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Some common misconceptions, what I think about them + there impacts
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Post: #11
RE: Some common misconceptions, what I think about them + there impacts

(2024-06-09 5:47)BlackCat0118 Wrote:  It is extremely annoying to see people diminish Therianthropy to an aesthetic and a spiritual connection.

I'm very very new to therianthropy. For me I see it as a profound connection but not as me-and-them... more like. It's me, I *am* that animal, it is there inside and I want to free it. There is no me-and-them, we are the same. (I guess I'm mostly thinking about my cats when I say "them")

idk... those that make sense?


Name: Zoe
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cheerful cat
2024-06-25 16:47
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Post: #12
RE: Some common misconceptions, what I think about them + there impacts
Hey Rain. Thank you for writing this — I'm extremely glad to see this thread because it puts into words almost exactly what I've been feeling, not only as a therian but also especially as a younger therian who has been in the community since before quads completely took over the Internet.

I have to agree. It is extremely disheartening to see the entire being of "therianthropy" watered down to just quads, gear, socialism, etc. It is so elitist and although I do occasionally enjoy wearing gear and doing quads, at the end of the day it pisses me off. I hate to see such a wonderful and niche community be conflated to something which it never was. Me personally, I preferred this community when it was much more private and low-key (especially when the content on social media was mainly informational, and not just "Hobbyist" and painting it all to be some sort of trend). I personally work really hard to try and keep my involvement in the community, or at least how I see it, much more discreet and casual.

Not only this, but also — as you stated — seeing kids our age pick up a therian identity, try it on, get really into it, then drop it after only so long. It's OK to experiment with a new identity/label of course, but it absolutely boils my blood to see people ignorantly treating it as a trend and, in turn, spreading misinformation about the community and what it truly means to be therian.

It's especially very weird, for me, to be a younger therian (15) seeing all the modernism & consumerism of the online community. It's like, suddenly I'm being made to doubt myself because I don't fit the image of what other therians my age are making therianthropy to be? Hell, I didn't even have a tail or mask until about last week, and I've been awakened for about five years. I hate that it makes me feel insecure and pressured about my own identity. On that note, because of my dyspraxia I can hardly even do "quads," and like you said I've really begun to pressure myself to do this and it stresses me out. It is really becoming an issue.

Regarding the common and uncommon theriotypes: that has also begun to have a slightly intrusive effect on me. Nowadays when I see someone claim an uncommon 'type such as an insect or (what I saw recently) a hippo, I immediately sub-consciously doubt it, only to find that person is being genuine and really do identify as a hippo. It's like, 'Omg, I didn't mean to doubt you!' but seeing all the trolling online, and how therians are almost pressured to have more 'cool' types, it's begun to creep into my sub-conscious. I feel horrible about that.

Anyway. Thank you again for the post and your input. Please don't worry about spelling errors — honestly it's fine. This is a niche online forum, you don't have to be super formal about ur spelling. Smile


--- ✦ ---
[Image: y3drknm8]
Suntherian | She/He/It | Student of Film

“But in the desert, in the pure clean atmosphere, in the silence – there you can find yourself.”
(This post was last modified: 2024-06-25 19:29 by WereKitty.)
2024-06-25 18:55
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Post: #13
RE: Some common misconceptions, what I think about them + there impacts

(2024-06-25 18:55)WereKitty Wrote:  Regarding the common and uncommon theriotypes: that has also begun to have a slightly intrusive effect on me. Nowadays when I see someone claim an uncommon 'type such as an insect or (what I saw recently) a hippo, I immediately sub-consciously doubt it, only to find that person is being genuine and really do identify as a hippo. It's like, 'Omg, I didn't mean to doubt you!' but seeing all the trolling online, and how therians are almost pressured to have more 'cool' types, it's begun to creep into my sub-conscious. I feel horrible about that.

ah hmm sorry we don't know each other I'm intruding myself a bit in the community here. Hope you don't mind.

I just wanted to tell you you need to also be kind to yourself. Not just others. It's really really great that you are self conscious when you make a mistake it's a very important quality, but it's also important to be able to forgive yourself so you can move on. I know it's easy to say but nobody's perfect. Also in this case you kept the wrong thought for yourself, you didn't hurt anyone, it's great self control.

Deer Love


Name: Zoe
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cheerful cat
2024-06-25 20:46
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Post: #14
RE: Some common misconceptions, what I think about them + there impacts

(2024-06-25 20:46)QFurry Wrote:  

(2024-06-25 18:55)WereKitty Wrote:  Regarding the common and uncommon theriotypes: that has also begun to have a slightly intrusive effect on me. Nowadays when I see someone claim an uncommon 'type such as an insect or (what I saw recently) a hippo, I immediately sub-consciously doubt it, only to find that person is being genuine and really do identify as a hippo. It's like, 'Omg, I didn't mean to doubt you!' but seeing all the trolling online, and how therians are almost pressured to have more 'cool' types, it's begun to creep into my sub-conscious. I feel horrible about that.

ah hmm sorry we don't know each other I'm intruding myself a bit in the community here. Hope you don't mind.

I just wanted to tell you you need to also be kind to yourself. Not just others. It's really really great that you are self conscious when you make a mistake it's a very important quality, but it's also important to be able to forgive yourself so you can move on. I know it's easy to say but nobody's perfect. Also in this case you kept the wrong thought for yourself, you didn't hurt anyone, it's great self control.

Deer Love

But of course, and I really do appreciate you saying that so thank you. Smile

I realize that sometimes I can be really hard on myself for feeling certain things, but that is 100% how I felt about it in the moment. I'm definitely trying to work on it. Thank you for your input -- and please don't feel like you're intruding. It's very appreciated, and your feedback is very welcomed.


--- ✦ ---
[Image: y3drknm8]
Suntherian | She/He/It | Student of Film

“But in the desert, in the pure clean atmosphere, in the silence – there you can find yourself.”
2024-06-26 2:22
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Post: #15
RE: Some common misconceptions, what I think about them + there impacts

(2024-06-25 16:47)QFurry Wrote:  

(2024-06-09 5:47)BlackCat0118 Wrote:  It is extremely annoying to see people diminish Therianthropy to an aesthetic and a spiritual connection.

I'm very very new to therianthropy. For me I see it as a profound connection but not as me-and-them... more like. It's me, I *am* that animal, it is there inside and I want to free it. There is no me-and-them, we are the same. (I guess I'm mostly thinking about my cats when I say "them")

idk... those that make sense?

Do you mean like, you have no animal and human side and are simply just that animal? Because if so, I'm the same way.
I simply am a cat. My personality and very being is a cat.

(I also wanted to clarify that I wasn't saying that you can't have a spiritual connection to the animal you identify as just that that's not all Therianthropy is about)

Name: Nyx
pronouns: she/her
Age: 17
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2024-06-29 2:42
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Her majestic fluff
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Post: #16
RE: Some common misconceptions, what I think about them + there impacts

(2024-06-29 2:42)BlackCat0118 Wrote:  Do you mean like, you have no animal and human side and are simply just that animal? Because if so, I'm the same way.
I simply am a cat. My personality and very being is a cat.

(I also wanted to clarify that I wasn't saying that you can't have a spiritual connection to the animal you identify as just that that's not all Therianthropy is about)

I'm not sure what I mean exactly... (^_^)'

...but I do feel you when you say it's not aesthetic + spiritual connection. There is an identity component in there. I need to explore that part more


Name: Zoe
Pronouns: she/her

cheerful cat
2024-06-29 4:08
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