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Therianthropy; how are we shaped identity wise?
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Post: #1
Therianthropy; how are we shaped identity wise?
Heya, I don't know if the title is a bit misleading or not, so if anyone has any name suggestions just shoot. It's 7 am and I haven't slept yet, lol. Anyways,

I was reading a newly published book this morning, digging into a lot of things, such to say the history of therisnthropy, an explanation to it, and the publishers personal experience... They spoke about how they found their theriotype, the iriomote cat... It got me thinking.

As Therians that are aware of their identity, are we truly born this way, knowing we for sure are our identity at some point, or can it be shaped?

I know for me, it's been a mixed bag as a shapeshifter with some identities thrown in there... For example, I've always known I was a timber Wolf. I've known since I first saw them in my area that I was one of them, even if in the flesh I was not. This experience was innate to me. However, there were other experiences that were not. Ones I had to do research on. Ones I saw and had a "Aha!" Moment. I wonder, if there were animals of very similar characteristics both physically and personality/behaviour wise, and I came across them first, would I have identified as them, instead of what I identify as now?

What if most of us were like that. We know we are something, and we know we have something of certain traits, but how are we so sure that it's one thing over another? Would it be possible for us as Therians to be torn in two over this? Does it come naturally?

By the way, this post isn't meant to be controversial at all. It's meant to provide a question to allow people to think about themselves for a moment. It's also aimed to create feedback, and create a space where we can talk about challenging things with ourselves.

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Abyss||21||Neurodivergent|He/They||DM friendly

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(This post was last modified: 2024-10-19 10:57 by Abysmal..)
2024-10-19 10:57
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Post: #2
RE: Therianthropy; how are we shaped identity wise?
I thought yes, why can't it be shaped when I stumbled upon your post, although it's possibly more complicated than that. For instance, I knew I was canine for sure and therefore sought after animals under that same hood. While other animals (under that branche) had indeed crossed my mind before then, it wasn't until the wolf was introduced the idea that that should be me was the strongest. And that idea kind of lingered on since then. I'm not saying I changed theriotypes like underpants back at the very start, but switching between types can be meaningful sometimes in order to get to know yourself from all possible angles. (I had four possible theriotypes at the start, for your information!) I think it's okay to do proper research and to try out multiple types to see what gets closest to your skin. See what fits and what slides off of you... like the rain on a duck.
I'm just saying that you're born with a therian identity, but what you are, is likely to get clearer to you through experience and the life wisdom you'll gain through interaction with your world, the people in it and of course by putting your mind to the test. Is this too far-fetched?
2024-10-19 13:07
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Post: #3
RE: Therianthropy; how are we shaped identity wise?

(2024-10-19 13:07)Lupus Ferox Wrote:  I thought yes, why can't it be shaped when I stumbled upon your post, although it's possibly more complicated than that. For instance, I knew I was canine for sure and therefore sought after animals under that same hood. While other animals (under that branche) had indeed crossed my mind before then, it wasn't until the wolf was introduced the idea that that should be me was the strongest. And that idea kind of lingered on since then. I'm not saying I changed theriotypes like underpants back at the very start, but switching between types can be meaningful sometimes in order to get to know yourself from all possible angles. (I had four possible theriotypes at the start, for your information!) I think it's okay to do proper research and to try out multiple types to see what gets closest to your skin. See what fits and what slides off of you... like the rain on a duck.
I'm just saying that you're born with a therian identity, but what you are, is likely to get clearer to you through experience and the life wisdom you'll gain through interaction with your world, the people in it and of course by putting your mind to the test. Is this too far-fetched?

It is not, no. I definitely agree with what you have to say here!

[Image: IMG-1163.png]

Abyss||21||Neurodivergent|He/They||DM friendly

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2024-10-19 14:20
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Post: #4
RE: Therianthropy; how are we shaped identity wise?
I know I was born this way because even before I could really form any solid memories, my parents have home videos of me acting in animalistic ways and vocalizing. Now the point you raised about dialing down a specific theriotype is interesting and did get me thinking.

