Hey all,
I've reset the stock of the TG support token in our points store:
As you know, donations to TG go towards a budget used to pay for things like donations to nonprofits working on helping animals, and getting you guys merch and stuff like that. What the budget is spent on is determined by you: The items you get in our
points store direct what the funds are used for.
We normally
don't use the budget to pay for our expenses like hosting, etc, because we want you to be in complete control of the
funds. It is the
TG support tokens that will direct budget funds towards those expenses.
The tokens just cost points and all you have to do
to get points is post on our forum.
I realise in these times, there isn't really a whole lot of money floating around, but it is likewise the same for me. If you could get some of those tokens it would be much appreciated.
If all 20 are brought within this year, I will put in the work on getting TG into a newer and faster server (HTTP/2).
If you have any questions, feel free to ask by replying in this thread, or asking elsewhere at your convenience.