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  The Great Big Thread of Helpful Links
Posted in: Announcements Posted by: Bagera - 2025-03-21 20:44

With all of the new members here, many of which are new to forums in general, I and other staff often find ourselves digging for many links to answer member questions. So I'd like to make a big thread that has all the helpful links you'll need. And I'll try to organize them by category.

Please note that while this is an announcement that can be seen by members and guests alike, many of these links will only work for registered forum members.

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Let me know if there's anything you think I missed or would be helpful to add~

  RE: Green paws and their understanding of therianthropy
Posted in: Introduction to Therianthropy Posted by: Siris - 2025-03-18 6:17

i actually made a post that i feel delves into a lot of the underlying here a while back not to push my own thread it is just a lot to type over again

  RE: Green paws and their understanding of therianthropy
Posted in: Introduction to Therianthropy Posted by: StormyPica - 2025-03-17 18:03

I agree with Pi 100%, and also agree with Zip’s latest comment. It isn’t bad to be therian, it isn’t bad to not be therian. It isn’t bad or good or anything to be a therian who spend most of their time inside, or outside, city or forest. Besides the health consequences of being inside for prolonged periods of time, of course. But I mean morally.

Therians come in all ages and abilities, psychological and spiritual, and every therian’s life is different. There is no one “right way” to live as a therian, the right way is what’s best for you, with your body and abilities and situation, and what brings you the most joy and connection. Helping the earth is something we should all do also, but again, that’s going to look different for everyone and that’s ok.

Hopefully this made sense.

  RE: Green paws and their understanding of therianthropy
Posted in: Introduction to Therianthropy Posted by: zip-bomb-dog - 2025-03-17 15:56

I do agree that gatekeeping gets us nowhere. Therianthropy is already such a difficult thing to experience that therian pups need support, and the therian community should always strive to be a welcoming place to all involved. Even those exploring their identities, if they decide in a couple years that therianthropy isn't how they want to express themselves, or that they don't actually align with therian values and identities, that's okay! Hopefully they'll come away more educated and more intelligent about this community. If we "lose" a therian, hopefully we'll gain an ally. Smile

One thing I don't like to see, on the other end of the therian spectrum, is therians who endlessly "belittle" non-therians. I understand disapproving of people who create trouble or perpetuate stereotypes or bully therians, but it gets to a point where I see therians belittling those who may be open to learning! Even if a kid isn't a therian, keeping them as an ally and educating them on therianthropy is one of the best things we can do for the community. Gatekeeping and saying "oh, the normies just don't get it and they never will" makes people defensive; being defensive will make them aggressive, and then you've just created a whole new source of hatred for therians rather than having a logical discussion on the internet about what you experience and how they can relate. Everyone has felt out of place or misunderstood at some point, even those who are not therians. Appeal to that! Educate instead of shaming! we can show them that even if you leave a community, you can keep friends and maintain healthy social interactions.

  RE: Green paws and their understanding of therianthropy
Posted in: Introduction to Therianthropy Posted by: Caramellatte - 2025-03-17 15:14

Pi said exactly what I've been trying and failing to express the whole time I've been on TG. They worded it way better than I ever have.

Exactly that. It feels great to see it. I'm so relieved.

  RE: Green paws and their understanding of therianthropy
Posted in: Introduction to Therianthropy Posted by: Avis - 2025-03-17 14:47

(2025-03-17 13:27)Pi. Wrote:  ...

Don't become gatekeepers. Nothing good ever comes out of respectability politics.


We need solidarity with each other. We need to protect each other, even the ones who are different from us—especially the ones who are different from us—because our safety and our fates are linked.

I wanted to add to this:
A species that doesn't/cant adapt dies out.
We as a community need to be flexible. That doesnt mean we change the meaning of therian, and it doesn't mean we have to let misinformation run rampant.
We should let young people explore who they are, and allow them the space to think deeply about themselves.

Dusty said:

(2024-01-28 13:09)DustWolf Wrote:  I also believe, that by actually talking about these things and taking into account how we make each other feel, each one of us can grow as a person to become better people. This is obviously especially important for younger people, where developing the ability to gracefully cope with social challenges, could make a big difference in their quality of life in the long run.

