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Therian/Otherkin Terms
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Post: #1
Information Therian/Otherkin Terms
I thought I’d share my post of otherkin/alterhuman terms on here! I made this a while ago and kept it in a folder for myself to be a bit of a refresher when I was new. If I got anything wrong, please give me a correction! I hope this helps some newer or even older people to the community! (If this isn't able to be put here just move it lol)

Alterhuman: A member of the non-human community, including furries, otherkin, vampires, systems and more. Anyone who identifies as, with, or is connected to a non-human, or identifies as/with someone or something from or connected to a place other than this earth. Not synomynous with Otherkin, but an even broader umbrella term.

Therian/Therianthrope/Therianthropy: An individual that identifies as being, in part or whole (non-physically), one or more non-human animals on an integral and personal level. Therians cannot choose their thereotypes.

Otherkin: A person that identifies as being, in part or whole (non-physically), one or more non-human creatures or beings on an integral and personal level. Otherkin cannot choose their kintypes. Otherkin is also an umbrella term for otherkin, therians and fictiokin.

Phytanthrope/Plantkin: A person who identifies as a plant other than an animal or creature. Plantkin cannot choose their kintypes.

Fictionkin: A person that identifies as being, in part or whole (non-physically), one or more species and/or characters shown in media on an integral and personal level. Some fictionkin are character-specific, such as Sonic the Hedgehog, while others identify as a fictional species, like a non-specific Chao or a Pokémon. Fictionkin cannot choose their kintypes.

Otherhearted/Kith: A deep spiritual connection to a creature. This is different from otherkinity, being that you identify WITH a creature as opposed so AS that creature. Proper usage is x-hearted (e.g. Dragon-hearted, Wolf-hearted.) You cannot choose what you are hearted with.

Were: An old term that used to be used to refer to therianthropes, derived from were-wolves. This term is rarely used.

Coping Linkers: People who use non-human entities as a way to cope with depression, anxiety, and general day-to-day troubles. They are not considered the same as otherkin or therians despite vague similarities, as they have chosen their identities. The name was changed from copingkin to copinglinkers to cement that they are not associated with the otherkin community.

Polytherian/Polytherianthrope: Someone who identifies as more than one animal.

Polykin: Someone who identifies as more than one non-human species.

Cladotherian/Cladotherianthrope: A therian that identifies as a larger group than just as a specific species. E.g. identifying as a bird therian rather than an eagle therian.

Contherian/Contherianthrope/Suntherian: A therian whose animal and human sides are intertwined and doesn't experience shifts as they are constantly in a stable state of both.

A person who believes that they are, in part or whole (non-physically) one or more mythical type creatures, such as dragons, griffons etc. It usually describes a more animalistic side of the being, aka having a dragon be more like a wild animal than a magical all-knowing one.

Awakening: The process of realizing and accepting that you are a therian or otherkin, and then discovering your therio/kintype. Not everyone experiences an awakening.

Theriotype: What a therian identifies as being on a spiritual and personal level. A therian may identify as one or more animals as their theriotype. E.g. a therian may have a wolf theriotype, meaning they identify as a wolf.

Kintype: What an otherkin identifies as E.g. Dragonkin means identifying as a dragon, wolfkin as a wolf.

Kin: Shortened form of Otherkin, not a verb. You can’t ‘kin’ something, and ‘kinning’ isn’t a thing. “My kin/theriotype is (x)”, or “I am (x) kin” are correct ways of phrasing it. “I otherkin across the street” makes no sense.

Kind: The former way of identifying ones kintypes, ex. Dragonkind, dogkind, etc.

System: A body in which two or more minds, alters, fragments or other conscious beings reside. Also called Plural or plurality.

Headmate: A being residing within someone’s mind, capable of their own thought, feelings and desires. This can appear through trauma, tulpamancy and spiritual origins.

[b]Fictive: [/b]A system-mate/headmate/alter that is a fictional character or species (E.g. Sonic the Hedgehog or a Night Fury.)

Tulpa/Tulpamancy: A headmate made by will and preservation, not by trauma or spiritual reasonings. A being bought into consciousness by the mind itself.

Soulbond: A contact that has been established through the mind to another being, enabling the two or more to communicate. Usually across universes/dimensions.

Fluff/Fluffbunny: A term usually used to describe people who are trying to make their experiences seem bigger than they actually are to make themselves seem more important. This is also used commonly to describe Tumblrkin. Usually used as a derogatory term.

Kinnie: Used derogatorily toward younger members of the Alterhuman community. Used on Tumblr as a synonym to Otherkin.

Kinfirm: To confirm a kintype as what you identify as. Usually used by trolls or anti-kin online, as well as people from Tumblr, though it is becoming more commonly accepted.

Tumblrkin: A person usually from Tumblr who has done no research on otherkinity, and claims to be kin just for the ‘aesthetic’, to jump on the bandwagon, or otherwise. They usually have kintype lists of 100+ and the term is used derogatorily.

Species Dysphoria: The experience of dysphoria (discomfort, depression, anxiety or similar based around one’s self) associated with the feeling that one's body is of the wrong species. Not all therians and otherkin experience this.

Antikin: People who often spend their time ridiculing the therian community, showing no sign of wishing to learn. Just plain old internet trolls.

Phantom Limbs: The sensation of feeling parts that belong to your kintype that are not there. Quite alike the sensation amputees feel, but without parts actually being amputated. Wings, paws, and tails are common. Can be permanent or temoprary (Phantom Shifts).

