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Whats a Bi-Location Shift?
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Post: #1
Whats a Bi-Location Shift?
The title says it. I've heard of this shift, but from the limited definitions that I've read, I don't think I fully understand it.
I've scrolled to page 10 of this forum list to try to see if anyone talked about bi-location shifts, but I didn't see anything. I looked it up on the therian wiki, but I felt like the explanation wasn't enough.
Are Bi-location shifts like P-shifts, and don't actually exist? or are they just a rarely experienced shift?

I'm more inclined to ask because of an experience I had today. I was in class and I had my head down. The teacher was talking about her experience living in Europe, so I put my head down and just imagined myself being a Scottish wildcat in the forest or pouncing around in fields. It felt like I was doing a visualization meditation or having a daydream, nothing out of the ordinary for me. and then I couldn't feel my arms for a second. It was weird, seeing as I wasn't that focused on this daydream/meditation thing, and I was still listening to my teacher's story. but It just was odd, because I didn't feel any other limbs, I just visualized my Scottish wildcat self sitting in a patch of grass.

It very well could have been a phantom shift of some sort connecting to my daydream. and I still think that's partially (if not fully) the reason behind it.

but back to the point, what is a bi-location shift, and what is it like to experience one?

Faal Feykro los dii hofkiin, dii hahdrim los raan
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2022-08-23 21:36
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Post: #2
RE: Whats a Bi-Location Shift?

(2022-08-23 21:36)Aspen_I_guess Wrote:  Are Bi-location shifts like P-shifts, and don't actually exist?


A bi-location shift is one's mind moving into the body of a physical animal that exists in another location (hence the name).

We get one or two people over the years who claim to experience this, usually in some kind of story like "I shifted into a wolf and nobody believes me" and then once I investigated it turns out they experienced their shift while in a closed department of a mental ward, and there is a very good reason why nobody believes them.

So, basically it's clinical lycanthropy / psychosis where the person hallucinates that their body has become one of a wolf (or other animal) and it's an acute medical condition that has no relationship with therianthropy.


If you think I'm wrong just say so. Let's talk about it.
Most problems are man-made.

[Image: therapy%20wolf.png]
2022-08-23 21:47
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Post: #3
RE: Whats a Bi-Location Shift?


A bi-location shift is one's mind moving into the body of a physical animal that exists in another location (hence the name).

We get one or two people over the years who claim to experience this, usually in some kind of story like "I shifted into a wolf and nobody believes me" and then once I investigated it turns out they experienced their shift while in a closed department of a mental ward, and there is a very good reason why nobody believes them.

So, basically it's clinical lycanthropy / psychosis where the person hallucinates that their body has become one of a wolf (or other animal) and it's an acute medical condition that has no relationship with therianthropy.


Thanks for letting me know! Good thing that my whole situation just felt like a weird daydream/phantom shift rather than having a severe medical condition.

Faal Feykro los dii hofkiin, dii hahdrim los raan
Jul nis horvutah Zu'u
Mahfaeraak bo voth vonun viing
(This post was last modified: 2022-08-23 22:01 by Aspen_I_guess.)
2022-08-23 21:58
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Post: #4
RE: Whats a Bi-Location Shift?
This concept is portrayed by a character with magical powers in the fantasy series Game of Thrones. They call it skinchanging or warging.

previously a wolf spirit
2022-08-25 13:28
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Post: #5
RE: Whats a Bi-Location Shift?
yes, but rather then changing shape like in a werewolf movie, a wolf raises from the unconscious human body, or a smaller animal crawls through the mouth and returns to the body when done. bilocation is where a human can appear in two places at once by a similar method, bilocation shifting adds a tablespoon of shift. you see it is older examples of werewolf folklore in place of twilights p-shift

possession shifting is when a human spirit jumps into an animal body, affectively becoming said animal (lost ember). nothing to do with the type of shifts many of us experience though


(2022-08-25 13:28)Tdae Wrote:  thrones

i've been to the zoo where tha wolf lived. he'd died unfortinately, but i met his mate

(This post was last modified: 2022-08-27 10:58 by libra.)
2022-08-27 10:47
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Post: #6
RE: Whats a Bi-Location Shift?
Bi - Two

Location - Place

Two places at once. It's not possible. There are a lot of different ways that can be interpreted, I think. Even if someone were to argue that it is possible through the meditation or what have you, I think that would fit into the category of an astral shift. It's not something that can happen in the physical world.

I think Wolfwalkers is a good example. Their soul leaves their body to take the physical form of a wolf while their human bodies are left in a deep sleep elsewhere.

[Image: 1nZhgqH.png]
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2022-08-29 12:41
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