It would appear to be a kind of epidemic as of late, especially in the wider alter-human community that everyone in it has to have a multiple personality problem.
As this in a way affects Therian Guide because people come in here with those sorts of preconceptions, I thought I'd post about this in something you can get a feeling for upfront.
Simply put, it you have a medical condition, you shouldn't try to call it Therianthropy and seek shelter in the therian community.
You should go to a medical doctor and work with them on resolving your issue.
Therian Guide is not a hospital, it is not our job to protect your mental health and as much as I might wish to the contrary: There is nothing people on the Internet can tell you, that is going to fix you. If you have an actual medical condition, it would be irresponsible of us to let you suffer consequences to your health, so we will insist that you see a medical professional.
If however you don't have a medical condition and you really just want to act like you have multiple personalities, then really we don't have to know. The Therian Community is not necessarily an "alternative community" and we don't all act funky just because we are therians. We are naturally more understanding of people who are different, much like how we are, but outside of that we try to act like normal human beings.
For those of you who believe you have undiagnosed DID. We have a few people on TG who have actual DID and it is like
Wikipedia says, people with a history of severe physical child abuse which results in dissociative episodes that disrupt their daily lives.
It does not, notably, mean the people talk to themselves in their forum posts or
act rude and request to be called by a different name from time to time, like some of you believe you should act.
For people who do have DID the medical condition but are therians and still want to spend time on Therian Guide, you are of course welcome. The general rule applies that you must have one account per physical body (or expect that we will merge accordingly).
If you are on government healthcare and are therefore forced to cope with the occasional crappy therapist, one of our DID members wrote a very nice guide for talking with them about therianthropy:
If you believe your multiple personalities are not psychological but spiritual in nature, please look at this public guide on actual spiritual concepts that describe the various forms of spiritual alternate personalities by @
elinox, so that you don't have to make stuff up:
Finally, as a general rule mental health is not an excuse for disruptive behaviour on the forums. If the way you act whether due to a medical condition or not, is making other people uncomfortable and you refuse to correct it, you will be banned. Our responsibility lies with protecting our community.