Even if not everyone is really a therian, they might still take something good out of this.

I agree, that even if not all of the young critters who join are therian/otherkin, from being in this community they can gain something powerful and important to life.

That's all


  RE: Green paws and their understanding of therianthropy
Posted in: Introduction to Therianthropy Posted by: Pi. - 2025-03-17 13:27

As an older queer, trans person who's lived through various identity validity wars, i have one piece of advice:

Don't become gatekeepers. Nothing good ever comes out of respectability politics.

We've been through this many times before, with the gays and lesbians who think bisexual and trans people give them a bad name, the trans people who think genderqueer and nonbinary people give them a bad name, and every community out there right now who think therians in general give them a bad name. Don't become the next repetition of that.

The kids and green paws who are exploring their identities are not the enemy. Let them try things, let them wear gear, let them follow TikTok trends and do things even if it makes you cringe. As long as they're not hurting anyone, they're fine. They are not the threat or the problem.

The fascists and bigots who want to eliminate queers, trans people, furries, therians from society are the problem. They will always target the most vulnerable, and the last thing any of us needs to be doing is to help pave the way for them by debating whose identity is valid or invalid, or who of us deserves respect and who doesn't. Trust me, the bigots and fascists don't make any such distinction. We're all just the same trash to them.

We need solidarity with each other. We need to protect each other, even the ones who are different from us—especially the ones who are different from us—because our safety and our fates are linked.

  RE: Green paws and their understanding of therianthropy
Posted in: Introduction to Therianthropy Posted by: Volchara - 2025-03-17 6:46

(2025-03-16 21:59)zip-bomb-dog Wrote:  

(2025-03-16 18:47)WanderingForests Wrote:  Excuse my ignorance, but what are 'green paws'? Is that a new TikTok term I've missed out on? Can someone fill me in on this? Again sorry if this is something I should know by now.

I believe it just means "new to therianthropy". "Green" as in fresh or new; like Avis said, similar to greenhorn.

Could have been the way Volchara's translator translated it. I haven't seen it online before.

yes, that's exactly how it's translated, I don't like the expression "therianthropy beginner"
It sounds weird

  RE: Green paws and their understanding of therianthropy
Posted in: Introduction to Therianthropy Posted by: Avis - 2025-03-17 2:49

(2025-03-17 2:33)+Leafy~Raccoon+ Wrote:  

(2025-03-17 2:17)Avis Wrote:  

(2025-03-17 0:59)+Leafy~Raccoon+ Wrote:  

Volchara Wrote:when I hear "Therian mask", I immediately feel negative emotions towards the one who said this bullshit
Therian mask, Therian gear... no!

People only called gear "therian gear" because most therians use it.

Id like to point out that the vast majority of therians /dont/ have/use gear, its been a trend as of late.

I knew there was something I was forgetting!
Yes, I do realise that not all therians use gear. I meant to write that most people that are actually therians use gear but that doesnt mean they all do. (Something along the lines of that)
I think tails and masks being gear was hooked to therianthropy because of tiktok and therians on tiktok popularizing it, right?

far as I can tell

  RE: Green paws and their understanding of therianthropy
Posted in: Introduction to Therianthropy Posted by: +Leafy~Raccoon+ - 2025-03-17 2:33

(2025-03-17 2:17)Avis Wrote:  

(2025-03-17 0:59)+Leafy~Raccoon+ Wrote:  

Volchara Wrote:when I hear "Therian mask", I immediately feel negative emotions towards the one who said this bullshit
Therian mask, Therian gear... no!

People only called gear "therian gear" because most therians use it.

Id like to point out that the vast majority of therians /dont/ have/use gear, its been a trend as of late.

I knew there was something I was forgetting!
Yes, I do realise that not all therians use gear. I meant to write that most people that are actually therians use gear but that doesnt mean they all do. (Something along the lines of that)
I think tails and masks being gear was hooked to therianthropy because of tiktok and therians on tiktok popularizing it, right?

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