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Therianthropy Day 2018 (November 23)
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Wild Instinct
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Post: #51
RE: Therianthropy Day 2018 (November 23)
Happy Therian Day! Just in time for the moon to come out and play. Big Grin

2018-11-23 10:08
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Dogolphin (PD)
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Post: #52
RE: Therianthropy Day 2018 (November 23)
Happy therianthropy day everyone! At this day, I reflect back about my identity (therianthropy), the community and how my life changed when finding out about the existing of that word/the community. I look back at how I first joined Therian guide, as the first ever online therian platform ever. My first ever look into the therian community. I look back about how I started off all confused, believing in seperated theriotypes with names. And not in the "possible kind of way" but in the way of "I want to fit in so I'll lie I meditated to find my name" etc. I discovered the word "therian" and soon stumbled upon the huge amount of wolfs and lied to myself that I was a wolf to "fit in and be cool", I 'meditated' (incorrectly), I became an "agrressive wolf" when shifted etc. Well, then I look back at how I joined this forum and realized again who I am, a swiss white shepherd dog. And realized soon after with the amazing help of @StarDolphin , which I own so much .. friendship.. love.. loyality.. u're amazing star. I look back at how I suddenly learned so many terms, history, and got to make so many friends. I know that therianthropy is an identity one simply has. But if I had to put it figurely, then I'd say that my therianthropy started here. I accepted myself, others, the community, I learned so much, found friends and family. I found a place I belong to. No matter how active I am on therian amino or how much I dedicate my life to youtube.. therian guide has a spot in "my family" and is overall very important to me.

At therianthropy day, I mostly reflect back on my journey here on therian guide, as it drasticly changed my life and experience with therianthropy for the better.

I'll also spend my time with my IRL therian friend, meeting up with those I haven't seen in a long time (I'll meet @Dreamcatcher , who happened to be a local therian, in less than an hour after a while) I'll spend my day thinking about therianthropy and how it perhaps also changed the life of others just as drastically as discovering the community changed mine.

At therianthropy day I'll look back and reflect on my therianthropy, our therianthropy, all who're dear to me and all who've yet to meet, to the community and especially Therian Guide.

Some group pictures from past therian meets between the period of 1/1/2018 and now.
[Image: IMG-0719.jpg]
[Image: best-grouppic.jpg]
[Image: IMG-6275.jpg]
[Image: 50.jpg]
As I happily look back to how many therians I've met, how many friendships I made.

To everyone, have a great Therianthropy day!

[Image: mee_lil.png]
2018-11-23 13:10
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Post: #53
RE: Therianthropy Day 2018 (November 23)
I'm planning on spending today or in nature. Going for a hike with my son in the northernmost cypress swamp in the US.

[Image: bexarp.jpg]
TG Staff | Forum Admin
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2018-11-23 14:22
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Ulfrvif - Wolf Wife
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Post: #54
RE: Therianthropy Day 2018 (November 23)
Happy Therianthropy Day! Hope you enjoy my cinematic poem, "Wake Up Wolf" available on Youtube.

2018-11-23 23:47
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Post: #55
RE: Therianthropy Day 2018 (November 23)

(2018-11-23 23:47)Wolf Daughter Wrote:  Happy Therianthropy Day! Hope you enjoy my cinematic poem, "Wake Up Wolf" available on Youtube.

Happy Therianthropy Day!

That's a haunting video, in a good way! Tongue

And @PinkDolphin, those are great pictures!

(This post was last modified: 2018-11-24 2:05 by WinterSoul.)
2018-11-24 2:04
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Misha Pantanal
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Post: #56
RE: Therianthropy Day 2018 (November 23)

