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Why there might be more canine/feline therians
Theriotype: candian marble fox, red fox, ocelot (dragon?)
Experience: Therian, (otherkin?)
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 8
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Post: #1
Why there might be more canine/feline therians
Someone I know had the theory that since canine and feline animals are more social, that could be why there seem to be more, over antisocial animals. Correct me if im wrong, but canine/feline animals tend to seek community over, say, reptiles. It could be that they're more prevalent for that reason.
However, another friend proposed that this theory may suggest that everybody could be a therian. I don't know if I quite agree with that, but it definitely is a proposition.

-Elias Finn (he/vi/they)

Constantly Fluctuating, Always Different, Never Real.
2024-12-30 21:24
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Canid from the Void
Theriotype: Nogitsune/Northwestern Wolf
Experience: Therian
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 4
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Post: #2
RE: Why there might be more canine/feline therians
The first part is an interesting idea. We may just not be seeing the theriotypes that wouldn't seek out these communities as often. I don't think it suggests everyone is a therian though...but it definitely would account for why so many wolves tend to gather together. Not as much in regards to foxes though, who are only semi-social, which is what I noted from meeting others offline as well.
2025-01-03 2:49
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Resident Wiccan
Theriotype: Werewolf, Kitsune, Big-Cat Clado
Experience: Therian, Otherkin
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 1

Post: #3
RE: Why there might be more canine/feline therians
my personal theory is as follows, based off of what i've seen:

The reason a lot of people put so much emphasis on the amount of canine & feline therians usually stems from the idea of therianthropy being a past life when it comes to Spiritual Therianthropy. This causes an uproar, such as "there can't possibly be so many wolves!" when in reality, there very well could be. (using wolves as my example here since they're the ones that i've seen the most uproar/discourse around.)

In reality, someone could be a wolf-therian due to their soul being wolfen, someone could also be mistaking their werewolf theriotype for a regular wolf (tbh i think this is highly likely. There's not much talk in regards to theriomythics outside of this website, and many feel forced to use the term otherkin even if it doesnt fully fit their experience. I fell into this group myself.).

Also: most of the discourse I've seen completely forgets the existence of psychological therianthropy and tends to view it as a strictly spiritual experience, which does a disservice to the whole community.

I do also think that the social behaviours of said theriotypes can come into play too, like both posts above. So ultimately it's kind of a mix of reasons why there's so many canines and felines.
2025-01-03 16:48
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anam fallain
Theriotype: Feline
Experience: Therian, Otherkin
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 238
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Post: #4
RE: Why there might be more canine/feline therians
I'm not sure this theory holds up with feline therians since most felines are solitary in nature.

[Image: YJKCUsm.png]

cat | 42 | writer & published author | scuba diver | chaotic good | Hufflepuff | INFJ | eclectic Wiccan witch
2025-01-06 20:22
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