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Therianthropy; how are we shaped identity wise?
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Theriotype: Cat and deer
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Post: #11
RE: Therianthropy; how are we shaped identity wise?
Lore drop is crazy! but that is so cool!! -Kookie Deer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer Love
2025-03-05 16:59
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Shapeshifting fiend
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Experience: Therian, Otherkin
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 31
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Post: #12
RE: Therianthropy; how are we shaped identity wise?

(2025-03-05 16:59)kookie Wrote:  Lore drop is crazy! but that is so cool!! -Kookie Deer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer Love

Err... Who is this in response to?

[Image: IMG-1163.png]

Abyss||21||Neurodivergent|He/They||DM friendly

PFP is by TheUnknownGame! Thank you so much :3
2025-03-05 22:57
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*play bows*
Theriotype: Wolf, Stingray, Dragon, Cryptid
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Post: #13
RE: Therianthropy; how are we shaped identity wise?

(2025-03-05 22:57)Abysmal. Wrote:  

(2025-03-05 16:59)kookie Wrote:  Lore drop is crazy! but that is so cool!! -Kookie Deer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer LoveDeer Love

Err... Who is this in response to?

To Avis, iirc. though I don't know why they put it here instead of Avis' journal where moss also posted it.

Just wanted to also say that I've been lurk-reading the thread and it's really interesting.

zip/dog/puppy | he/him | just a dog on the internet | rawr X3
[Image: 92009912_8Da.gif][Image: 91307373_bw2.gif]
2025-03-05 23:07
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Theriotype: Hyena Cladotherian, Mountain Coyote, Red Fox
Experience: Therian
Connection: Psychological
Reputation: 2
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Post: #14
RE: Therianthropy; how are we shaped identity wise?
I mean Therianthropy can grow in you through things life trauma, but it can also just be there at birth. Like I always was connected to nature and the wild, but it grew more and more. It was initially more wolf/domestic dog-like, but I recorded senses and behaviors and narrowed them down to three, Spotted Hyena, Coyote, and Red fox. Smile

I know I did certain animals things when I was younger (quads, vocalizing) like it's normal for young kids, but it stayed with me. I didn't know why I was like that, and I thought it was being a furry (which is totally wrong Derp ) I then learned about Therianthropy, and someone told me it was when you did quads (which I had long stopped because it's lowkey uncomfortable Sad ) I then learned about it being an animal identity through involuntary behaviors either psychological or spiritual. ^_^

itchy Bone

fleeez cheeze Zef
2025-03-06 13:53
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