I feel like that my theriothropy comes from being introduced to nature at a very young age, which makes nature have a special part in my heart. As a kid, I went to a unique school that focused a lot on nature and teaching kids about it, and I was encouraged to roll around in mud and generally be a weirdo.
Thing is, when I transferred to public school, I had realized that the connection I had to nature had been something I took for granted, and didn't fully appreciate it. I felt lonely without trees always surrounding me. I hated being with large groups of kids who talked weirdly and smelled like chemicals, and being forced into tiny, brick walled classrooms.
I feel like theriothropy is something that helps soothe the loneliness I felt and feel, and it gives me peace of mind to know that I will always be part of nature, despite trying to use toilets that were covered in vandalism and dealing with people constantly telling me my handwriting is chicken scratch