(2018-11-23 13:10)PinkDolphin Wrote:  Happy therianthropy day everyone! At this day, I reflect back about my identity (therianthropy), the community and how my life changed when finding out about the existing of that word/the community. I look back at how I first joined Therian guide, as the first ever online therian platform ever. My first ever look into the therian community. I look back about how I started off all confused, believing in seperated theriotypes with names. And not in the "possible kind of way" but in the way of "I want to fit in so I'll lie I meditated to find my name" etc. I discovered the word "therian" and soon stumbled upon the huge amount of wolfs and lied to myself that I was a wolf to "fit in and be cool", I 'meditated' (incorrectly), I became an "agrressive wolf" when shifted etc. Well, then I look back at how I joined this forum and realized again who I am, a swiss white shepherd dog. And realized soon after with the amazing help of @StarDolphin , which I own so much .. friendship.. love.. loyality.. u're amazing star. I look back at how I suddenly learned so many terms, history, and got to make so many friends. I know that therianthropy is an identity one simply has. But if I had to put it figurely, then I'd say that my therianthropy started here. I accepted myself, others, the community, I learned so much, found friends and family. I found a place I belong to. No matter how active I am on therian amino or how much I dedicate my life to youtube.. therian guide has a spot in "my family" and is overall very important to me.

At therianthropy day, I mostly reflect back on my journey here on therian guide, as it drasticly changed my life and experience with therianthropy for the better.

I'll also spend my time with my IRL therian friend, meeting up with those I haven't seen in a long time (I'll meet @Dreamcatcher , who happened to be a local therian, in less than an hour after a while) I'll spend my day thinking about therianthropy and how it perhaps also changed the life of others just as drastically as discovering the community changed mine.

At therianthropy day I'll look back and reflect on my therianthropy, our therianthropy, all who're dear to me and all who've yet to meet, to the community and especially Therian Guide.

Some group pictures from past therian meets between the period of 1/1/2018 and now.
[Image: IMG-0719.jpg]
[Image: best-grouppic.jpg]
[Image: IMG-6275.jpg]
[Image: 50.jpg]
As I happily look back to how many therians I've met, how many friendships I made.

To everyone, have a great Therianthropy day!

Great photos! and I like how you use this day to reflect and remember what really matters to us in this community.

(2018-11-06 3:17)Anonymouqs Wrote:

Good news, the conflict will not be as severe as initially perceived. It is based off the Gregorian Calendar and NOT Lunar Cycles:
"As for the date, though there will be a full moon on November 23 this year, the holiday doesn’t always fall on a full moon. It’s always on November 23 because, according to Jax’s son, the date celebrates the anniversary of “The Great Wolf’s Death.”

Just checked out the source. Seems you are talking about Wolfenoot, which has nothing to do with Therianthropy Day.

That weird hyacinth macaw lady! cawheart

My blood belongs to the sea, my heart to the sky, and my mind to the cosmos

"I would rather spend my life close to the birds than waste it wishing I had wings"
(This post was last modified: 2018-11-24 6:15 by Misha Pantanal.)
2018-11-24 6:12
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Post: #57
RE: Therianthropy Day 2018 (November 23)
First off...

You rock @PinkDolphinCool

And secondly...

I don't get the whole dissatisfaction with therianthropy day based on it's falling on a full moon Tongue

Like it or not, the modern online community began on a newsgroup called alt.horror.werewolves and the first howl took place on a full moon in November. This fundamental piece of our history neither ostrasizes nor excludes or discriminates against anyone as it is a historical marker.

Finding offense in a piece of history is, quite frankly, ridiculous. This is the same line of reasoning that's lead to children not being able to outwardly display or talk about their religious beliefs in school because "it might offend someone".

If people choose to take offense simply because others are different than them, that's their own problem and one they should perhaps evaluate and consider exactly why they're taking offense and if their course of action is actually beneficial or detrimental to all those involved.

The notion of being politically correct has all but completely stripped diverse cultures of being able to share their cultural identity with others and, by defacto, it has stripped us of what it means to be human.

In his book The End of Sanity, Martin Gross writes

"blatantly irrational behavior is rapidly being established as the norm in almost every area of human endeavor. There seem to be new customs, new rules, new anti-intellectual theories regularly twisted on us, foisted on us from every direction."


Taking offense in a part of history that we all share, spurring further division over petty issues at a time when our unity may well be essential to our survival... Sounds pretty insane to me.

2018-11-24 7:56
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Elephant in the room
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Post: #58
RE: Therianthropy Day 2018 (November 23)
Aye, it sorta seems like someone is trying to hold us back.

The psychological community has been talking about the insane society from before the time I was in school in the 70s. Somebody needs to take a stance on sanity and it wouldn't hurt my feelings if it were us.
2018-11-24 18:49
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