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Is quadrobics good or bad for your you?
Therian Guide Staff
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Post: #1
Is quadrobics good or bad for your you?

I don't know if the thousands of people who find our little forum searching for these terms are even at all therians. Smile

If you are not and you found us, welcome to our weird little corner of the internet! I recommend our main site to help you figure out what we are all about:

If you think you are a therian, and you are into quadrobics... I hate to be the one to break it to you but: While it is a much hyped-on trend on TikTok, being into quadrobics doesn't really make you a therian. Smile

There is already another thread explaining our sentiments on quadrobics:
Opinions on Quadrobics

That being said, I should mention that I've personally been into quadrobics before it was cool, inciting much concern from our fellow community members at the time: Laugh
My basic idea was that by training up to be capable to go down on all fours I would have an easier time communicating with other canines and therefore ease my species dysphoria. I imagine something similar applies to other therians who are into quadrobics these days.

If you're wondering how that worked out for me and in order to answer the question in the title of this post: I continued it until I hurt my back doing it. I ended up going to a doctor and asking them about it... they gave me a pamphlet on exercises to do to avoid back issues. In the pamphlet, were the same quadrobics exercises I was doing when I hurt my back in the first place. Tongue

Therefore: Is quadrobics bad for you? Yes, you could hurt your back doing it. Is quadrobics good for you? Yes, it can help prevent back issues. Laugh

In other words, you can do it, it doesn't matter. Smile Just as with any other exercise, warm up first, don't overdo it and do it regularly instead.

As for how widespread it is -- it's mostly only done by younger therians. When you get older, get some health issues and such, these things become more complicated to keep doing.


If you think I'm wrong just say so. Let's talk about it.
Most problems are man-made.

[Image: therapy%20wolf.png]
(This post was last modified: 2022-07-19 1:40 by DustWolf.)
2022-06-30 8:39
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Post: #2
RE: Is quadrobics good or bad for your you?
Like you said, It's bad when you don't do it properly. I cringe looking at these kids when their form is way off. Stretching is paramount as well.
2022-08-04 4:43
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Post: #3
RE: Is quadrobics good or bad for your you?

(2022-06-30 8:39)DustWolf Wrote:  Hello,

I don't know if the thousands of people who find our little forum searching for these terms are even at all therians. Smile

If you are not and you found us, welcome to our weird little corner of the internet! I recommend our main site to help you figure out what we are all about:

If you think you are a therian, and you are into quadrobics... I hate to be the one to break it to you but: While it is a much hyped-on trend on TikTok, being into quadrobics doesn't really make you a therian. Smile

There is already another thread explaining our sentiments on quadrobics:
Opinions on Quadrobics

That being said, I should mention that I've personally been into quadrobics before it was cool, inciting much concern from our fellow community members at the time: Laugh
My basic idea was that by training up to be capable to go down on all fours I would have an easier time communicating with other canines and therefore ease my species dysphoria. I imagine something similar applies to other therians who are into quadrobics these days.

If you're wondering how that worked out for me and in order to answer the question in the title of this post: I continued it until I hurt my back doing it. I ended up going to a doctor and asking them about it... they gave me a pamphlet on exercises to do to avoid back issues. In the pamphlet, were the same quadrobics exercises I was doing when I hurt my back in the first place. Tongue

Therefore: Is quadrobics bad for you? Yes, you could hurt your back doing it. Is quadrobics good for you? Yes, it can help prevent back issues. Laugh

In other words, you can do it, it doesn't matter. Smile Just as with any other exercise, warm up first, don't overdo it and do it regularly instead.

As for how widespread it is -- it's mostly only done by younger therians. When you get older, get some health issues and such, these things become more complicated to keep doing.


Yea dust i agree with you there it does get harder to do later on etc. I cant do it as ive suffered knee injuries but yea it is fun. Smile

"A wolf is only as strong as its pack"
2022-08-04 12:10
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Post: #4
RE: Is quadrobics good or bad for your you?
I love it! Though yeah, it's akward when you don't do it properly... but gotta learn.


