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Finding your therian name
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Prodigious Polykin
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Post: #11
RE: Finding your therian name
As a spiritual therian and person in general, I don't think my theriotypes that weren't given names by humans have literal names. Wolves on this Earth obviously cannot speak English, and they certainly don't have English names for each other. I believe in the existence of soul names. Now, I'm not sure if this is something that some others believe or if it's just me.

I believe my soul is made up of many parts. Each part of my soul is one of my kintypes. Soul names are the name that the part of that soul has. It's true name despite any other name it had. My core soul name is Luna Silvermoon. It is the most significant name because it is the name of my first life, but I suppose it could be different for everyone (if they believe in soul names to begin with).

Of course this is more of a different belief, and I certainly don't need anyone to believe it or validate me for it. It's real to me, so I ask you to be respectful of what I believe. Instead of saying "that's wrong" or "that doesn't exist" you're simply free to disagree with me without being disrespectful.

Some of my soul names I haven't found yet, including this life's. I don't see it as a special thing, to be honest. It's just something that's apart of who I am. ~ Luna, The Saccharine System

Luna Silvermoon(Milos)
Polykin + Plural System + Pagan Witch
Always here for a chat!
2020-01-30 19:43
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Post: #12
RE: Finding your therian name
I respect your plurality and core soul name, but how would one go about discovering their therian name? I would like to know, and I think a few others would as well, if you can/are able to explain.

[Image: 3VKPJMI.png]
2020-02-01 10:35
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Post: #13
RE: Finding your therian name

(2020-02-01 10:35)Shapeshifter Wrote:  I respect your plurality and core soul name, but how would one go about discovering their therian name? I would like to know, and I think a few others would as well, if you can/are able to explain.

There's no such thing as a therian name.

It was invented by people who were confabulating therianthropy with spiritual names.


If you think I'm wrong just say so. Let's talk about it.
Most problems are man-made.

[Image: therapy%20wolf.png]
2020-02-01 10:56
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Fly on the wall
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Post: #14
RE: Finding your therian name

(2020-02-01 10:56)DustWolf Wrote:  

(2020-02-01 10:35)Shapeshifter Wrote:  I respect your plurality and core soul name, but how would one go about discovering their therian name? I would like to know, and I think a few others would as well, if you can/are able to explain.

There's no such thing as a therian name.

It was invented by people who were confabulating therianthropy with spiritual names.


I see. Thanks for clearing that up, as I was a bit confused.

[Image: 3VKPJMI.png]
2020-02-01 11:03
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Luceat lux vestra
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Post: #15
RE: Finding your therian name
i think it's hard for the theriotypes themselves to have names if they weren't domesticated or from specific species that have a sort of naming system to differ and greet each other, like hyenas or dolphins
if you do decide to give a name to your theriotype that's different from yours, i really don't care, not opposed to that idea. if it helps you feel good, be organized if you have a lot therio/kintypes, or if it really just helps you, who am i to stop you? go ahead, name your theriotype whatever you want, as long as you still are aware to you're that animal, identify as it or that that's a huge part of you and your identity
i thought about giving my theriotype a name, in all honesty, but i think that this is something i should take slowly and really consider before doing so. naming yourself or any part of you is a very important and personal process. being trans, i know how much you have to sit on a name idea, think about it, test it, really consider it before saying "that's me". hell, i've gone by 9 or 10 ten different names and i've realized i'm trans two years ago. it's not an easy or quick process, and definitely not the first thing you should be doing in your journey

❛ Canis lupus lupus ❛

and that's how the story goes, the story of the beast with those four dirty paws
2020-05-01 13:25
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Bushy-Tailed Ginger
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Post: #16
RE: Finding your therian name
I feel like naming your theriotype or finding your therian name are pretty much the same thing. I once named my fox kintype Violet, then I got educated and lost that bit lol. I go by the name Edana in the community, which means something close to "eternal blossom" in Cherokee, the tribe my mother's mother is from

"Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms."
-George Eliot
2020-05-01 14:41
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Luceat lux vestra
Theriotype: eurasian wolf & demonkith
Experience: Therian
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
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Post: #17
RE: Finding your therian name

(2020-05-01 14:41)FoxSky Wrote:  I feel like naming your theriotype or finding your therian name are pretty much the same thing. I once named my fox kintype Violet, then I got educated and lost that bit lol. I go by the name Edana in the community, which means something close to "eternal blossom" in Cherokee, the tribe my mother's mother is from

okay but, legit? that's a really dope name..

❛ Canis lupus lupus ❛

and that's how the story goes, the story of the beast with those four dirty paws
2020-05-01 14:42
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Bushy-Tailed Ginger
Theriotype: Red Fox
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Post: #18
RE: Finding your therian name
@hey.aleksei Thank you! I did a lot of research years ago to find it and I've been happy with it since. I knew I wanted something Cherokee since I believe my theriotype lives in the southeast US like me and because of my heritage with that tribe, and that I wanted something flower-related due to my past try with the name Violet and because I'm often nicknamed Rosie by different people. It's kinda a tie of my identity, in a way. It acknowledges my past and human self while being dedicated wholly to my animal side and the future of my place in the community

"Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms."
-George Eliot
2020-05-01 14:47
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Luceat lux vestra
Theriotype: eurasian wolf & demonkith
Experience: Therian
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 11
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Post: #19
RE: Finding your therian name

(2020-05-01 14:47)FoxSky Wrote:  @hey.aleksei Thank you! I did a lot of research years ago to find it and I've been happy with it since. I knew I wanted something Cherokee since I believe my theriotype lives in the southeast US like me and because of my heritage with that tribe, and that I wanted something flower-related due to my past try with the name Violet and because I'm often nicknamed Rosie by different people. It's kinda a tie of my identity, in a way. It acknowledges my past and human self while being dedicated wholly to my animal side and the future of my place in the community

oooh, that's very nice! i might try something similar if i ever decide to have a different name in the community or for my theriotype Tongue
i always liked names with very strong meanings, but that also had a cool sound together. it's what mostly made me change names over and over again when choosing for myself, tho i do tend to stick to a certain kind of name always [ at first i wanted arabic due to my lebanese heritage, but scrapped that, then i just got stuck in a loop of russian names :,/ ]

❛ Canis lupus lupus ❛

and that's how the story goes, the story of the beast with those four dirty paws
2020-05-01 14:54
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Post: #20
Updating Spirit Name Information
I know under the Spiritual tab there's information on finding one's spiritual name...

I appreciate this and want it to stay, but can we please PLEASE update it to explain that this is different from "therian names" and that "therian names" are generally a myth and irrelevant to therianthropy?

Someone else please help with the wording on this
(This post was last modified: 2020-09-30 4:26 by Eureka.)
2020-09-30 4:24
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