As a very recent addition into the therian online community I was somewhat overwhelmed by all the lingo. I came across information which made me go "ah-hah!" but also plenty of things I have absolutely no experience with.
I do believe that therianthropy is a very personalized experience with
some common ground but I'm afraid most newcomers might feel the need to repeat things other say just to fit the mold (as WolfVanZandt pointed out). This happens in any community and especially online ones.
As for actual terms I don't care whether we'd call it something cool like shifting or purple-flop-gushing; I know what I do or do not experience and I use the common agreed up on name to make communication easier. That's it for me; pure communication and not trying to define what is IMHO still undefinable.
(2018-09-05 15:45)BearX Wrote: Therians have a "vibe" that I have felt again and again in person.
I knew a therian once, long before I identified myself as such, and for some reason we clicked instantly. We weren't really best friends but there was this unspoken thing between us, like a beacon. It was very strange.