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Split Soul Theory
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Fly on the wall
Theriotype: Fox
Experience: Therian, Otherkin
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 2

Post: #1
Split Soul Theory
I beleive this theory specifically for one of my fictotypes, but it works for all kintypes and theriotypes as well.

Many people beleive a past life to have influenced thier therainthropy/otherkinity, and for some of my types I beleive this as well, however when it comes to my fictotype Nazuna Hiwatashi it feels a bit different.

For this type specifically, It feels like part of me is living that existence right now in a separate dimension, a sperate life. It feels as if my soul split, and part of me is living on earth as a human while another part lives in her world. Hence, why it seems familiar, like I belong in that world, but I also don't have memories of it.

I feel we influence each others lives, since we share a soul, and have similar struggles in both lives, both having to overcome similar challenges at the same time. In a way, we share each other's pain and emotions. Big events in my life will influence Nazuna while events in hers will influence mine on both emotional and physical levels. We share the same Karmic debt, and so will face similar challenges and rewards.

I can imagine something along the same lines for therianthropy, though instead of a soul splitting and living a separate life in two dimensions, both parts are living on earth, one as an animal and one as a human, and both lives are able to influence each other resulting in the human at least partially identifying as an animal.

Perhaps this can influence shifts as well. You ever get animalistic urges out of nowhere? Well, maybe you're split soul is experiencing something to trigger that shift. Have the urge to hunt or burrow? maybe you're other half is doing that right now and it's energy is impacting you, giving you the urge to do so yourself.
2021-05-03 23:05
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Theriotype: Clouded leopard, grey wolf, Knucker dragon
Experience: Therian, Otherkin
Connection: Psychological
Reputation: 9
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Post: #2
RE: Split Soul Theory
Never thought about it that way. . . you might be right.

Accepted: All colours, all races, all sexual orientations, all genders, all creatures, all identities, all ages, sizes and shapes- except the haters. If you are a hater to any of the previously listed get the frick out of here.
2022-09-21 15:25
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the dark prince of the forest
Theriotype: eurasian lynx, werelynx
Experience: Therian, Otherkin
Connection: Psychological
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silvertick silvertick 

Post: #3
RE: Split Soul Theory
Does it also count if my lynx side experiences adventures in my dream world across different dreams together with some imaginary friends (a wolf, an owl and a hawk)?

Just a dumb question. :3

also known as Leaf the Lynx
eurasian lynx with plant magic | Therian & Furry

"You are already too late.
Not much of this world remains.
Do you want still to try?
Then remember this:
You have only ONE shot."

[Image: lynx-b8.jpg]
2022-09-21 17:03
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Eager beaver
Theriotype: Draconic
Experience: (therian?), Otherkin
Connection: Spiritual
Reputation: 10
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Post: #4
RE: Split Soul Theory
[Image: 2c1e89a61d7152c0f3c574dab463e1a9cdf8a5cf.pnj]
This is my personal opinion.

[Image: 38ceba5132e168bfa300e6daeb28c6a3b85f395a.pnj]

Waiting for the New Golden Age in 2032 !!!
2022-11-20 9:24
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