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Why are we therians?
Copy cat
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Post: #1
Why are we therians?
Why are we therians?

See, I know that there are a lot of people who blame their therianthropy on a past life, or for spiritual reasons, but I don't feel I fit in with either. I also don't feel that I was "born into the wrong body" so to speak.

personally, I think that the word "therian" is used simply to describe the more animal parts of us. I often wonder if we actually decide that we are therians. of course, I don't mean waking up one day and saying "hey, I think I'll identify as a wolf", but more of a subconscious decision, finding comfort in a label for some of our little quirks.

Another thing I wonder about, is do we make up our shifts? like every little slightly animalistic thing we feel, we just blame on being a therian? of course, these are just my ponderings.

I'd say that I honestly have no idea why we are what we are. I do however think that we subconsciously exaggerate what we believe. I'd love to hear your guy's theories and questions about the matter too.

2022-08-11 16:33
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Pushy zver
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Theriotype: Irbis
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Post: #2
RE: Why are we therians?
I do not know...
there are many theories, but none of them can be verified and confirmed
2022-08-11 16:43
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Post: #3
RE: Why are we therians?
Yes, I agree. I speculate it starts with something going wrong in the mind-body connection due to neurology or trauma, and the mind interprets the metabolic mess into something meaningful like therianthropy.

previously a wolf spirit
2022-08-11 16:55
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Theriotype: Deinonychosaur, Iguanodontian, Ceratopsian
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Post: #4
RE: Why are we therians?

(2022-08-11 16:33)-SERVALCAT- Wrote:  personally, I think that the word "therian" is used simply to describe the more animal parts of us. I often wonder if we actually decide that we are therians. of course, I don't mean waking up one day and saying "hey, I think I'll identify as a wolf", but more of a subconscious decision, finding comfort in a label for some of our little quirks.

I don't think my therianthropy is something i use to excuse my quirks or cover them up. I already knew that i was a little different before i even started questioning i'm a therian and i simply accepted that even though it was a little hard in the first place, because i knew that it's better to just have those harmless quirks than try to change them and force myself to be someone else lol.
Plus, despite it's size, the therian community still seems too big and diverse for all of it to be just people that might be insecure about their differences Surprised

"Monster is a relative term. To a canary, a cat is a monster."

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2022-08-11 20:26
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Cordyceps Canine
Guarded by Cletus
Theriotype: Pye-dog
Experience: Therian, (otherkin?)
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Post: #5
RE: Why are we therians?
Why are we therians? I agree with Pushy Zver, no clue. It's not like anything can actually be confirmed. Wink

For me that's actually a big reason I constantly find myself worried that I'm just wasting my time and should stop "making myself crazy". In reality I don't make myself crazy though, and once I just get it out of my head...It proofs itself to me again.

Random mental-shift while interacting with dogs or ferrets, still feeling like favorite animal is a mayor understatement when it comes to ferrets...

It's just there, I don't know why dogs and ferrets, I don't know why therian at all. There's a ton of different theories to it. I don't even think there would be a scientific "one size fits all" answer really. That could differ immensely as well.

[Image: Photo-1676084552894-removebg-preview.png]
I might splinter. But I don't break. ~Dirk Strider
2022-08-11 22:48
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Therian Territory
Theriotype: Black Phase Wolf, Betta Fish
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Post: #6
RE: Why are we therians?
I mean, if you want to know people's theories, we literally have a whole forum category dedicated to people explaining how or why they believe their therianthropy exists. You can find it here.

Mine is in there too, which is called the multiverse theory.

Surely it's nice to take a moment to think about it at times, but some people do surely focus on it too much, especially when it comes to calling themselves "spiritual" or "psychological therians". I think it's way more interesting to focus on WHAT we experience instead of WHY. But that may just be me.

~ Thorn
[Image: ufu]
"Life is as colorful as you make it."
2022-08-13 22:47
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little wolf
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Bird Nerd
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Post: #7
RE: Why are we therians?
I do not know either. One thing I struggle with is what I believe in, so I honestly don't know why I'm a therian, or what the reason for it is. I do however think there's something more going on than simply the decision to focus on the more animal side of human nature because there was a point in my life where I did everything to push my therianthropy away and ignore it. It came back full force without any decision making from me. I didn't do anything to trigger it nor did I choose to bring it back into my life; it just showed up.

Power is knowledge of the inner self
[Image: 60pEBXwm.png]
2022-08-23 0:52
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Eager beaver
Theriotype: Wolf, (Dragon?)
Experience: Therian, (otherkin?)
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Post: #8
RE: Why are we therians?
I've found that I, personally, am an impressionable person. However, I've never met someone else like me. I loved fighting when I was younger, and because I was different, I was often left behind. Perhaps this is something I developed over time. However, it doesn't feel that way.

It feels as if it had always been a part of me in some way, shape, or form. Whether it was from my own nature or the way I developed at a young age. Though, it feels as though it's been with me all my life. I only panic now because I know what it is.
2022-09-15 16:52
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Rawr >:3
Theriotype: Bengal Tiger
Experience: Therian
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
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Post: #9
RE: Why are we therians?
Maybe it is a term we use because we feel our animal urges and instincts more strongly than others but we have no idea if any of this that or the other thing being true or false.

If I don't think of my personal beliefs or anything of the sort than I have no explanation for Therians. We are and that's as much as I am aware. I know it's not common, I'm aware it may have ties to trauma and psychology but it good just as well have ties to instinctual response or a religious belief that ends up being true.

The only one you owe in this life or the next is yourself.
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2022-10-03 13:58
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