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What Makes You Believe /You/ Are Therian?
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Theriotype: Grizzly Bear/Cryptid
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Post: #31
RE: What Makes You Believe /You/ Are Therian?
Many things! So many things that I literally have a list, but I’ll spare you of it. For the most part, it’s just a lot of ways that I don’t fit in with human beings.

I don’t feel connected to humans, I don’t think like they do, when I watch humans I feel like I’m watching a different species, I don’t get along with them, I don’t feel attracted to them (asexuallll), and I just don’t understand a lot of their culture at all. From war to socializing to however the heck humans enjoy making eye contact with each other and don’t see it as aggressive...I’m lost. Very lost.

So! If I’m not human, I must be something else. I thought I was koalakin for a little while, then grizzly bearkin, but then discovered cryptids...and everything suddenly made sense. I do enjoy being alone, being shrouded in nature or imagining living in liminal spaces or empty buildings. Whenever I feel overwhelmed by human life, dissociation and isolation is always the first thing I turn to. Just laying down with all the lights off in complete darkness, or looking through images of liminal spaces and losing myself in them, or going outside in the dead of night when no other humans are awake. It’s incredible. It feels like home. I truly am a cryptid at heart and at mind.

...oh, also some other stuff like my mood changing with the weather and prolonged staring were always issues I had. Cool stuff! Deer Jump

Getting knocked down and staying down is such a human thing to do. Creatures wouldn’t do that. A creature doesn’t stay down unless they’re injured or dead, and I’m not either of those yet.

Honey | She/they/it | Cryptidkin
2024-08-21 16:00
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Pumpkinmisty 444
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Post: #32
RE: What Makes You Believe /You/ Are Therian?
well I can't really explain why, it just happens over a course of time for me in some case. I was never like into playing as a animal as a kid but overtime in secret I would be one mentally, Im sociable or not shy at all but in middle school and elementary school I was very quite. Now right now I don't have any proof it just fits.
2024-10-20 5:17
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Theriotype: Vancouver Coastal Sea wolf + cat heart
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Post: #33
RE: What Makes You Believe /You/ Are Therian?
I don't know. I was just born a human with a piece of animal in my body. I'd say that over time, the animal part was sculpted into a wolf form. But ever since I was a little girl, I've had a little dog in me. I had a tendency to growl when I was a kid, and I acted much more like an animal in general. Ever since I could walk, my mother says my favorite place to be was in the woods. I've been called a woodswoman by my friends. As I've gotten older, it's only become more apparent. I'm more intergrated with my wolf. Other people can tell, I have a different energy. Sometimes I just go to school and feel like I don't belong. It's like I'm completely different and I just fit in. I'm most excited about being alone in the woods, exploring all kinds of things or just sitting and enjoying the atmosphere. Also, needless to say, I have animal behavior and instincts and occasionally I have a shift.

[Image: Blood-Bloom-edited.jpg]
Mashers union, let's make lots of mashed potatoes!! But watch out for @+Leafy~Raccoon+

Family: siblings- @Local_Enby_Doll, @+Leafy~Raccoon+, @butcher
parents- @Senna
(This post was last modified: 2024-10-20 7:37 by Bloeien.)
2024-10-20 7:36
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Biscuit Maker
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Post: #34
RE: What Makes You Believe /You/ Are Therian?
I believe I'm a therian for several reasons.

As long as I can remember, cats have been my "favorite animal". My family used to say I was obsessed with them. I remember this one memory of when I was very young, and we had these colored balloons with stickers. My favorite color at the time was pink, but that sticker was a pig. I always went with the light blue cat one. Every time.

When I was a bit older, or maybe even way back then, I used to say to my parents "I am a cat." This is long before I discovered therianthropy. I used to crawl around on the floor, meow (oh how I meowed) and generally act like a cat.

When I finally learned of therianthropy and TG, I knew immediately: this is me. This is who I am, this explains why I'm so strange, why I don't fit in.

Just a friendly critter
Come PM me if you want to chat!
[Image: GLa-DOSposter.png]
2024-10-22 15:21
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Theriotype: Grizzly Bear/Cryptid
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Post: #35
RE: What Makes You Believe /You/ Are Therian?
(Rewriting this because my perspective has slightly changed)

Honestly, I don’t think there’s been a single moment in my life where I’ve felt connected to the human race.

As a cub, I never felt this connection at all. I barely felt connected to my family, watching cartoons with humans in them felt odd, and no matter what, I just couldn’t make friends with humans. I remember at family parties, I would even prefer to be in the room with the dogs in them instead of playing with my cousins. Being alone or being with animals was always my preference, I was always happiest at those times...not to mention how much I loved the outdoors and loved looking at nature even when I was a silly cub.

And then...ever since my day of awakening, the fateful day that a vision of my true self appeared in my all suddenly made sense.

Why I never got along with humans, why I was always so content with being alone, why I felt so deeply affected by nature compared to others, why I started feeling too stupid to understand subjects in school, why I never felt attraction to many human beings, why I never understood a lot of their culture, why my brain feels so different from everyone else’s, why I felt more at home in the midst of nature than in my own home surrounded by family.

Because I was never human in the first place.

And ever since coming to this conclusion...everything just suddenly feels right. So, now I’m playing catch-up. Letting myself live as my true self for as long as I live to make up for 20 years of living “human” Deer Jump

Getting knocked down and staying down is such a human thing to do. Creatures wouldn’t do that. A creature doesn’t stay down unless they’re injured or dead, and I’m not either of those yet.

Honey | She/they/it | Cryptidkin
2024-10-22 18:21
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Observant Demon
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Lost in Life
Theriotype: Demonae
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Post: #36
RE: What Makes You Believe /You/ Are Therian?

