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Therianthropy as seen by a loaf : Souls have shapes
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Theriotype: Coyote
Experience: Therian
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 3

Post: #1
Therianthropy as seen by a loaf : Souls have shapes
Reincarnation! Souls! All those fun things.

I believe that there are a finite number of souls, but that they're just recycled over time. However, They're not just randomly tossed, they're put in the same if not the next best body *most of the time*.

The soul matches the shape of the body, as species evolve slowly over generations, the soul slowly changes with the body. The more interesting experiences come from misplaced souls, for me, that's a soul in the shape of a coyote. It's why i experience things like phantom limbs, echos of this original shape.

Why was my soul 'misplaced'? I'm not sure. Maybe there's some reason for me to experience life as a human, maybe there just wasn't a coyote or similar body available, but that's not much of my concern right now.

I'm here, I'm human (at least physically), and that's okay.
2023-06-13 7:49
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Hybrid Mutate Freak; served with cheese.
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Post: #2
RE: Therianthropy as seen by a loaf : Souls have shapes
What a cool take! I am Jewish + Anishinaabe & both my maternal and paternal cultures believe in something not at all dissimilar.

This would also offer up some explanation for the misplacement of things like myself, which no longer have an extant species through which to manifest in the world.

[Image: tumblr_pd3pnb94Ft1rxeh4wo3_400.gif]
2023-06-13 8:14
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Theriotype: dhole
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Post: #3
RE: Therianthropy as seen by a loaf : Souls have shapes
such a great theory. sounds good to me, ill take that haha
2023-06-13 14:44
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Gold Coloured Leaves
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Post: #4
RE: Therianthropy as seen by a loaf : Souls have shapes
Wow. This actually makes like so much sense. I really like this theory. It clicked somewhere inside me.

"I sometimes find, and I am sure you know the feeling, that I simply have too many thoughts and memories crammed into my mind."
- Albus Dumbeldore
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2023-10-13 2:07
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Live and let live
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Post: #5
RE: Therianthropy as seen by a loaf : Souls have shapes
Oh wow, that’s such an interesting theory! Out of everything I’ve seen, this one definitely makes the most sense, at least imo

”Familiar path, different face”
- Jack Stauber
2023-10-16 21:21
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Theriotype: Black Timberwolf, Feline Clado (+kintypes in bio)
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Post: #6
RE: Therianthropy as seen by a loaf : Souls have shapes
This theory is very similar to mine! :3 glad to see I’m not the only person who thinks this.

No idea how or why I experience life as I do, but Mother Nature knows what she’s doing! :3

Ill pop back in every once in a while, but im pretty much gone.
Find me here.
Love n’yall!! X3
2024-01-27 12:51
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