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Finding your therian name
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Post: #21
RE: Updating Spirit Name Information
I just still remember coming across that information years ago and mistakenly thinking it was referring to a therian name, and I tried desperately to find my therian name only to discover there is no such thing
(This post was last modified: 2020-10-16 11:22 by DustWolf.)
2020-10-01 18:48
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Post: #22
RE: Updating Spirit Name Information
So is therian name just for those of their theriotype and their "spiritual name" is the name of the spirit? Wouldn't it be the same name as your physical body? I dunno, I am just confused here.

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2020-10-14 3:37
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Post: #23
RE: Updating Spirit Name Information

(2020-10-14 3:37)Alliana Wrote:  So is therian name just for those of their theriotype and their "spiritual name" is the name of the spirit? Wouldn't it be the same name as your physical body? I dunno, I am just confused here.

A "therian name" is your theriotype's name... which should be the same as yours in theory. A spirit name is exactly as it sounds- the name of your spirit. Some people, especially those who believe in reincarnation, may believe that their soul or spirit has a name from the moment it comes into existence that stays with you forever. It's typically a very spiritual or religious belief

2020-10-14 3:43
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Post: #24
RE: Updating Spirit Name Information

(2020-10-14 3:43)JessyeD Wrote:  

(2020-10-14 3:37)Alliana Wrote:  So is therian name just for those of their theriotype and their "spiritual name" is the name of the spirit? Wouldn't it be the same name as your physical body? I dunno, I am just confused here.

A "therian name" is your theriotype's name... which should be the same as yours in theory. A spirit name is exactly as it sounds- the name of your spirit. Some people, especially those who believe in reincarnation, may believe that their soul or spirit has a name from the moment it comes into existence that stays with you forever. It's typically a very spiritual or religious belief

Ohhh, I see, something carried over from reincarnations, makes sense. Smile Thank you, I am thinking it's like The Doctor from Doctor Who.

Avatar comes from my good friend Yvvki outside of TG. Smile Thank you so much for doing it!
2020-10-14 3:52
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Post: #25
RE: Finding your therian name
Hey guys,

I wrote this ages ago, but since I now know better, I thought I'd correct an issue with my original post:

(2017-12-01 20:45)DustWolf Wrote:  Your theriotype is what you are, it is not a separate entity and therefore has... your name, because it is you.

This idea that your theriotype cannot be a separate entity got carried over to Amino and propagated ad-nauseam, when it isn't actually true.

Some therians do experience their theriotype as a separate entity. It's a matter of how integrated you are with your animal side and it's a spectrum. I guess for someone like me who is completely integrated, the other option seemed rather unfathomable back in 2017.

@BearX might be able to say more here, since he experiences his bear side as a separate entity.


If you think I'm wrong just say so. Let's talk about it.
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2020-10-16 11:36
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Post: #26
RE: Finding your therian name
I'll post again on this topic as a reminder, since Dusty pinged me.

There is a significant number of therians who do experience their therioside in a way which can seem like a different entity. This is a kind of dissociation. It is not plurality or DiD. The early community had lots of individuals who felt this way, and the transition of conscious they experienced was a big influence in the early ideas of mental shifts. It's even in the term "therioside", it is literally a different side of the person. As more of the people in the community were or became more fully integrated, the idea that "your therioside is you" came to dominate and drove a lot of incompletely integrated therians away. When I was on Amino, I regularly got messages thanking me for talking about integration from therians who felt they had to lie about their experiences because they worried about judgement due to experiencing their therioside in a way distinct from their own consciousness.

Lenowill, on werelist, created a kind of summary of the sorts of perspectives that existed ten years ago. You can find it here.

I experience my bear side in a way that is distinct from my human side. Not completely so, but more like hot and cold water taps -- my daily experience is somewhere in between. Extreme emotional states, for instance, can push me further towards bear, and when that happens, my body language changes, my vocalizations change, etc. Casually, it's a shift, but my inner experience can be somewhat extreme.

I do hope that over time the original views on this take hold again. This perspective that one must always be completely integrated is very recent -- last ten years or so -- and hopefully will be replaced with a more nuanced perspective which allows for incompletely integrated therians to once again be part of the community.

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2020-10-16 12:32
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Post: #27
RE: Finding your therian name
A theriotype can't be named.
Your theriotype is part of your identity. You cannot dissociate from it.

A therian's way is your own way
2020-10-16 18:57
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Post: #28
RE: Finding your therian name

(2020-10-16 18:57)Orkiin Wrote:  A theriotype can't be named.
Your theriotype is part of your identity. You cannot dissociate from it.

Wow... I recommend you educate yourself before you just respew old arguments without citing any evidence. If that's still your opinion after hearing out other ideas fine. But to basically say "my experience is the only valid experience" is almost comical. Very ironic coming from a therian. Read @BearX's recent thread about it, you might be surprised.

Edit: I'd personally like to say I too find it odd to name one's therioside as it almost makes it sound like a character. But again, the universe does not begin and end within the realm of our own experiences.

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[Image: export202112302330409710.png]
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(This post was last modified: 2020-10-17 18:39 by Ræven.)
2020-10-17 18:38
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Post: #29
RE: Finding your therian name

(2020-01-30 18:52)Shiverhoof Wrote:  let them live being misinformed and enjoy the life they have.

this just seems like a mean thing to say because for a lot of people who had names in their past life use it as a way to keep all of their lives in order for organization, not because they're misinformed. -_-

"All these years sneaking around, and we could've just been ourselves?"
"You should always do that." Alex strolled alongside, back in human form, though he still had a few flamingo feathers stuck in his hair. "And you have to flaunt the weird, my friends."
― Rick Riordan, The Ship of the Dead
2021-09-28 15:47
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Post: #30
RE: Finding your therian name
You do what you want to do. If you wanna name your theriotype, go ahead, if you don't that's fine too. People shouldn't be frowned upon for it. I don't want to name my theriotypes but if that's the way that other people feel comfortable who are we to challenge them?
2021-09-28 16:21
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