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Why I think people are therians (opinion)
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Post: #11
RE: Why I think people are therians (opinion)

My experience of therianthropy has no shifting, but just being merged with my wolf theriotype, not completely human nor completely animal. My only kind of "shift" were my dream shifts.

I used to think I got them because they were memories of a previous life, but being an atheist I eventually realised that believing in reincarnation was not required to explain the experience... I could simply have been dreaming what wolf-humans dream.

(2021-08-31 22:32)DustWolf Wrote:  Personally when I first encountered therianthropy, I was put in touch with people who believed in things like reincarnation. I am sure this is the same story for every therian out there, even today. I came to accept that I had to have been a wolf in my previous life, because I was a therian and that's just how everyone thought of this stuff.

But over the years I've found out that the reincarnation theory really does not make sense to me. I had wolf dream-shifts that I thought were memories from a previous life. But what made a lot more sense to me was that they are simply dreams of a wolf in the body of a human. I dream of running free with my wolf brother. I dream of discovering my pups in a den. I dream of a live juicy fresh kill. And I dream of how I would die as a wolf. To dream is synonymous with to wish for, and for a wolf imprisoned in the body of a human, those wishes make sense.

So... basically I don't believe I was reincarnated from a wolf, that my therianthropy has anything to do with reincarnation, and I don't really believe in reincarnation itself either.


If you think I'm wrong just say so. Let's talk about it.
Most problems are man-made.

[Image: therapy%20wolf.png]
(This post was last modified: 2022-03-24 7:01 by DustWolf.)
2022-03-24 6:52
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Post: #12
RE: Why I think people are therians (opinion)
Personally, I have no idea if reincarnation or past lives are real or if I fully believe in them or if it's my wishful thinking. Either way I don't mind having no answer to why I am the way I am? I have no idea if me being a Therian is wishful thinking of wanting safety in something I am not, or a grass is greener kind of scenario/body dysphoria taken to an all time high. I dunno but at the end of the day I'm here, I feel like this and I'm not sure why and that's okay with me.

That's kind of my two cents.

The only one you owe in this life or the next is yourself.
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2022-03-27 22:11
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Post: #13
RE: Why I think people are therians (opinion)
Reincarnation and past lives do not fit that. Reincarnation works (according to Eastern traditions) in a certain way. It is not very likely that the animal will incarnate in humans immediately afterwards. I'm sorry I might cause doubts to someone. But just find out more about past lives.

Then I still don't know why we identify as that animal when it comes to past lives. It would then blend into current life. And that sounds like a naive idea to me. I just have a lot of doubts about this theory when I think about it more. Of course I don't take it from anyone.

I'll be happy to discuss why you think it's a past life - where you take that assurance. And I'm sorry if something isn't very understandable. I used a translator
2022-05-07 3:15
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Post: #14
RE: Why I think people are therians (opinion)

(2022-05-07 3:15)Liatha Wrote:  Reincarnation and past lives do not fit that. Reincarnation works (according to Eastern traditions) in a certain way. It is not very likely that the animal will incarnate in humans immediately afterwards. I'm sorry I might cause doubts to someone. But just find out more about past lives.

So we talked about this on Discord some time ago, but to explain what @Liatha is saying here. Eastern traditions say that what you reincarnate as, depends on your "good deeds for the community" (simplified) in your previous life. Since animals live by instinct and cannot choose to do good deeds for the community, it doesn't seem possible for an animal (below on the scale) to reincarnate as a human (above on the scale).

Other people in our conversation, like @Li-lan have argued that what "reincarnation" is (aka "being born again in another body" rather than "reincarnation" the religious concept), is not owned by any religious group and therefore what the Eastern traditions say about it does not matter.

Thinking about it now, I also find myself wondering, since I believe animals can make choices in their lives: Perhaps it's possible for animals to do "good deeds for the community" (dharma). I mean outside of pets attending religious duties with their owners. Could a dog in what she does for her family be considered to engage in dharma?