As a young pup, I wasn't super specific about identifying a specific animal. I was more generalized, though I often did gravitate towards wolf more than other animals except when reading a series like Warriors. Later on, after letting the animal part of me back into my life, I quickly identified as a wolf and nothing more (though went through a brief phase of questioning a second cat theriotype, but I was reading Warriors again). I really didn't conduct any sort of research because as an animal fanatic I already had sufficient knowledge to determine with certainty that I was a wolf, and I think the traits, urges, instincts, and what not are pretty easy to connect to wolves specifically, and it's the only thing that feels right. Looking back on it, wolf is the only thing that has ever felt right, or real. While I enjoyed acting as any type of animal as a pup, being a wolf has always had a deeper sort of feeling or meaning.

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2024-10-19 17:29
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Post: #5
RE: Therianthropy; how are we shaped identity wise?

(2024-10-19 10:57)Abysmal. Wrote:  I wonder, if there were animals of very similar characteristics both physically and personality/behaviour wise, and I came across them first, would I have identified as them, instead of what I identify as now?

(Note: My response is from the perspective of psychology based therianthropy, not spiritual)
I think that one thing some often forget as well is that... therianthropy is rarely some hyper-specific identity. It is a non-literal intangible identity, and it would be improbable for one to know their exact fur pattern, size, weight, place of birth, how soft their fur feels, etc. It is why hyper-specific alterhuman stories are scrutinised so much, because it more aligns with one's imagination rather than one's inner subconscious identity. As an example, my dragon avatar is not truly me - it just a drawn representation. But I cannot know for sure that's how I'm coloured, cannot know for sure that my horns are of that length, etc.

So what are our therian selves actually shaped like? And can they be shaped? You could consider your alterhuman part a metaphorical mold of clay. It starts with a default appearance that might look a little canine, but then as you grow and learn more about the world, that clay may shape into a wolf, or a dog. But this clay object doesn't actually exist, you can't actually physically see or touch it. So how the hell do we even know what species it is?

I think many struggle with that lack of self-understanding, and when they find the concept difficult to grasp, they instead begin to perceive the mold literally; they start to shape it into something with their own hands, and it becomes something they are not (it becomes a figment of one's imagination or creativity). That clay mold is then no longer truly them, it is instead what they have made of it.

I think many would do well to learn that this clay is not something we even need to touch. It is a background part of ourselves, and it will take whatever shape it naturally develops. It may become a wolf, it may become a dog, it may become a bird! It doesn't matter. We don't need to understand every specific nature of our alterhuman identities and I don't think we should try, because they are intangible constructs. Even if we could prove that therian brains function differently to non-therians, that still will never tell us who we actually are as an identity.

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2025-03-05 0:49
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Post: #6
RE: Therianthropy; how are we shaped identity wise?
Ooh this is a good question, and I really like Jeb_CC's clay metaphor. As a young teen, when I first discovered therianthropy I was feeling 100% positive that I was a wolf- but throughout my life as I absorbed so much wildlife trivia, once I came to reexamine my therianthropy I was positive that what I'm looking at internally just aligns far more closely with foxes. I feel quite sure about it right now that that's what I've always truly been! But I'll stay open to the idea that this is a part of me that could prove to be more fluid. Maybe I'm a fox right *now*, and later in life I'll come to be something else- or I'll just be as wrong as I was as a kid when I thought I was a wolf.
2025-03-05 4:36
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Post: #7
RE: Therianthropy; how are we shaped identity wise?
Interesting. I think to some extent our therianthropy is malleable. I mean, what I think is intended is a group of animals like felines, canids, birds, fish, reptiles, or insects. I think these basic aspects of our therianthropy are determined, they are immutable parts of our identity. But exactly what species we are is already a question. In each of those groups the animals are very similar that then they differ only in small ways. For example, I thought I was a coyote. That was my very first type on thereotype. Because it was clear from the beginning that I was canine. I just knew that, it was a certainty. But finding that one animal in that whole family was so hard. So then I narrowed it down to wolves. But there's a lot of those, too. So I think it's very hard to decide, given how similar the related species are, which is why I think our therianthropy is malleable. Only the basics are given(animal group and genus) and the rest is a question mark. In this case i was oriented by feeling and harmony. And I think it is also influenced by our humanity. Because how much our humanity affects our perception of ourselves. So there you go.

