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My theory on souls
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Resident vixen
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Post: #1
My theory on souls
I believe that the soul of a nonhuman animal can inhabit a human body. I believe that most of the time, the memories are wiped, with some exceptions. I believe that my soul is that of an Arctic fox.

I am May. I am autistic, so please be patient with me. Fox
2022-10-30 16:50
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Pushy zver
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Post: #2
RE: My theory on souls
it is good if this faith is supported by something, when there is a basis for faith. Not just an opinion.
2022-10-30 21:44
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Self-proclaimed goofy goober
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Post: #3
RE: My theory on souls
A little vague, but it's a good starting point for a theory. In all fairness, none of us can ever be sure why therianthropy happens. No one knows everything.


Pro-everything, live and let live

If you need a non-judgmental listener, I'm here.
2022-10-31 14:26
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Resident vixen
Theriotype: Red Fox
Experience: Therian, (otherkin?)
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Post: #4
RE: My theory on souls
I believe that when a creature dies, It's soul tries to find a new body to inhabit.

I am May. I am autistic, so please be patient with me. Fox
2022-10-31 14:30
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Sailor Büne
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Post: #5
RE: My theory on souls

(2022-10-31 14:30)NovaFox Wrote:  I believe that when a creature dies, It's soul tries to find a new body to inhabit.

When you say this, do you mean it in a reincarnation sense? Like, for example, a fox dies and is reborn in a human body? Or do you mean an animal dies and it jumps into an already existing person? I suppose that could make for an interesting case for therians who awaken later in life.

"The he-hare's feet go hop and skip,
The she-hare's eyes are muddled and fuddled.
Two hares running side by side, close to the ground,
How can they tell if I am he or she?"

-"The Ballad of Mulan"
2022-10-31 17:19
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Resident vixen
Theriotype: Red Fox
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Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
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Post: #6
RE: My theory on souls

(2022-10-31 17:19)Taguel Wrote:  

(2022-10-31 14:30)NovaFox Wrote:  I believe that when a creature dies, It's soul tries to find a new body to inhabit.

When you say this, do you mean it in a reincarnation sense? Like, for example, a fox dies and is reborn in a human body? Or do you mean an animal dies and it jumps into an already existing person? I suppose that could make for an interesting case for therians who awaken later in life.

I believe that it is reincarnation.

I am May. I am autistic, so please be patient with me. Fox
2022-10-31 18:28
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Sailor Büne
Theriotype: Rabbit
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Post: #7
RE: My theory on souls

(2022-10-31 18:28)NovaFox Wrote:  

(2022-10-31 17:19)Taguel Wrote:  

(2022-10-31 14:30)NovaFox Wrote:  I believe that when a creature dies, It's soul tries to find a new body to inhabit.

When you say this, do you mean it in a reincarnation sense? Like, for example, a fox dies and is reborn in a human body? Or do you mean an animal dies and it jumps into an already existing person? I suppose that could make for an interesting case for therians who awaken later in life.

I believe that it is reincarnation.

I share that belief! I think reincarnation is a beautiful and fascinating thought.

"The he-hare's feet go hop and skip,
The she-hare's eyes are muddled and fuddled.
Two hares running side by side, close to the ground,
How can they tell if I am he or she?"

-"The Ballad of Mulan"
2022-10-31 19:15
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House of Psychos
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Post: #8
RE: My theory on souls
I believe in reincarnation too. That souls are trying to find another body, and that these souls are reborn in a new body. And that nonhuman souls can be incarnated in human bodys.
But I don't think that an animal soul can incarnate in an existing and already living person.

Psycho | he/him

"He's in his own hell, just as you are in yours."
2022-10-31 22:50
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Sirius A1 - α Canis Majoris
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Post: #9
RE: My theory on souls
I believe reincarnation. And for the most part agree with the idea of a non-human soul incarnating into a human body. However I also technically don't see the soul as being human or non human exactly, just a mass of energy that takes on energy imprints from life to life. Sometimes imprints from the previous life or multiple lives makes it over for one reason or another, and may or may not retain the form of the previous life.

In the case of mystical beings incarnating as human it may be a bit more complex.
2022-11-01 0:35
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Eager beaver
Theriotype: Draconic
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Post: #10
RE: My theory on souls
I believe in short that: The part that makes ''you'' --> ''you, is the part that stays the same in every life. It is your true nature. But throughout many lives, human lives, creature lives... your soul (for example color yellow) will stay yellow but it will be shaped differently trough every life you live. The core ( yellow in this case) will always be the same. The shape can be different.

For example: random quote '' My past life of a wolf, made me who I am today, but my own core was always the same and will be the same in every other future life (exept if you live a full spirit-life as a spirit).

But where I DO believe in, is that even if me myself don't have a kintype (expect for maybe a dragon), but still can be draconic. That means the core (color yellow example again) was always a dragon troughout every life. So the core (color) will be yellow/the color comes from your draconic part that is always in you.

Another thing that can be said is that the color of your core is part draconic (white for example) and the other part is (red for example) the red part can be something completely different. Like an other kintype like a wolf, cat, unicorn etc. Than the two kintypes will blend together to the new color: (pink for example)

Dragons are quit high, but at the same time, the kind of the same level as humans. Why else can everyone have a dragon kintyp? Exactly.

---You can have a draconic blessing, by one of the dragongods like the main dragongods: Tiamat, Quetzalcoatl, Fafnir and Leviathan. ---

In short the term soul: no one exactly knows what it realy is. But I peronally believe that there is a change a soul as we think of them, do now exist. Instead it is a RESULT of a CAUSE wich is a RESULT of a CAUSE etc etc....

Who knows. But realy no one knows it exactly including myself. This is just my opinion.

[Image: 38ceba5132e168bfa300e6daeb28c6a3b85f395a.pnj]

Waiting for the New Golden Age in 2032 !!!
2022-11-01 17:20
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