I honestly believe anyone who feels less validated or threatened by questioning (note I will be distinguishing between "questioning" and "grilling" here) needs to take a moment and ask themselves why they are upset. Are they simply upset because it is uncomfortable or do they feel like they must prove something. If the answer is you feel you need to prove something then you should probably (to be blunt) step away. If you are living your truth and what you actually believe there is nothing that needs proving to you or anyone, the only proof needed is that you are being honest with yourself
and that includes admitting when you were wrong or do not know. If you feel uncomfortable you need to ask yourself why it feels uncomfortable. Are you uncomfortable because you feel challenged? Then see about proving. Are you uncomfortable because you are unsure of your conclusion? Good! We are talking about questions on identity here and that is going to be, to some degree, necessarily uncomfortable territory. You will be digging into your own thoughts, actions, psyche, etc. very deeply and it is highly unlikely you will like everything you find,
but that is also part of the point! Part of this journey is learning to accept yourself for who you are, perfections and imperfections being of equal value, and only then will you be able to be truly honest about yourself. So answer any questions that may be asked truthfully and honestly even if the answer makes you uncomfortable or you just simply do not know. But, and this is a big one, understand
people are not required to believe you or take your answers at face value. It is entirely possible to not believe what a person says but still respect what they believe. And this is the crux of questioning, being mindful and respectful of the person on the other end, and grilling, digging with no regard for the other. We are here as a community to learn and grow and to do so there will need to be some necessary adversity for all of us. I, like many others, miss the spirit of questioning but do not miss the grilling so in spirit of this I am willing to put my money where my mouth is. I have created
a thread here where I invite everyone, especially the younger members, to see exactly what I have been saying.