saying that the whole game of being a wolf for those kids is just that, a game.

Just my two cents on the matter.

Avatar comes from my good friend Yvvki outside of TG. Smile Thank you so much for doing it!
2020-11-25 22:05
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Dogolphin (PD)
Theriotype: swiss white shepherd, Pink River Dolphin
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Post: #74
RE: Teen Wolves
Personally I don’t really understand the opinion in this thread of “I got a problem with them because they’re pretenders” do you also have a problem with cosplayers? Furries? LARPers? Roleplayers? And other forms of “wolf-pretend”?

Do we really need to be so proud of our “genuine [animal] experience as therian” that we can’t stand anything that looks simular?

I don’t mind teen werewolves at all. They’re just like punk, rock, goth and emo tl me. But with an animal touch. They remind me of my roleplay friends or fanatic LARP friends.

(2020-10-28 17:40)runaway..maka Wrote:  I think teen wolves are OK. People are allowed to do what they want, but it REALLY gets to me when they are compared to therians

I find it important for them to know the difference between therian and teen werewolf, but if you knew that several “famous teen werewolves” have at some point claimed they are therian but don’t prefer to connect to the therian community (like wolfie blackheart appearently) then u could say the line isn’t as distinct and supreme as we “proud therians” think it is. It’s also not unknown that many teen werewolves are therians going through their teenage phase and who’ll even turn out to be really serious and therian community connected once grown up.

Likewise there are also teenwerewolves who state to not be therian at all the difference is largely known between teen werewolves in my experience.

I wish I knew of teen werewolves when I was young. I’d have been a full on teen werewolf. I wish I could now but adult responsibilities prevent me from it largely.
U could say I was a lowkey teenwerewolf tho with my emo look and animalistic details.

[Image: mee_lil.png]
2020-11-26 13:20
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Candle Sniffer
Theriotype: Wolf (Canis l. hattai)
Experience: Therian
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Reputation: 1

Post: #75
RE: Teen Wolves
For me personally, I feel the aesthetics of it isn't an issue. I like punk (and related) styles myself, and freedom of expression in clothing is something I've always enjoyed even when it got me weird looks.

The only issue I have with Teen Wolves is (like previously mentioned, I think) the cultish mentality of typically one Alpha Leader Crunchwrap Supreme that bullies or takes advantage of a smallish group of other kids that just want to belong to something. (Or tells them they can P-shift, etc)
2020-11-26 20:36
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Hawk of the Glen
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Post: #76
RE: Teen Wolves
agreed with Cloud

I look human
I look like a child
I will rise
for I am still wild

Shoutout to Bloeien for inspiring this

Cooper's Hawk, Common Gray Fox, Draconic Shapeshifter, Wolf, (Kawa Kitsune?)
Pronouns She/Her
2024-06-27 14:48
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