Everywhere I go, I see people saying things like "Fake therians aren't a problem", "Misinformation is not as big of an issue as people say it is", and "How do fake therians even affect you? Let kids be kids!" I strongly disagree with all of these things, and I'm going to be going over my arguments for why.
"Misinformation isn't a problem" and "Fake therians aren't a problem"
Misinformation has been spreading like wildfire within the alterhuman community, and it shows no signs of slowing down. At this point, I believe that more than half of the people who identify as therians do not even understand what an alterhuman truly is. I'm worried that the amount of misinformed humans who think they're therians is only going to grow exponentially as misinformation continues to spread.
Why is misinformation a problem? Because it leads to fake therians; but why are fake therians a problem? Before I answer that, I have to specify my definition of a "fake" therian. In my opinion, a fake therian is
anyone who falsely says they are a therian. It does not matter if they are misinformed or if they are doing it by accident, I still consider them to be faking. Having so many fake therians in the community changes and influences the community as a whole. Real alterhumans have been put in the back seat of their own community, all outsiders see is TikTok kids who claim to be therians and push false information. What outsiders believe a "therian" is is changing, and not for the better.
"How does this even affect you? Let kids be kids!"
Therian spaces exist for a reason. If alterhuman safe spaces are suddenly flooded with humans pretending to be them, what happens to the real alterhumans? I don't think its ok to just let them do this because they're "misinformed". It doesn't matter the cause, they're still affecting the therian and alterhuman community as a whole. I'll use a personal experience as an example of how this is harmful.
One time, when I was still fairly new to the community, I joined a "therian" discord server. These people were constantly mean aggressive to me, for reasons I still do not understand. It came to a head when we got into an argument over what therianthropy is, and I told them the real definition. They said things like "That's so weird!", "Nobody actually thinks that way!", "What's wrong with you?", and I was then swiftly banned. As someone who was new to the community, how do you think that experience made me feel? To be so harshly thrown out of a space that was supposed to be full of people like me, after I'd been looking for other therians for so long? After this happened, I no longer felt safe in the community. I still don't fully trust the critters around me to not turn around like this and call me crazy and ostracize me for simply being a therian. I've learned that it doesn't matter where I go, humans will always invade alterhuman spaces.
I hope that this post gets across why I strongly dislike fake therians of any kind, as well as why I specifically dislike the given phrases. I may edit this post later, as I have more I'd like to say, but I've already spent over an hour working on it.