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Therian journal
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Post: #1
Therian journal

I saw people searching for this, and thought I'd drop this post here to let you know, if you're not a member on TG.

A lot of people like to document their understanding of their own therianthropy in a journal.

TG offers a place to read and write such journals, but you have to have an activated account to access that area of the site. This is basically done to maintain some degree of privacy.

So if you want to keep your own therian journal, sign up. Wink

We also have an active friendly community with lots of people to talk to no matter the time of day. And dedicated forums for asking questions about therianthropy. You are welcome even if you are not a therian, as long as you understand that this is a forum for discussing therianthropy and are willing to learn.

For existing members reading this: What do you think about the useful value of keeping a journal?

Personally I saw the most useful value when people's understanding changes over time and you can see it in the journal.


If you think I'm wrong just say so. Let's talk about it.
Most problems are man-made.

[Image: therapy%20wolf.png]
2023-05-05 21:00
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Post: #2
RE: Therian journal

(2023-05-05 21:00)DustWolf Wrote:  For existing members reading this: What do you think about the useful value of keeping a journal?

For me I had less of a journal, and more like a bunch of sticky notes. But it really helped me list every detail and experience of my theriantrophic journey throughout life, and put everything into perspective. Making sure that I'm really theriantrophic, and not just overexaggerating things.

It helped me analyze every single event and trait individually, narrowing down what the closest species fit those experiences, for easier understanding of myself.

Especially with an unfocused mind like my own, it's also way easier to remember things, and find individual notes when I need them for something, instead of having to think hard every time.

Especially considering a lot of those memories are repressed, and remembering them is kind of a big deal to begin with.

(This post was last modified: 2023-05-21 3:21 by Riddle.)
2023-05-21 3:19
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The Questioning One
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Post: #3
RE: Therian journal
I am new here, but am enjoying having a journal! Though I am uncertain if we're able to have more than one journal, as I don't want to overuse said area. So far I use it as a more normal everyday/regular activities/thoughts journal as I hate rewriting things in my paper journal as well, so the online one is nice. Will maybe create a strictly shifts/thoughts/experience one instead though. Have been able to learn a lot about myself from here, message groups & doing research when I notice something that happens often/think of something. Was able to remember a really old memory due to wanting to track my shifting experiences on a post here.
2023-05-21 7:20
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Post: #4
RE: Therian journal

(2023-05-21 7:20)TheRoaringOne Wrote:  Though I am uncertain if we're able to have more than one journal, as I don't want to overuse said area.

(2023-05-21 7:20)TheRoaringOne Wrote:  Will maybe create a strictly shifts/thoughts/experience one instead though.

Journals are supposed to be, like the instructions say:

Quote:Please title it "Journal: [your name]".

...basically they should be a single thread kinda named after yourself. All the posts to that journal are supposed to be using the same topic and posted as replies.

So, not like a Tumblr blog where every post is a new thread with it's own topic and replies.

That said, if you have many posts in your journal and you feel your entries would be lost if posted to a single journal, you can have multiple journals. For example, I have 3 journals, because I have a lot of posts and I feel different people would be interested in the individual ones:

(2023-05-21 7:20)TheRoaringOne Wrote:  Have been able to learn a lot about myself from here, message groups & doing research when I notice something that happens often/think of something. Was able to remember a really old memory due to wanting to track my shifting experiences on a post here.

A note about "doing research": Try to remember that the most valuable source of information regarding your therianthropy are your own experiences. A lot of people make the mistake of researching the behaviour of many animals and end up feeling those experiences empathically, distorting what they experience themselves.

For example the best way for me to know something I experience was the experience of a wolf, was to consider what those experiences were before even knowing this is how wolves behaved.


If you think I'm wrong just say so. Let's talk about it.
Most problems are man-made.

[Image: therapy%20wolf.png]
(This post was last modified: 2023-05-21 10:04 by DustWolf.)
2023-05-21 10:00
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The Questioning One
Theriotype: Questioning
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Post: #5
RE: Therian journal

(2023-05-21 10:00)DustWolf Wrote:  

(2023-05-21 7:20)TheRoaringOne Wrote:  Though I am uncertain if we're able to have more than one journal, as I don't want to overuse said area.

(2023-05-21 7:20)TheRoaringOne Wrote:  Will maybe create a strictly shifts/thoughts/experience one instead though.

Journals are supposed to be, like the instructions say:

Quote:Please title it "Journal: [your name]".

...basically they should be a single thread kinda named after yourself. All the posts to that journal are supposed to be using the same topic and posted as replies.

So, not like a Tumblr blog where every post is a new thread with it's own topic and replies.

That said, if you have many posts in your journal and you feel your entries would be lost if posted to a single journal, you can have multiple journals. For example, I have 3 journals, because I have a lot of posts and I feel different people would be interested in the individual ones:

(2023-05-21 7:20)TheRoaringOne Wrote:  Have been able to learn a lot about myself from here, message groups & doing research when I notice something that happens often/think of something. Was able to remember a really old memory due to wanting to track my shifting experiences on a post here.

A note about "doing research": Try to remember that the most valuable source of information regarding your therianthropy are your own experiences. A lot of people make the mistake of researching the behaviour of many animals and end up feeling those experiences empathically, distorting what they experience themselves.

For example the best way for me to know something I experience was the experience of a wolf, was to consider what those experiences were before even knowing this is how wolves behaved.


Thank you! I just didn't want to make more than one journal thread incase it was seen as clutter. The "doing research" was more about terms used, similarities/differences about shifts & what is a shift vs a non shift. (My wording will suck as I'm checking here while extremely tired ?)

(This post was last modified: 2023-05-22 7:38 by TheRoaringOne.)
2023-05-22 7:35
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Post: #6
RE: Therian journal
Okay, don't worry about it. ^_^


If you think I'm wrong just say so. Let's talk about it.
Most problems are man-made.

[Image: therapy%20wolf.png]
2023-05-22 16:17
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