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Projection Theory (also explaining all the wolves)
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Finding my way through life
Theriotype: Wild Canine/Feline
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Post: #21
RE: Projection Theory (also explaining all the wolves)

(2022-05-12 14:12)Saoirse Fiain Wrote:  I think this theory makes sense. You speak of therianthropy as a defense mechanism of sorts. I sometimes think of my own experience that way. However like @Tdae mentioned, it's most likely more complex than we're catching onto.

Thank you!
I'm sure there so much more to it and from the replies I've learned that this theory is definitely not applicable to all therians.
But I'm always happy to learn more and make theories including more peoples' experiences!

2022-05-21 15:03
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Post: #22
RE: Projection Theory (also explaining all the wolves)
I actually might have a theory to add onto yours.

So you know how everyone, because everyone is different, experiences things differently? Like how one kid could see something and say one thing, while you can ask another kid who saw it and they'd have a completely different view? Well, what if it's like that?

Perhaps we have had this trait since we were young, or perhaps we had better odds of coming down this path. While we're all different, it comes down to one common thing. It doesn't have to come down to traumatic events, but rather, that special something that all of us that are stuck with this have.

Maybe it's a certain freedom we crave. Maybe we feel too much. Maybe we are too inquisitive. I honestly have no idea. All I know is that, with or without trauma, something has to be there before it evolves into therianthropy. And that special something is what brings us down this path. It has to be there before anything ever happened.
2022-09-15 17:09
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Rawr >:3
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Post: #23
RE: Projection Theory (also explaining all the wolves)
It may be genetics, it may be souls, who knows but I do agree with you Beta, it should be something shared to have caused this to be so widespread

The only one you owe in this life or the next is yourself.
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2022-10-03 14:10
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Post: #24
RE: Projection Theory (also explaining all the wolves)

(2022-05-05 3:09)little wolf Wrote:  I personally know my therianthropy is not a coping mechanism because my trauma happened because of it. Before that, I never had anything particularly bad in my life, and my animal tendencies were still there. My animal behaviors are there in home movies my parents shot before I was fully forming memories (cause I don't remember it). I definitely accept the coping mechanism and other psychological causes as one origin point for therianthropy though, just not in all cases.

One theory that could potentially explain my theriantrhopy in psychological terms could be that my parents (to my knowledge) never really tried to "correct" my more animalistic behavior when I was real young. I obviously don't remember that part of my childhood, and I've never really talked to my parents about it, but I have to wonder if maybe because they didn't try to teach me different or maybe even enabled my behavior as parents do with kids, I know have extremely strong animalistic instincts? I still don't know if that totally explains why I first developed animal tendencies in the first place... this is something that kind of just occurred to me, haven't really had much time to think about it, so trying to explain it might not be totally coherent.

As far as your theory with the brain subconsciously "choosing" strong animals, I found it super interesting. It's not something that had occurred to me, but does make some sense.

Hey, I know it's a late answer, but I just joined the forums. And I wanted to say that I also had those feral tendencies as long as I can remember, and my parents and everyone else around me, like schoolmates always tried to correct me about me not acting human enough. I was even taken to a physiotherapist when I was 17 about my walking. And even after all of that, years later, I still do things the way I did before, none of it influenced me, it just annoyed me that people complained about me when I was growing up, when they were the ones that acted weird in my mind.

2023-05-19 16:24
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Finding my way through life
Theriotype: Wild Canine/Feline
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Post: #25
RE: Projection Theory (also explaining all the wolves)

(2023-05-19 16:24)Riddle Wrote:  Hey, I know it's a late answer, but I just joined the forums. And I wanted to say that I also had those feral tendencies as long as I can remember, and my parents and everyone else around me, like schoolmates always tried to correct me about me not acting human enough. I was even taken to a physiotherapist when I was 17 about my walking. And even after all of that, years later, I still do things the way I did before, none of it influenced me, it just annoyed me that people complained about me when I was growing up, when they were the ones that acted weird in my mind.

HeySmile That's really interesting to hear!
Now that you mention it, I do remember being talked about by friends of my family because I was walking "weird" too.
And I'm sorry to hear that others tried to "correct" you, I hope you're doing well.

2023-05-21 8:58
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Post: #26
RE: Projection Theory (also explaining all the wolves)

(2023-05-21 8:58)Nightflame Wrote:  

(2023-05-19 16:24)Riddle Wrote:  Hey, I know it's a late answer, but I just joined the forums. And I wanted to say that I also had those feral tendencies as long as I can remember, and my parents and everyone else around me, like schoolmates always tried to correct me about me not acting human enough. I was even taken to a physiotherapist when I was 17 about my walking. And even after all of that, years later, I still do things the way I did before, none of it influenced me, it just annoyed me that people complained about me when I was growing up, when they were the ones that acted weird in my mind.

HeySmile That's really interesting to hear!
Now that you mention it, I do remember being talked about by friends of my family because I was walking "weird" too.
And I'm sorry to hear that others tried to "correct" you, I hope you're doing well.