(2024-10-22 18:21)Honeymala Wrote:  (Rewriting this because my perspective has slightly changed)
Honestly, I don’t think there’s been a single moment in my life where I’ve felt connected to the human race.

This is pretty much how I felt and feel now. While I was very much attached to my parents I never felt a connection to others in the mere sense that they were human. I live in a human society but I never felt really like I was truly one of them. This may explain why I never really had any friends nor any desire to go out and make friends; I just couldn't tune in with the general mode of thinking.

However in answer to the question which I posted in previously, I don't want to 'believe' that I am therian..for the time being I can only observe how I feel and perceive and for the time being my observations lead me to think that I am therian; this could, of course, change at some point though now that I am older and more mature mentally and psychologically I doubt that this will change.

2024-10-22 20:46
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Theriotype: coyote, cat
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Post: #37
RE: What Makes You Believe /You/ Are Therian?
I just realized I've never responded to this thread! Oops! Well, here we go.


My therianthropy is deeply both psychologically and spiritually rooted. I'll start with spiritual, since that came first.
I believe in a past life, I was a cat. There's no reason to put the few unconfirmed details about that life that I know. What's most important was that my soul or consciousness originally was within the body of a cat. I died somehow in a way I don't remember, was reincarnated, then died, and was reincarnated once more as a human.
That was the spiritual bit, but here's the psychological part. Through slight neglect from my parents, a childhood cat who raised me, and lots and lots of exposure to wildlife as a very small child, I believe I retained my cat identity, instincts and behaviors. I'm guessing these would have faded throughout time if I had had a normal human childhood, however because of the specific events that happened I kept that part of my myself from back then. I'd also like to add that animalistic behaviors, games and expressions of creativity were very much encouraged in my house. My mother is both an artist and a teacher; she wanted us to be creative and express who we were, even if it meant drawing or painting animals everywhere and pretending to be them. I don't think my cat theriotype could exist without the existence of both my past life and childhood experiences.


We'll start with the spiritual bit on this one too. I was a coyote in my past life (I think) after I was a cat. Again, no miniscule memories and details about this one either. But I was reincarnated as a human after this life.
I don't think I would have retained this part of my identity either if I didn't grow up with the sister I had. My older sister had one of those "wolf phases" from the time she could talk/walk in any meaningful way to when she was 12 or so years old. Because she wanted to play wolves every day, I was able to continue to express my canine behaviors through the games we would play. I have some drawings from when we were younger, and I notice that my wolf was always light brown and gray, following the color scheme of coyotes.
Again, I doubt I would be a coyote therian if it weren't for both my spiritual and psychological development that involved them.


I'd like to include that I have a theriotype that I have absolutely no idea where it comes from. Just as an example that, while there are perfectly reasonable explanations for some theriotypes, there are others that just don't make any sense.
The theriotype in question I believe is an otter or another type of semiaquatic mustelidae. Behaviors I experience from it include aquatic, burrowing, fishing, clamming, and other basic otter behaviors. I can't even begin to understand this potential theriotype. It's also a way, way, way less dominant one, I rarely notice it usually unless I'm around/in water or in a place where I can burrow.

Maybe later I'll add more to this with a kintype I'm questioning and my kithtype.... We'll see what I have the motivation for though haha. Cool thread idea, this was fun to write!

Wander (she/her)

Run fast, be safe, live free.

Most birds don't realize their wings can fly until they fall, only to find themselves soaring.

"Na razrusha'ya. E'ya razrushost."
2024-10-22 23:35
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Post: #38
RE: What Makes You Believe /You/ Are Therian?

(2024-10-22 20:46)Observant Demon Wrote:  

(2024-10-22 18:21)Honeymala Wrote:  (Rewriting this because my perspective has slightly changed)
Honestly, I don’t think there’s been a single moment in my life where I’ve felt connected to the human race.

This is pretty much how I felt and feel now. While I was very much attached to my parents I never felt a connection to others in the mere sense that they were human. I live in a human society but I never felt really like I was truly one of them. This may explain why I never really had any friends nor any desire to go out and make friends; I just couldn't tune in with the general mode of thinking.

Exactlyyyyy! All my life, I’ve always felt like an outsider looking in, like someone spectating the human race instead of being a part of them. I also was always happy just being friends with my toys instead of people. You explained this feeling so well! ^_^

Getting knocked down and staying down is such a human thing to do. Creatures wouldn’t do that. A creature doesn’t stay down unless they’re injured or dead, and I’m not either of those yet.

Honey | She/they/it | Cryptidkin
2024-10-23 3:00
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The Very Best, Like No One Ever Was
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Post: #39
RE: What Makes You Believe /You/ Are Therian?
My behaviors and mentality.
There's something in my brain that clicks when I'm referred to/treated like a dog
I have a strong connection with nature, and LOVE scavenging like a coyote
I get overly territorial over people/things I love
There is nothing more comforting to me than being pet during cuddles

being human just doesn't feel right

[Image: EmailSignatureforRealEstateAgentPictureC...e_700x.png]
2024-10-30 16:17
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wandering irl
Theriotype: irish cob, red kite
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Post: #40
RE: What Makes You Believe /You/ Are Therian?
I always believed in past lives and I think my horse theriotype is heavily connected to it including urges that I experience and am sure are unusual for humans. For my bird theriotype I feel like I have been robbed of my body. There are times when I dont feel free at all. It happens while playing a game where flying is really well done and I can almost feel the wind pressing on my wings and tail focusing on my balance.

I have been introduced to horses a few times, got to ride them too and it was honestly one of the best memories I have to this day. I believe I was a domesticated horse once, The connection between two beings bring comfort to me even in this life. Its really hard to explain :,)

If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.
2024-10-31 21:55
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