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TG Fundraisers! Phase 2
Therian Guide Staff
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Post: #1
TG Fundraisers! Phase 2
Hey everybody,

You know how we talked about how awesome it would be if we at TG got to make a real difference in the world?

We've taken your suggestions for groups fighting for animals and the environment and we combined it with our points system, and made it so that you can donate to these organizations without needing to have money!

Here's how it works: When you are active in the forums, post interesting threads and replies, you earn points.

You can then go to our points shop, look under the "Donation Tokens" section, and there you can purchase Tokens for the points you've earned.

For each token that you purchase, TG will donate 15 € to the corresponding organization. Smile

If you don't have enough points, but still want to be a part of this effort, we are hosting a pixel art competition! We are looking for a pixel art icon for each of the organizations. The author of each winning icon, will receive 200 free points!

P.S.: If you don't want to spend your points for donations, the same points can still be used to get Therianthropy and TG-branded merch, or the other cool emblems. Smile


If you think I'm wrong just say so. Let's talk about it.
Most problems are man-made.

[Image: therapy%20wolf.png]
(This post was last modified: 2017-04-21 1:31 by DustWolf.)
2017-04-21 0:57
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anam fallain
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Post: #2
RE: TG Fundraisers! Phase 2
What an awesome idea! And a great way for me to spend my points! Thanks! Big Grin

[Image: HbJE333.png]

cat | 43 | writer & published author | scuba diver | chaotic good | Hufflepuff | INFJ | eclectic Wiccan witch
2017-04-21 14:08
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Misha Pantanal
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A Feathered Biped
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Post: #3
RE: TG Fundraisers! Phase 2
Excellent idea.

That weird hyacinth macaw lady! cawheart

My blood belongs to the sea, my heart to the sky, and my mind to the cosmos

"I would rather spend my life close to the birds than waste it wishing I had wings"
2017-04-21 14:59
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