Shifting: Feeling, sensing and/or having experience that one attributes to their non-human identity for a period of time. Not all nonhumans experience shifts.

- Astral Shifting refers to when someone has an out of body experience and travels to another realm or spiritual plane as their kintype. (May/may not be the same as Spiritual shifting. More info needed.)

- Aura Shifting is when the auric or energy field around someone's body changes to that of their kintype.

- Berserker/Feral Shifting causes the individual to act more like their kintype. In many cases, the individuals report a total loss or near total loss of human-self-awareness. If the experience is frequent, it is recommended that you report to a local psychiatrist.

- Cameo Shifting is when a person experiences a shift of a being different than their identified species.

- Dream Shifting is when someone dreams of being their kintype.

- Mental Shifting is when someone has an altered state of consciousness in which they begin to think like they are their species. This can range from only behavioural changes to losing the ability to comprehend language during the shift.

- Phantom Shifting refers to Supernumerary Phantom Limbs, where the person experiences limbs, (Tails, extra arms, wings, etc.) characteristics (Fur, feathers, horns, etc.) or sometimes a complete body of their kintype overlaying their physical, human one.

- Sensory/Perception Shifting is when the brain tries to perceive regular senses in a way that fits their kintype, causing the senses to feel stronger or duller. Species who have senses humans don’t have may experience a sort of phantom or ghost copy of what they may feel from those senses.

- Spiritual Shifting is when one's astral body or spiritual self changes into that of the individual's kintype. (May/may not be the same as Astral shifting. More info needed.)

- Voluntary Shifting is when a person consciously makes themselves shift, through music, meditation, sensations or else.

- Involuntary Shifting is when a person spontaneously shifts, sometimes due to stimuli such as emotions (fear and anger are common) or other sensations.

Once again, hope that helped some people, and PLEASE correct any mistakes I made! Have a good day y'all.
(This post was last modified: 2018-12-27 22:12 by ArchieAce.)
2018-12-02 13:43
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Post: #2
RE: Therian/Otherkin Terms
And please remember that Therianthropy is not about picking labels. Therianthropy is about being yourself. Smile

You are invited to join us and explain your experiences, that is the best way, above all the words listed, for us to understand your Therianthropy.


If you think I'm wrong just say so. Let's talk about it.
Most problems are man-made.

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2018-12-02 15:05
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Post: #3
RE: Therian/Otherkin Terms
Exactly. This list is just to better help understand what someone might mean when they say Suntherian or Phyanthrope!
2018-12-02 15:11
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Post: #4
RE: Therian/Otherkin Terms

(2018-12-02 15:11)Shattered Chaos Wrote:  Exactly. This list is just to better help understand what someone might mean when they say Suntherian or Phyanthrope!

Speaking of which, the defenition of suntherianthropy is wrong. Tongue


If you think I'm wrong just say so. Let's talk about it.
Most problems are man-made.

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2018-12-02 15:14
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Post: #5
RE: Therian/Otherkin Terms

(2018-12-02 15:14)DustWolf Wrote:  

(2018-12-02 15:11)Shattered Chaos Wrote:  Exactly. This list is just to better help understand what someone might mean when they say Suntherian or Phyanthrope!

Speaking of which, the defenition of suntherianthropy is wrong. Tongue


Thank you for correcting! I think I'll update in the morning, as at this time my mind isn't working. I should be sleeping at 2am, but here I am, sitting on TG

2018-12-02 15:16
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Post: #6
RE: Therian/Otherkin Terms
No worries hehe. ^_^


If you think I'm wrong just say so. Let's talk about it.
Most problems are man-made.

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2018-12-02 15:20
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Post: #7
RE: Therian/Otherkin Terms
I really like these! They go easy on the stuff that's still controversial, but are very understandable.

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2018-12-02 18:39
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Post: #8
RE: Therian/Otherkin Terms

(2018-12-02 13:43)Shattered Chaos Wrote:  Soulbond: A contact that has been established through the mind to another being, enabling the two or more to communicate. Usually across universes/dimensions.

I'm curious about this. Has anyone here experienced it?

Canis rufusThey/Them [Image: 200320091726211886.jpg]
2018-12-02 22:48
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Post: #9
RE: Therian/Otherkin Terms

(2018-12-02 22:48)Ora Wrote:  

(2018-12-02 13:43)Shattered Chaos Wrote:  Soulbond: A contact that has been established through the mind to another being, enabling the two or more to communicate. Usually across universes/dimensions.

I'm curious about this. Has anyone here experienced it?

The closest I've been to this experience is vividly seeing alternative situations occurring, ranging from a fortunate situation to my own death. I dunno if this counts but the images are so vivid I can't always tell if they're real or not.

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"There's no mistakes, just happy little borks" --Splitstripe

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2018-12-03 0:20
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Fluffy ball
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Post: #10
RE: Therian/Otherkin Terms

(2018-12-03 0:20)Moon-Moon Wrote:  The closest I've been to this experience is vividly seeing alternative situations occurring, ranging from a fortunate situation to my own death. I dunno if this counts but the images are so vivid I can't always tell if they're real or not.

Ohh, okay. Thanks for sharing your experience Heart

Canis rufusThey/Them [Image: 200320091726211886.jpg]
2018-12-03 10:50
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