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Why I think people are therians (opinion)
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Copy cat
Theriotype: Black wolf, ginger cat, demonkin
Experience: Therian, Otherkin
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
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Post: #1
Why I think people are therians (opinion)
What I beleive is that it has to do with past lives. A lot of people have dreams or thoughts of their past lives, and for therians,they were animals. I know there has been a lot of contraversy with therians,and there have been bullying and hate crimes about them.

Now, with past lives there are people who are "new souls" also known as people who havent had a past life. I beleive those people can be therians. Really its just about people who have a strong connection to animals/ specific animals.

If you are a therian but in dinial because there is a lot of contraversy, dont care what other people think. Please be yourself.There are people who understand what your going through. Please dont be ashamed of what you are or what your interested in.

Small minds cant comprehend big spirits.
To be great, you have to be willing to be
and misunderstood.
Stay Strong!
uthere snep
2022-01-03 17:59
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Pushy zver
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Post: #2
RE: Why I think people are therians (opinion)
Even so, such people consider themselves human. That’s the difference.
2022-01-03 18:37
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Copy cat
Theriotype: Black wolf, ginger cat, demonkin
Experience: Therian, Otherkin
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 3
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Post: #3
RE: Why I think people are therians (opinion)
You are totally correct. That is a really good point

Small minds cant comprehend big spirits.
To be great, you have to be willing to be
and misunderstood.
Stay Strong!
uthere snep
2022-01-03 18:51
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Cat Hearted
Theriotype: working dog
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Post: #4
RE: Why I think people are therians (opinion)
What about purely psychological therians? My major past lives were both human.
2022-01-04 15:46
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dog pound fugitive
Theriotype: Wolfdog
Experience: Therian
Connection: Psychological
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Post: #5
RE: Why I think people are therians (opinion)
yeah i dont really think about the past lives thing cause it kinda scares my not gonna lie. like, how could my past wolfdog self affect my human self i just find it confusing XD. yeah im wondering the same thing with Melonwolf, me being a psychological therian?

( ´·ω·` )
i wuv u <3
2022-01-04 16:33
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Copy cat
Theriotype: Black wolf, ginger cat, demonkin
Experience: Therian, Otherkin
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 3
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Post: #6
RE: Why I think people are therians (opinion)
Well, what i think is that some people have a strong connection with their past lives, its fine if you dont have a animal pastlife, you dont need a animal past life to be a therian,or any. Its just what ive found out about myself and friends.

Small minds cant comprehend big spirits.
To be great, you have to be willing to be
and misunderstood.
Stay Strong!
uthere snep
2022-01-04 18:04
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Eager beaver
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Post: #7
RE: Why I think people are therians (opinion)
I do like your explanation, and in all the dreams I remember having I was at least some form of animal (sometimes in an anthro form for more interactive dreams) but I don’t think I have any past life memories etc? So? I do consider myself a ’mix’ therian though (both psychological and spiritual)

Lynx, who’s not a lynx
(any pronouns, pms open <3)

cheerful cat
2022-01-05 15:13
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Il cane italiano
Theriotype: Wolfdog
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Post: #8
RE: Why I think people are therians (opinion)
I had such theory too when I had spiritual connection. If you have psychological connection, it will be more complicated. Personally for me this is like how my mind adapted to cope with some problems.

“Happiness has to be fought for."
(This post was last modified: 2022-03-13 14:47 by Cuddie.)
2022-03-13 13:43
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Lupus Ferox
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Post: #9
RE: Why I think people are therians (opinion)
There really is no need to look for a specific reason why. Personally, I don't believe in a deity shaping our identities, nor in past lives, sorry. These questions of why, what for and how tend to the philosophical in my eyes. One should rather look for answers in our genetic makeup. Who we are is determined before birth (f.ex. who our parents were, where they came from) and after birth (f.ex. how we were raised, environmental triggers). Of course, what matters too, for the sake of completeness, is our basic personality.
While it's okay to ask yourself these questions every once in a while, you should note that the kind of answers you'll receive in the community are often, not always, looked for in the wrong areas of life.
Take a snow leopard for instance in the Himalayan mountains. Just assume you are this creature, that someone put you there in order to survive the upper colds and freezing temperatures. Wouldn't you rather be born in the desert, or on more fertile grounds? You couldn't, even if you tried. Whose fault is that? Parents? Nature/nurture? No, I doubt that is the case. The answer, my friend, is luck. If nature was a recipient creature and we could ask it why it put us there, it would probably say that we were born that way because of a strange current of events.
In my eyes, everything living and breathing on this earth is the result of that. People, wolves, sneps, they're all bound by a natural instinct for reproduction, a drive as deep as the four primary emotions. Why aren't some of us real live sneps? Because people gave birth to them... Turn it around the way you want or read it the way you like, but I'm afraid we were born therians because of (un)lucky selection.
2022-03-21 17:27
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Weird Looking Orb
Theriotype: Polymorph
Experience: Therian, Otherkin
Connection: Spiritual
Reputation: 7

Post: #10
RE: Why I think people are therians (opinion)
I feel like a failure of the past life conversation, especially when surrounding the psychological aspect of the community, is that we see it as a purely spiritual thing. This probably seems like a really weird thing to say as past lives are typically considered purely spiritual, but to someone like myself that believes in past lives, it isn't. To me, past lives and reincarnation are just as much psychological as it is spiritual. Simply because we can acknowledge that past lives affect our memories, let alone our personalities, mannerisms, fears, etc, it means that it is also psychological, putting it in a grey area between the two categories.

On one hand, this could mean that someone who has psychological theriotypes could also believe themselves to have past lives (like someone said above), but it also means that it is even more likely that someone might not even know they are Therian. Since past lives can affect someone psychologically like giving one interests of that past life, even if it is as blatant as the Wolf Kid, it could always be written off simply an interest and nothing more unless they come into contact with other Therians.

Also, since reincarnation affects everyone, that means everyone is Therian because everyone has had to have had at least one nonhuman life. However, not everyone is saying they are Therian or even considering that they are anything but human. I would say quite the opposite, actually. So to define Therianthropy in such broad terms means it applies to everyone-- which I do agree with, however-- when in actuality it should more be defined along the lines of: past lives + finding a significance of those past lives in this one. If we didn't find our nonhuman past lives significant in some way, we wouldn't be here. We would just be like "oh cool I was a wolf" and that be it.

[Image: LkpQqEQ.jpeg]
Pigeon | Xe/they/he | 19
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2022-03-24 3:16
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