If you think I'm wrong just say so. Let's talk about it.
Most problems are man-made.

[Image: therapy%20wolf.png]
(This post was last modified: 2022-05-07 6:50 by DustWolf.)
2022-05-07 6:45
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Post: #15
RE: Why I think people are therians (opinion)

(2022-05-07 6:45)DustWolf Wrote:  So we talked about this on Discord some time ago, but to explain what @Liatha is saying here. Eastern traditions say that what you reincarnate as, depends on your "good deeds for the community" (simplified) in your previous life. Since animals live by instinct and cannot choose to do good deeds for the community, it doesn't seem possible for an animal (below on the scale) to reincarnate as a human (above on the scale).

Other people in our conversation, like @Li-lan have argued that what "reincarnation" is (aka "being born again in another body" rather than "reincarnation" the religious concept), is not owned by any religious group and therefore what the Eastern traditions say about it does not matter.

Thinking about it now, I also find myself wondering, since I believe animals can make choices in their lives: Perhaps it's possible for animals to do "good deeds for the community" (dharma). I mean outside of pets attending religious duties with their owners. Could a dog in what she does for her family be considered to engage in dharma?

Personally I think Dharma, Karma and all other such ideas about there being some universal "good credit" is a bunch of made up BS. I think it's a staple or nearly every religion (Christian heaven vs hell, Wiccan Law of Three, etc) as a control mechanism for the populous. I (creator of the religion) want you to behave a certain way, so god, the universe, whatever higher power will reward you if you do and punish you if you don't.
Furthermore I think the idea of their being a scale where human is at the top or a "reward" for doing good things is laughable. I don't think human is "better" than being a different animal. Sounds like something humans would make up because we think we're special.
So that's why I don't attach any Eastern religious beliefs around reincarnation to the concept. I don't have an issue if people choose to practice a religion, but the way I see it there's no value in the anthropocentric ideology often taught along with reincarnation. You can believe in a concept like heaven without being a Christian either.

My personal beliefs around it is that we get to choose to incarnate and have this physical experience in these bodies. And the reason we're here is simply to be alive. I'm sure certain souls have some goal from their life. Something to learn, or maybe something to teach. It feels like humans have this sense of need for a higher purpose, some goal to chase down, so I often see a lot of other aspects of religion as fulfilling that.

But answering your question Dust, I would personally say yes. A dog, a wolf any animal. I think it's a false idea that an animal can't have free will. Just because you have stronger instructs driving you and less executive functioning doesn't mean there's not free will in your decisions. It's not like instincts don't control human decision making sometimes.
Although you have to wonder with certain animals like lizards who aren't social at all, how one would ever "move up" that hypothetical ladder towards being human.

—the storm calls me—
[Image: export202112302330409710.png]
sky child * sun lover
2022-05-07 11:46
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Post: #16
RE: Why I think people are therians (opinion)
I will say that I feel that reincarnation is real. This planet we live on, the universe we existed in, everything is renewed, nothing new is made, nothing old is destroyed. Why can it not be for us. We may be different things, beings or existences but in the end we are no different than the dirt under foot, the fungi on a tree, the animalistic urges of a cat, the sky crying. We are the universe the universe is us. It may sound quite spiritual but to me it just is. It makes logical sense to me. I think yes it can affect your psychology and that it also validates those who have no recollection and those who do. Just because you don't remember or do at the end of the day you are still here. Nature chose this moment and as lucky or unlucky it has made you this is the body you have. That may be why we have disconnect to our human bodies outside of traumas or conditions.

This is all an opinion I may be wrong I may be right who knows, this is just my perspective

The only one you owe in this life or the next is yourself.
Live like you mean it

2022-10-03 14:06
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Post: #17
RE: Why I think people are therians (opinion)
I think that there are 2 causes of therianthropy with cause like trauma and adaptations due to environmental factors in childhood (e.g being raised around animals) but then stuff like past lives on the other hand. I belive in a mixture of both myself and that people with or without past lives can be therians.
2022-12-29 13:23
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