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About Therian Gear
It’s Aliens
Theriotype: North American Timber Wolf
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Post: #31
RE: About Therian Gear
This is what I got for my birthday.

Love and kind hearted Wolf. Snow,Shelby,Dash.
2018-11-02 23:19
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Wild Instinct
Theriotype: Unknown
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Post: #32
RE: About Therian Gear
I recommend this site for anyone wolf Wink :
I bought some of my stuff from them. Whenever you buy something they give you a free wolf magnet with different pictures of their wolves in their sanctuary (which are different every month), and even a free mint attached to the receipt!

2018-11-02 23:24
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Book Monster
Theriotype: Unsure
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Reputation: 9
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Post: #33
RE: About Therian Gear
While you don't need gear to be a therian, gear you do have doesn't have to be of your kintype. I own a tail that I occasionally wear because I like the feelings it sets off. Having a wolf tail but being a feline type doesn't mean you are anyless of your actual kintype.

Human life is finite.
It would be impossible to learn everything in this world.
Is there anything more unjust or frustrating?
Let me assert... there isn't.
The Seven Deadly Sins
2018-11-02 23:33
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It’s Aliens
Theriotype: North American Timber Wolf
Experience: Therian
Connection: Spiritual
Reputation: 37
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Post: #34
RE: About Therian Gear

(2018-11-02 23:33)SageGolden Wrote:  While you don't need gear to be a therian, gear you do have doesn't have to be of your kintype. I own a tail that I occasionally wear because I like the feelings it sets off. Having a wolf tail but being a feline type doesn't mean you are anyless of your actual kintype.

I agree with that SageGolden. some of my stuff is dragon related and Godzilla related stuff too. As well as dog stuff. I got a black fox tail and a white fox moving mouth head because I couldn't get a wolf head and because I couldn't get a wolf tail either. But I plan on getting wolf related fursuit sometime.

Love and kind hearted Wolf. Snow,Shelby,Dash.
2018-11-02 23:45
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Blackwolf Silverpaw
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Theriotype: Wolf (Canis lupus crassodon)
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Post: #35
RE: About Therian Gear

(2018-11-02 22:54)SolivagantSoul Wrote:  

(2017-06-10 18:36)BearX Wrote:  Having an item of bearish origin on my person makes me feel closer, spiritually, to my kin.

This. ^

I have a few things myself: wolf shirts, leather bracelets, a necklace (one has a play-bowing wolf charm attached with a bottle of real wolf fur that was shed naturally--I got it from a sanctuary). And I got my eye on a real wolf tail and claw necklace that I want to get for my birthday.
Honestly, I think it's up to how personal the item feels to the individual. If I get anything real I always make sure it was due to natural causes.

I also have a necklace, shirts and tail. I helps me to feel closer to my true self but these items might be different for everyone of us.

I'd rather die on my paws protecting my pack than live on my feet
(This post was last modified: 2018-11-18 14:08 by Blackwolf Silverpaw.)
2018-11-18 14:07
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Kindess can change lives
Theriotype: Lioness
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Reputation: 2

Post: #36
RE: About Therian Gear
I would wear gear if it related to my kintype, but seeing as how Im a fish, Im not sure if theres anything for me

2018-11-19 8:35
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Son of the Moon
Theriotype: Canis lupus ligoni
Experience: Therian
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 92
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Post: #37
RE: About Therian Gear
I don't wear a tail myself.

I personnaly think it's weird, as taxidermy. Keping a corpse is something really strange to me.. I mean, doesn't we belong to the earth and not to, human, strange habit ? And for tails, I don't know... Cutting another animal (dead or not) tail and wear it ? Would you like if your body was like your theriotype, that someone come and cut a part of your body so he can keep it to himself ?
That's my point of view, but it's strange to me, giving money to people who're killing and are mistreated our own kind or other animals.
(still, I don't say you're a monster or anything if you do it, just letting you know my point of view)

I don't feel like we need any of that to be a therian. Not like "don't do it yourself". But like you don't need it so "you're finally an otherkin or a therian".
Yes it can help with species dysphoria, probably.

But other things can help. Find what helps you.
To me (some ideas)it's running, walking in nature, observing wildlife, animal flow (it's unny and cool), howling, listening to certain music, meditation, and, state of mind (being happy as much as possible, etc, because animals live in the present and are usually happier than we are).


[Image: st%2Csmall%2C215x235-pad%2C210x230%2Cf8f...te-1u2.jpg]
Take care Ear Fold
(This post was last modified: 2019-11-24 9:20 by Talarp.)
2019-11-24 9:18
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Therian Guide Staff
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Post: #38
RE: About Therian Gear
Hey guys,

Here is the clip on Therian Gear in our podcast:

Podbean format.


If you think I'm wrong just say so. Let's talk about it.
Most problems are man-made.

[Image: therapy%20wolf.png]
2020-10-18 9:42
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Theriotype: Timberwolf
Experience: Therian
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Post: #39
RE: About Therian Gear

(2018-11-02 23:24)SolivagantSoul Wrote:  I recommend this site for anyone wolf Wink :
I bought some of my stuff from them. Whenever you buy something they give you a free wolf magnet with different pictures of their wolves in their sanctuary (which are different every month), and even a free mint attached to the receipt!

That looks interesting, I'll check that out Smile

(2020-10-18 9:42)DustWolf Wrote:  Hey guys,

Here is the clip on Therian Gear in our podcast:

Podbean format.


I'll check out the podcast too. For quite a while I had very little interest or energy to check out Therian things, but I'm feeling things are comming back to me little by little now.

.Born On A Winter Day.
(This post was last modified: 2020-10-18 21:26 by Ulv08.)
2020-10-18 21:22
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Self-proclaimed goofy goober
Theriotype: Fox, Seal, Dog, Werewolf
Experience: Therian, Otherkin
Connection: Psychological
Reputation: 12
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Post: #40
RE: About Therian Gear
I'm going to be honest,
one of the biggest reasons I'm going to Anthro Weekend Utah next year is to get a real fox tail.
I tried on my brothers tail last year that he got from some weird-ass gas station in Kentucky, and it was incredible. It was so soft, and it was just the right weight, and it had life to it, unlike anything I could ever get out of faux fur or yarn tails. I needed it. (This is hyperbole by the way, I don't actually need it)
I'm incredibly excited to get one of my own.


Pro-everything, live and let live

If you need a non-judgmental listener, I'm here.
2022-10-24 17:01
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