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How do you explain psychological therianthropy?
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Theriotype: WereCanine
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Post: #11
RE: How do you explain psychological therianthropy?
I think the most important place to start is only trying to explain it to people who actually want to know. If they are wanting to ask questions about it, they are willing to try and meet you halfway even if you don't know how to explain it. They may end up asking the right questions cause they are actually paying attention, and want clarification. Otherwise I'd personally caution against sharing much details like Dust suggested, maybe being more willing to stick with "I don't know". Especially if where you live is pretty backwards. I know how that can be.

I think if you start there, then you might not have to worry quite so much about how to explain such a complex thing, cause you'll be in good company.

Awakened Sept 20, 2021
Still trying to understand my non-Human identity, and how to better connect to it.
2021-10-24 23:35
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Cordyceps Canine
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Post: #12
RE: How do you explain psychological therianthropy?

Yeah, Dustwolfs post already made me realize that I will never need some elaborate explanation. Most questions are gear related, and I blame this on liking anime/furries/werewolves if: "I just like how it looks." isn't enough.

The few people that get to know me and the other way around will start the conversation themselves.

There simply isn't a way to make this sound not weird. Laugh

[Image: Photo-1676084552894-removebg-preview.png]
I might splinter. But I don't break. ~Dirk Strider
2021-10-25 0:12
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Theriotype: WereCanine
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Post: #13
RE: How do you explain psychological therianthropy?
It really is hard to know how to describe it, even if you are trying to boil it down for someone you know doesn't want a deep answer. I've refined my explanation for Furries and me being a Furry for over a decade now, cause oddities are hard to explain! I'm glad that now I've also taken on the title of Therian, I don't feel nearly as obligated to go into much detail in general.

A way that has always helped make psychological identity a bit easier for me to explain is to use the spiritual as a metaphor or example. I might say something like "I am not spiritual, but if I was then I could say I have a Canine spirit, cause that's the best way I can describe it".

Awakened Sept 20, 2021
Still trying to understand my non-Human identity, and how to better connect to it.
2021-10-25 0:29
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Cordyceps Canine
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Post: #14
RE: How do you explain psychological therianthropy?

If it comes down to it: "Im simply closer to animals than humans. Has always been like that." Did the job quite well on it's own before as well.

Like I mentioned there is someone where it's not a secret. That might end up becoming my personal therian explanation. If that exact question would come up. (Wich would be an odd thing to happen. Wink )

But saying this doesn't sound crazy, is easily understood. And it's simple but true in my case.

I always explained being a furry with: "I like fantasy/cartoon animals."

But that's also something no one asks about. It's side comments and usually I start it. Depending on the person here as well.

[Image: Photo-1676084552894-removebg-preview.png]
I might splinter. But I don't break. ~Dirk Strider
(This post was last modified: 2021-10-25 3:40 by Cordyceps Canine.)
2021-10-25 3:34
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Rawr >:3
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Post: #15
RE: How do you explain psychological therianthropy?
I agree with the sentiment of only sharing if you want to and with people who actually take interest, not out of malice but out of an open mind and curiosity.

I'm an artist so I often can just use that as a valid reason for my interests, I draw a lot of animals and I really enjoy drawing furries and am a furry (I don't disclose that to people) but the blanket of "I'm an artist who does commission work" really steers any misplaced malice or "cringe" mindset away and people usually start asking questions with a more open mind as they feel less like they need to judge something the internet has judged cringe.

My Therianthropy will not be discussed with anyone unless they too are therian, I don't feel the need to disclose it to my partner as it is frankly, none of their business. It's a part of me no one knows except this forum and I am perfectly happy with that. Overall like I said in my other comment discussing it, it is really up to you however right now the world is not ready to give therians/otherkin an open mind and it is most likely safer to not say anything. Just be yourself and enjoy what you love, there is no harm in it and you should not stifle yourself for others preconceived notion of normal.

The only one you owe in this life or the next is yourself.
Live like you mean it

2021-10-25 4:43
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Post: #16
RE: How do you explain psychological therianthropy?
Spiritual Therianthropy - my soul is something non-human.
Psychological Therianthropy - my human brain is wired differently, more inline with a non-human animal's.

