RE: Finding your therian name
I think finding ones therian or otherkin name is an experience that certainly varies from one person to the next. I can see how it is strange for those with wild animal types, but I also can see it as just someone looking for what they prefer to be called within the community. Perhaps it is words being put to a scent, a translation of how animals recognize each other to a simpler way as we are forced to live as humans. Then there are those with a more spirtual view of things who may believe names to be a more meaningful part of their animality. I don't see the harm in it either way.
For myself as a member of the dragon community, it is not uncommon for us to have a dragon name or be in search of one. The name I go by for instance, Azaphaer, is one that I meditated on until it felt right. My name originally came to me one night in deep thought: Zaphaera. This name though would not fit my experience forever to where it morphed into my current one. Do I as a dragon actually have a spoken name though? No, I do not. My actual "name" is not a word, a scent, or an image; it's an energy signature. Similar to an aura, it's a wave of life that is distinctly my own and recognized by other spirit beings to identify me by.
My other type being more alien nature has a name that was given to me in that life. This is very different from animals however, being a member of an alien race with a culture that revolved around calling names. That name, Starscream, is not my true name either though for that particular life. It's a human translation, an english one, that only reflects what my name means in my native language of neocybex. We don't speak with tongues or organic bodies. These are spoken with metallic rings, clicks, and hums. Nothing similar to an earth creature.
I can see why other beings would have names for so many other reasons than my own, which are both already so different from one another. Having multiple names isn't so unheard of when we consider our natures. The names are still all connected to one individual, no matter which part of ourselves we are using them to describe.
(This post was last modified: 2021-11-18 18:37 by Azaphaer.)