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Therian Guide is not a "safe space" UwU
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Post: #11
RE: Therian Guide is not a "safe space" UwU

(2021-11-12 12:09)Syraphin Faelad Wrote:  Edit
Ignore... mis read what was said.

Tg is a haven for different cultures, languages, believes, skin colours, kin types, genders and everything invetween. A few jerks who's soul ambition in life is to ruin other peoples doesn't make tg unsafe.

I see TG as a melting pot-- and a jungle. You have to defend yourself sometimes. It's less cut throat than the vast majority of the internet so that's a plus. TG is openly accepting, but as dust said, we're 'human'. Drama happens.

**Timber wolf therian-- Zhuard-- horse/crow hearted**

*~Being kin is a journey. See through the challenges and speak on the revelations.*

-Deviantart/Tumblr: Thebridgebeyond-
(This post was last modified: 2021-11-12 18:14 by Vintage.)
2021-11-12 18:14
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The Bookworm
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Post: #12
RE: Therian Guide is not a "safe space" UwU
Generally speaking, I expect people to disagree on any forum. Therian based or not. Humans differ considerably and it's not uncommon to find shaky ground when opinions clash. I have yet to see snowflakes be harbored under TG's roof so it goes without saying that it is up to you to make what you will of the environment. Much like any online space.
2021-11-12 19:28
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Post: #13
RE: Therian Guide is not a "safe space" UwU
oh this is interesting! ur meaning of safe space is totally different than mine and that's valid of course. i personally think that a "safe space" isn't meant to be a place where everyone thinks the same thing, but like a place where marginalized people can speak about stuff without being unsafe? like it should be a place to share opinions without being targeted. at least that's how i see it. i get that that's a common definition for people against safe spaces, thinking this is another stupid gen z thing XP.
i get what u all are saying though and different opinions are just fine to me at least!

( ´·ω·` )
i wuv u <3
2021-11-13 4:08
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Post: #14
RE: Therian Guide is not a "safe space" UwU

(2021-11-13 4:08)d0ggie_dr00l Wrote:  oh this is interesting! ur meaning of safe space is totally different than mine and that's valid of course. i personally think that a "safe space" isn't meant to be a place where everyone thinks the same thing, but like a place where marginalized people can speak about stuff without being unsafe? like it should be a place to share opinions without being targeted. at least that's how i see it. i get that that's a common definition for people against safe spaces, thinking this is another stupid gen z thing XP.
i get what u all are saying though and different opinions are just fine to me at least!

Honestly the internet has changed the meaning of safe space over the years, but I do think that for the most part TG could still be considered your version of a safe space. I mean, I haven't been banned yet - and I'm pretty much the resident angsty-teen at this point. So like, you're totally welcome to start a small garbage fire once in awhile so long as the mess is taken care of. Tongue

(This post was last modified: 2021-11-13 16:25 by Ishvala.)
2021-11-13 16:24
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Post: #15
RE: Therian Guide is not a "safe space" UwU

(2021-11-13 4:08)d0ggie_dr00l Wrote:  oh this is interesting! ur meaning of safe space is totally different than mine and that's valid of course. i personally think that a "safe space" isn't meant to be a place where everyone thinks the same thing, but like a place where marginalized people can speak about stuff without being unsafe? like it should be a place to share opinions without being targeted. at least that's how i see it.

Yeah the original argument we had was that someone stated that they thought TG was a "safe space" "like other online communities", which to them meant that nobody could question their statements, because making everyone comfortable was more important than, you know, stuff like the truth.

Sometimes words fail me, but what I was trying to get across is that for TG to do what TG is supposed to do to help Therians, we have to care about things like the truth, and the community stuff and being friendly to everyone comes secondary. (I honestly feel kinda silly even saying that because the community on TG is way better than most other online spaces, so...)

Or in other words, TG is not trying to win any popularity contests, we just want to be a support group for actual Therians. If we have to take up some unpopular positions, or be rude to people who are spewing bullshit, to accomplish that goal, so be it. Catering to those people is not a priority, even if they are as you say "marginalized".


If you think I'm wrong just say so. Let's talk about it.
Most problems are man-made.

[Image: therapy%20wolf.png]
(This post was last modified: 2021-11-14 0:56 by DustWolf.)
2021-11-14 0:53
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Saoirse Fiain
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Post: #16
RE: Therian Guide is not a "safe space" UwU
Ironically I have felt the safest here out of any other platform.

On Twitter people have discussed how they fantasize about slaughtering groups of people like me despite claiming to be accepting in their bios. Scary stuff right there, whether they mean it or not.

To be honest this is the only place where I feel safe discussing how therianthropy truly affects me. Not just the surface level stuff.

Props to TG for supporting diversity of thought.

[Image: 1nZhgqH.png]
Celtic Werewolf|Watcher of Birds|Signature by @Xulff
◈ The truth is out there ◈
2021-11-16 13:20
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Post: #17
RE: Therian Guide is not a "safe space" UwU
What's meant by "safe space" is that we don't restrict freedom or flow of thought or ideas for the sake of pandering to the most emotionally sensitive individual.

(2021-11-16 13:20)Saoirse Fiain Wrote:  On Twitter people have discussed how they fantasize about slaughtering groups of people like me despite claiming to be accepting in their bios. Scary stuff right there, whether they mean it or not.

Most of those are literally 12 year olds who's parents neglect to teach them respectful behavior.

That said, you've got to preserve your own peace of mind on Twitter. Their algorithm intentionally shoves stuff in front of you to cause you distress or outrage because those are emotional exploits that pump up engagement and increase their revenue. Use content filters and blocking aggressively.


2021-11-16 15:20
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Post: #18
RE: Therian Guide is not a "safe space" UwU
The description dustwolf said sounds like my version of a safe space, your safe to speak your belief safe to be corrected if wrong and safe to learn your also safe to correct others or safe to share and teach too.

That safe part ends when one expects that everyone do the echochamber thing and believe only what you do with out the beliefs being challenged. that is cult levels of stupidity/insanity and I don't see that being healthy.
2022-03-17 21:15
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Post: #19
RE: Therian Guide is not a "safe space" UwU
With @Vintage on this one. Although I need to remark that this is always the case when interacting with people, on any kind of forum, outside of TG as well as on its inside. It isn't just here the drama resides. Is it a jungle? Well, yes, it is. It is well-known that people bring drama or are verbally abusive towards one another. Perhaps our dramas are different from the ones on a do it yourself/handyman kind of site, but the core of the drama, opinions differing, is always the same. In that point of view, I think that TG isn't any different from any other whereabouts. Opinions clash, discussions get heated, people are getting told to bugger off... those are normal phenomena. Also, as far as a modern forum goes, I think this one is one of the best I've ever been on. When forums start losing their allure, only few of us will remain. That said, it could get pretty comfy in here if that were to come true.
I've always beheld some therian forums as relatively safe zones where just about anyone can share opinions or lend an ear for support. So, if all of that takes place in a jungle area, I wouldn't mind the heat.
2022-03-18 15:44
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Post: #20
RE: Therian Guide is not a "safe space" UwU
I consistently feel like I've done a terrible job explaining my views in this thread, so I'm grateful so many of you actually seem to understand.


If you think I'm wrong just say so. Let's talk about it.
Most problems are man-made.

[Image: therapy%20wolf.png]
2022-03-19 8:19
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