[Image: HbJE333.png]

cat | 43 | writer & published author | scuba diver | chaotic good | Hufflepuff | INFJ | eclectic Wiccan witch
2021-10-25 23:39
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Ash MacTire
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Post: #17
RE: How do you explain psychological therianthropy?
I like a lot of what Dusty said, especially that "it's usually not a good idea to give people information they did not want." If someone asks casually, it's probably best to explain it away casually, like "I just really like/relate to these animals." If it looks like they're serious about it, you might be able to give a more serious answer.

Although I believe in both a spiritual and psychological aspect of therianthropy, I would talk about the psychological side first, since people generally agree that the brain is a real thing. Talking about souls or spirits will be a dead end if the other person thinks that souls don't exist, or animals don't have one.

So, I would first mention how humans are all animals, and we literally have an 'animal part' of our brain that acts much like the same part of other animals' brains. This is scientific fact, easy to understand; and making it 'we' relates it to the other person. Then make an extension of that premise to explain how you're different: "Some people seem to experience the animal portion of themselves more directly than others, and in a more specific way, and come to identify as a certain type of animal in some manner - known as therianthropy."

Obviously, this depends on your own beliefs and theories, but I think that starting with a concise, fairly general explanation is most palatable. Then you can give more specifics, depending on how receptive the other person is and what questions they have.
2021-10-26 21:43
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Kit Dragon
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Post: #18
RE: How do you explain psychological therianthropy?
When asked, first I am open and honest. However, I know that some people are not ready for the full-tilt answers. Therefore I share with them is baby bites and always, I turn their question into a more personal question directed at them. Such as... Have you ever had a past life experience? I ask sure I have, and I am willing to be you have too. Have you ever gone to do something only to feel like you have done this before? Yet you have never done it in your entire life, but you have the full sensation that you have actually experienced this before?

By posing the question back to them, I hope to entice them to ask themselves the most important question in the world. Why. Why is the Word of Reason. It is the combination of Logos (logic/intelligence) combined with Wisdom (experience/learning by doing) Together Logos and Wisdom helps you understand Why.

Taking small "bites" of any "meal" is the best way to enjoy it and leads to wanting to "taste" more.

Just my 2cents thanks for letting me share
2021-10-26 23:12
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Post: #19
RE: How do you explain psychological therianthropy?
Something I told my mum and sister a while ago when they asked me to remind them what it is:
"It's like a connection with an animal so strong that you consider yourself an honorary member of that species. You see yourself in them."
When trying to avoid causing someone to fear for my sanity or something, I make it sound poetic. Emphasise the symbolic aspect. Seems to work well enough and follow up questions aren't too awkward.

I'm not human I'm just overgroomed!
(This post was last modified: 2021-10-27 0:05 by Lopori.)
2021-10-27 0:04
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Lupus Ferox
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Post: #20
RE: How do you explain psychological therianthropy?
Then don't. A friend of mine once asked me what kind of forums I used and what they were about. I couldn't lie about it, because he was in my room, with my pc switched on, so he could always check. He wanted to know if it happened to be a forum for autistic people and I then said no. So, how to explain it without sounding crazy?
I guess I said something along the lines of "wolf trapped in a human body" and "I fear that I couldn't help having that thought". Then, I said that most of us have real-life issues, of which some definitely include psychological problems and that they are hard to treat. It's very easy to take on the role of the victim here, when saying you have problems of the mind, but it helps when the person in front of you has similar issues of their own. So I guess it depends on who you want to explain it to and to what degree you can trust them.
Be honest. If you're telling them it causes you nothing but distress and it is in fact so, then that was a good step to take. As for psychological therianthropy, I think that the real challenge is to explain its counterpart. Talk about it, you'll quickly notice that it gets easier finding the right words the more experience you gain at it. If they want to believe you or not, is the obvious question, of course. No one can answer that unless you attempt it. Most adults should be mature enough to not make fun of it.
2021-10-27 19:43
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