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About Therian Gear
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Post: #51
RE: About Therian Gear
I hope it's okay if I add my own thoughts even though I'm a hybrid rather than a therian Sad

Skye got a fox tail from the Ren Fair one year before she knew about our plurality, and after I formed (for lack of a better word), I started wearing the tail when I fronted because it made me happy to see a tail. I don't need to wear it (as I feel my phantom ears and tail just fine most of the time), but I like to because it looks more like my inner image of myself ^_^
2023-11-16 0:00
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Theriotype: Ginger cat
Experience: Therian, (otherkin?)
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 1

Post: #52
RE: About Therian Gear
I don’t have any gear yet, but I’m gonna make masks with a friend of mine! She is a calico/wolf/bear polyTherian. She might join the TG, I hope she does!

Gear is such a helpful way to connect with your theriotype. For those of us with phantom shifts, they can be very comforting.

It’s me! Hi! I’m the problem, it’s me!
2024-05-16 14:30
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wandering irl
Theriotype: irish cob, red kite
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Post: #53
RE: About Therian Gear

(2017-06-10 18:36)BearX Wrote:  I have a necklace made from a black bear claw. In case you are concerned, the bear had been hit by a car, it was not killed to make the necklace. It is the closest I come to having accessories. Having an item of bearish origin on my person makes me feel closer, spiritually, to my kin.

Tbh I wish I had something similar to you. Having a feather of a red kite as a necklace or any other accessory would be a blessing for me. Idk about horse tho.. perhaps some leather from a horse saddle, bridle etc. as a bracelet as I am domesticated.

If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.
2024-05-22 8:53
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Post: #54
RE: About Therian Gear
I am going to close this thread because it was intended for discussing the concept of gear, while most of these replies are just people advertising how very therian they are because if things they've brought in a store... Which is obviously not how therianthropy works.

It's honestly disappointing and it doesn't have to continue being butchered by people who obviously cannot be bothered to read the other posts.


If you think I'm wrong just say so. Let's talk about it.
Most problems are man-made.

[Image: therapy%20wolf.png]
2024-05-22 12:19
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