[Image: st%2Csmall%2C215x235-pad%2C210x230%2Cf8f...te-1u2.jpg]
Take care Ear Fold
2022-08-04 15:27
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Post: #5
RE: Is quadrobics good or bad for your you?
Used to have knees like horses hooves as a kid. I could outrun others chasing me at full speed, found that out thanks to bullies. Tongue

Could jump over or on top of things with no issue, even walking down the stairs was fine.

As a teenager I stopped and then my spine decided to be stupid. So yeah, not really a point in learning proper quadrobics now. I occasionally do it though...followed by regret unless it was really short.

Honestly it doesn't look that special once it's not a slow-mo TikTok video. Some certainly are impressive skill-wise but after watching the same "Fox hunting a mouse" jump it really stops being cool.

I'd love to be able to do this like I want to but chances are low. Health-wise I don't really see this causing more wear and tear than other sports.

[Image: Photo-1676084552894-removebg-preview.png]
I might splinter. But I don't break. ~Dirk Strider
2022-08-05 1:10
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Post: #6
RE: Is quadrobics good or bad for your you?
I love talking about Quadrobics.

If I may put an input:

Quadrobics is good for you {In my opinion} BECAUSE. It helps you exercise certain areas in your body ALL AT ONCE. {research for further details}

Although, if you do not properly stretch you can and will be injured.
And if you want to jump over obstacles I suggest you learn how to land properly to avoid any arm, wrist or shoulder injuries.

Changing the subject. Are you okay? Ear Fold

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Don't lower your expectations to fit into the world. You were born to stand out.

2023-01-24 20:33
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Post: #7
RE: Is quadrobics good or bad for your you?
I can't say for certain that there's any harm that can come of the body from doing it. I think it's just one of those things you have to listen to your body on. It's an exercise. As with other exercises, strength and stamina as well as proper form must be observed when doing them or else injury can occur. That, and of course stretching beforehand! I used to do it when I did parkour as a strength exercise before I knew about therianthropy so it definitely has its purposes. Everything in moderation Smile.
2023-01-24 22:02
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Post: #8
RE: Is quadrobics good or bad for your you?
Imo Quadrobics is good as long as you do it right and not forget to stretch first! Now if you have back/neck/knee pain like I do it’s best not doing it on an extended period of time because it gave me a stiff neck after five minutes :’D but yeah doing short times of quadrobics is better than going around on all fours all day honestly

Playing possum is what I do. I die, so I live.
- Ozzie, 2006
2023-01-25 6:28
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Post: #9
RE: Is quadrobics good or bad for your you?

(2022-08-04 4:43)Hunter9 Wrote:  Like you said, It's bad when you don't do it properly. I cringe looking at these kids when their form is way off. Stretching is paramount as well.

Honestly, it's far more fun to do quads your own way imo. You just have to be careful and sure that you won't injure yourself.

₦ØⱤ₳ ₥ØØⱤɆ :jagcute:
2023-01-26 19:05
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Post: #10
RE: Is quadrobics good or bad for your you?

(2023-01-24 22:02)riley Wrote:  I can't say for certain that there's any harm that can come of the body from doing it. I think it's just one of those things you have to listen to your body on. It's an exercise. As with other exercises, strength and stamina as well as proper form must be observed when doing them or else injury can occur. That, and of course stretching beforehand! I used to do it when I did parkour as a strength exercise before I knew about therianthropy so it definitely has its purposes. Everything in moderation Smile.

Yep, completely agree with this. For some people its a good exercise that they can do, for others their body just wont be able to do it, especially those with back/neck problems

- Apollo

•·✦º✦·» Are you ready to have the next two minutes of your life completely wasted by ME?? :] «·✦º✦·•

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2023-01-27 8:51
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