I'm doing as good as I can when it comes to not letting people tell me how to live my life, no worries, really Smile

And if you want a little more context, the way I always walked were on toes and kind off bouncing, at least that's what everyone told me. So it was even noticeable with shoes.

2023-05-21 9:58
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Finding my way through life
Theriotype: Wild Canine/Feline
Experience: Therian
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Reputation: 4

Post: #27
RE: Projection Theory (also explaining all the wolves)

(2023-05-21 9:58)Riddle Wrote:  I'm doing as good as I can when it comes to not letting people tell me how to live my life, no worries, really Smile


(2023-05-21 9:58)Riddle Wrote:  And if you want a little more context, the way I always walked were on toes and kind off bouncing, at least that's what everyone told me. So it was even noticeable with shoes.

Interesting^^ For me I had a period of time where I, without any reason (at least I don't recall any), started to mimic how a horse walks without "rolling" their feet/hooves, and just steps on them straight on and off. I didn't like horses back then at all and I'm quite sure that I'm not horsekin. So, dunno how that happened but yeah haha

I guess, I stopped doing it at some point. But part of the reason why my posture is horrible, is because after that; i walked with my head down a bit, like most animals with 4 legs do.

(2022-09-15 17:09)The_Beta_Returns Wrote:  Maybe it's a certain freedom we crave. Maybe we feel too much. Maybe we are too inquisitive. I honestly have no idea. All I know is that, with or without trauma, something has to be there before it evolves into therianthropy. And that special something is what brings us down this path. It has to be there before anything ever happened.

I just re-read the thread and it seems I completely forgot to answer you, so sorry!

But I really agree with you there! There must be smt we have in common. And the "Maybe we feel too much." I really connect with! Maybe we sense something that is in almost every human; some relic from the stone age, when maybe humans had a more active, animalistic part to help them survive among the other animals. Maybe most humans are too numb to feel that inner call nowadays, but somehow we still do.

That's really interesting!! Thanks for your contribution to this; it opened my eyes somehow^^

Live slow and be gentle
He/Him | INTP
(This post was last modified: 2023-05-21 12:22 by Nightflame.)
2023-05-21 12:17
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Bacon flavored
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Post: #28
RE: Projection Theory (also explaining all the wolves)
Decided to read this thread cuz it seemed interesting. I do think that your theory is true for some. I mean, lots of you from this site have seen people who either faked it, or realized later that they were not really therian. Maybe in their case, this theory is true. But I know for myself, even though I didn’t know what a therian was, I had shifts and animistic tendencies since I was 3 and 4 years old. I hadn’t experienced any sort of trauma, nothing to give me anxiety, didn’t have any mental issues at the time, it was just.. me.

This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi: Trust in the force. Do not return to the Temple. That time has passed, and our future is uncertain.
2023-05-21 12:59
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Finding my way through life
Theriotype: Wild Canine/Feline
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Post: #29
RE: Projection Theory (also explaining all the wolves)

(2023-05-21 12:59)cyronthewolf Wrote:  Decided to read this thread cuz it seemed interesting. I do think that your theory is true for some. I mean, lots of you from this site have seen people who either faked it, or realized later that they were not really therian. Maybe in their case, this theory is true. But I know for myself, even though I didn’t know what a therian was, I had shifts and animistic tendencies since I was 3 and 4 years old. I hadn’t experienced any sort of trauma, nothing to give me anxiety, didn’t have any mental issues at the time, it was just.. me.

Yeah, I definitely see your point! I've now read from almost everyone that they've had it since early early childhood. I suppose my theory might work for some, but not for most. And that's okay!
I definitely want to read more about theories, both spiritual and psychological! It fascinates me!
And I'm happy that it's "just you"! I'm happy you didn't go though trauma and just know this part of you^^

Live slow and be gentle
He/Him | INTP
2023-05-21 13:05
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Bacon flavored
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Post: #30
RE: Projection Theory (also explaining all the wolves)

(2023-05-21 13:05)Nightflame Wrote:  

(2023-05-21 12:59)cyronthewolf Wrote:  Decided to read this thread cuz it seemed interesting. I do think that your theory is true for some. I mean, lots of you from this site have seen people who either faked it, or realized later that they were not really therian. Maybe in their case, this theory is true. But I know for myself, even though I didn’t know what a therian was, I had shifts and animistic tendencies since I was 3 and 4 years old. I hadn’t experienced any sort of trauma, nothing to give me anxiety, didn’t have any mental issues at the time, it was just.. me.

Yeah, I definitely see your point! I've now read from almost everyone that they've had it since early early childhood. I suppose my theory might work for some, but not for most. And that's okay!
I definitely want to read more about theories, both spiritual and psychological! It fascinates me!
And I'm happy that it's "just you"! I'm happy you didn't go though trauma and just know this part of you^^

Well NOW I have gone through stuff, but I’ve had this part of me from before then was kinda the point. I mean, after school pretty much all of us have dealt with crap, right?

This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi: Trust in the force. Do not return to the Temple. That time has passed, and our future is uncertain.
2023-05-21 13:06
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