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The word "valid"
Therian Territory
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Post: #1
The word "valid"
I wanted to start a discussion here about the word 'valid'.

I've recently stumbled upon many comments on platforms such as Instagram, etc. in which users shout: "Valid!" "Your opinion is valid!" "So proud! Valid!" from which I concluded that the usage has become a new trend.
The first time I read this word being used in this manner, I was more than confused. Not only was the validity of my post or the content never a concern to me, I was also wondering what made the person think they were in the position to deem my content 'valid'.

I understand where people are coming from, that it is supposed to tell people that their opinions about things are worthy of being listened to, worthy of having. That it is supposed to tell people can they can be proud of whatever statement they made. But something about it feels very off.

It sounds somewhat belittling, as if, as I mentioned before, the person shouting the word would indicate that they are in the position to judge your content to that level. But if you are a person commenting on my post, I do not see you as someone who knows more or is better than me in the first place (unless you prove me wrong on something or have actual sidenotes to my content).

The only way I would see "valid" as a 'valid' word to use, is when it is not about an opinion but rather to claim that a statement would be seen as approvable by today's society (**not by you**). Because that is the actual meaning of the word, and not some way to show you have respect for someone. We have tons of other words for this that are much less judging, such as "preach" or "retweet". And if you really want to just state the obvious instead of using a trend to show respect: just say "Agreed" or "respect".

What do you guys think about this? Do you use the term in this manner?

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2020-10-07 19:21
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Post: #2
RE: The word "valid"
I agree. I try my hardest to not say "Valid" alot especially when im stating an opinion.

not online much so if its urgent, please message my discord cheesus#8573

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2020-10-07 19:44
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Post: #3
RE: The word "valid"
I always have found the word very annoying....the way it is used bothers me as well.... I never liked how it's trendy to use.

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2020-10-07 20:15
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Post: #4
RE: The word "valid"
I guess it's a result of those conversations we had where the conclusion was that Fictionkin, etc, were just as valid in whatever it is that they are, even though it's not the same as being a Therian.

Sometimes when you draw borders between different experiences, people get the impression that you are saying their experiences are invalid, because they are not Therianthropy. The point to make was that they are valid, they are just different.

Now if that has devolved into some kind of trend, it's just another example of how meaning is lost when an idea is passed around between people who do not understand what it's supposed to mean.


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2020-10-07 21:14
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Post: #5
RE: The word "valid"
The word has literally lost all its "validity". The way it's been thrown everywhere and twisted by cringe culture and SJW's is just ridiculous.

People need to stop using "valid" as an excuse, and start to question what exactly makes their experiences legitimate.
2020-10-08 0:00
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Post: #6
RE: The word "valid"
I agree with you Kyra. I have sometimes seen the word "valid" used in a situation when someone has been gaslighted and they're experiencing self-doubt and confusion. The person may need to do a reality check and ask someone else to confirm whether their feelings/perceptions are valid or congruent with the situation. And then they feel a sense of relief if the other person confirms their feelings or perceptions are valid. In this case the word "valid" is used in a way that is true to its definition.

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2020-10-08 0:36
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Post: #7
RE: The word "valid"

(2020-10-08 0:36)Tdae Wrote:  I agree with you Kyra. I have sometimes seen the word "valid" used in a situation when someone has been gaslighted and they're experiencing self-doubt and confusion. The person may need to do a reality check and ask someone else to confirm whether their feelings/perceptions are valid or congruent with the situation. And then they feel a sense of relief if the other person confirms their feelings or perceptions are valid. In this case the word "valid" is used in a way that is true to its definition.

Yeah, I agree on the reality check. I think it does a lot of good for someone who sees their perceptions objectively rather than just feeding BS into them just so those people can be happy without doing any sort of research whatsoever. They just want to have harmony without realization that it can do harm down the road if it doesn't match up with their true selves.

But that's just my viewpoint anyway, hopefully I'll edit this before anyone sees it.

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(This post was last modified: 2020-10-10 2:24 by Alliana.)
2020-10-10 2:20
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Post: #8
RE: The word "valid"
I go to a local trans support group often (or at least, used to before the pandemic). People would use the word 'valid' pretty often as a way of telling each other "Hey, your experiences and identity are real and true". Kind of became a meme after everyone used it so much.
"I'm so tired dude"
"Yeah,that's valid."
Probably a similar situation with what's happening on the internet where it started off as a friendly gesture for groups like the trans community and the usage spiraled off from there.

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2020-10-10 10:13
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Post: #9
RE: The word "valid"
It's a slang usage, for sure. Language changes and evolves, sometimes in ways we like, sometimes in ways we don't. Like "cool" or "respect" before it, this is the direction valid has been going.

Maybe I'll start using something different. "You're bona fide. Irrefutable!"

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2020-10-10 13:30
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Post: #10
RE: The word "valid"

(2020-10-10 13:30)BearX Wrote:  Maybe I'll start using something different. "You're bona fide. Irrefutable!"

This sounds like a good idea, bone apple tea.

Now I want to give my 2 cents and say that it's an LGBTQA+ more than anything. It's common for people to express how it's a "hype" or "fashion" to have a certain orientation. This is a common occurance, even for people who didn't get doxxed or gotten blackmails and death threats, something else more common than should be. (should be meaning never.)

For any peers in the LGBTQA+ here who never experienced such a thing, consider yourself lucky. At the end, the invalidation of certain groups is what made this phrase into what it is. Whether it's watered down now or not, it still has its original intent when used right.

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2020-10-10 13:54
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