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2025-03-05 6:43
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Post: #8
RE: Therianthropy; how are we shaped identity wise?
I did not expect my post to randomly revive XD anyways, I have read all three (technically four I just didn't know what to say) responses. Jeb, you have made a very important point, yes. I do feel this may vary for everyone however.. I know for at least my troll self, it's been something that's very innate to me. I know all the small and finer details... It just isn't something I can show off well! But I suppose in the long run, that doesn't matter.

[Image: IMG-1163.png]

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2025-03-05 7:13
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Post: #9
RE: Therianthropy; how are we shaped identity wise?
I felt @Jeb_CC 's explanation is really impressive.

To me, identity is like an art, in many ways.
As a well-known concept, therianthropy is explained as an 'innate trait', a sort of 'born gift'. I agree with it. I had had non-human recognition since I was 3 or 4. But I couldn't sort out my 'nearly-true theriotype' until the adolescence stage. And when I could detect the accurate theriotype was later stage of 20's. It took a pretty long time.

@Jeb_CC 's metaphor, identity is like a clay sculpture perfectly makes sense to me. Without accurate references, I cannot draw nice art nor good 3D models. I have to reference photos, anatomy, and actual animals to draw or model. Identity is just like that, I feel. We can imagine 'maybe something like this' without accurate reference, but cannot picture the detail unless we see the objective reference. Just like we cannot see ourselves without a mirror.

I personally feel, my identity can decompose into an amorphous, chaotic mud. It can shape into anything or anyone, but 'nobody' at the same time. Perhaps our subconscious is like that. What we're thinking 'ourselves' is the tip of the iceberg, this is a well-known theory in psychology. Potentially we can be anything or anyone but we're taking the shape of what we want to be or 'should be', willingly, necessarily, or forcibly. Perhaps the human brain has the potential to imagine like that, and it is the source of the creativity of humanity.

For both good and bad in therian's case, we have the 'awkward gift' of being a non-human animal.
Just like dogs, our 'awkward gift' defines what we're good at and what we're not good at when we were born. Like working groups, herding groups, hunting groups, or toy groups, many dog bleeds are specialized for their use or purpose, have innate superiority in their own tasks on both their body and mind.
In my personal forecast, therianthropy is the phenomenon of 'sharping' our basic shape of an identity, which originally can be anyone or anything into specifically 'something non-human'. Still we can decorate our identities, yes. But the most solid core shape cannot be anyone or anything else, for good and bad. Or at least it has shape-memory traits. Even if once it took another shape or smashed, but eventually it returned to the original form. That is the difference between normal humans and us, at least I personally think so.

So both 'discovery and reference' and 'imagination and creation' are important elements to one's identity. Even if the basic shape is solid and unchangeable, but still we can carve the details on the sculpture to make it more beautiful.

Some dogs are superior to normal humans in some specific tasks and that's why there are guide dogs, police dogs, military dogs, and therapy dogs. As long as we can draw our true potential in the right place and right purpose, we may perform better. But it depends on our respective circumstances. So finding one's theriotype means finding their superiority in my opinion. Finding the most appropriate job which much to their theriotype is the key to drawing one's potential in my opinion.

[Image: f63adf27073f9e1294e244cb27ac598b.png]
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2025-03-05 11:42
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Post: #10
RE: Therianthropy; how are we shaped identity wise?
I hope my contribution may have some value.
When I was a young pup in third grade my teacher had two dogs, two golden retrievers. He constantly showed us pictures of them and talked about them. I found that I was completely enamored with the dogs. I had a moment that I now know was a "that's me!" moment where I just connected with the dogs.

A good thing to know for the rest of the story is that during this time I didn't have friends because I was hyper, and my only friend was being gaslighted by her other friend saying I no longer liked her.

During field day my teacher brought his dogs. I think he got permission from the school, but I'm not sure he never said. Instead of playing with the kids, I played with his dogs (which he allowed since he knew I didn't have friends in school) and instead of playing fetch like a normal kid would do, I was on all fours running around with the dogs. I was very much acting like a wild animal.

I think this is where (using @Jeb_CC 's metaphor) I think the base of my clay structure formed. I was an animal, a dog.

I wanted to share because my experience with my theriotype has been consistent (even if I didn't realize it). I've always played with dogs the same, tried to be a dog too. I've been called out for it a few times, and I don't realize it half the time, Im just playing.

My identity with Dutch Angel dragons is complicated, and hard to explain and understand, so I wont get into it here.

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2025-03-05 14:50
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