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Theory of Therianthropy as a Developmental Adaptation to Trauma or Autism
Theriotype: Questioning
Experience: Therian, (otherkin?)
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 2
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Post: #31
RE: Theory of Therianthropy as a Developmental Adaptation to Trauma or Autism
I don't remember any trauma or anything. My parents didn't hit me that much and the insults came after my brother left and I'd already believed I was a therian. I think. I don't really remember much more then a few years ago. As for autism I think that more therians are atusitic is because they tend to follow social rules less so autistic people are also more likely to be trans or gay. I think I may be autistic but I'm not diagnosed so I don't really have much to speak on and I'm really sorry if I've said anything wrong or rude.
2023-08-30 18:57
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Theriotype: coyote, cat
Experience: Therian, (otherkin?)
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 56
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Post: #32
RE: Theory of Therianthropy as a Developmental Adaptation to Trauma or Autism
I think this is an interesting theory. I have definitely experienced some trauma from my parents and siblings when I was younger, and I think my possible cat theriotype partly came from the fact that since I was emotionally and physically neglected when I was a little kid, my cat took care of me. She passed a year and a half ago but I'll always think of her as my one true mother. I have noticed a lot of therians do have trauma, so this could definitely it and I wouldn't be surprised if therianthropy was some sort of neurodivergent experience.

Wander (she/her)

Run fast, be safe, live free.

Most birds don't realize their wings can fly until they fall, only to find themselves soaring.

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2023-08-30 20:49
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Theriotype: unsure
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Post: #33
RE: Theory of Therianthropy as a Developmental Adaptation to Trauma or Autism
my childhood was... quaint. but i do think that trauma has a lot to do with my therianthropy, i just recently have been digging into my therianthropy (about 4 months ago), but i have always felt out of place around people, tried REALLY hard to make friends (sometimes a little two hard) and they never lasted. I've been diagnosed with adhd and my mom thinks it's a hyperfixation, but i can conquer that it's not. I have had a LOT of trauma from ages 9+ and i think that has mustered my deep therianthropy out of myself. If that makes any sense lol. This thread is cool, good read as well

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2024-03-02 20:45
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wandering irl
Theriotype: irish cob, red kite
Experience: Therian, (otherkin?)
Connection: Psychological
Reputation: 5
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Post: #34
RE: Theory of Therianthropy as a Developmental Adaptation to Trauma or Autism

(2021-04-24 5:58)HoneycombPup Wrote:  
My traumas have no correlation to my therianthropy, I know this as fact. I have felt like an animal since I can remember, and my first traumatic experience was at 14. I had a relatively tame and happy childhood for the most part so it doesn't make sense to relate the two, at least in my experience, and I can assume in most therians experiences, frankly. This theory only seems applicable to a small amount of therians.

I see that you mention autism in the title, and I do feel like my autism may be related to my therianthropy for sure, but I don't really see you mention it in the post or anything.

off topic but how do i insert an image to my signature? yours looks lovelySmile

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2024-03-06 18:43
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