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Spiritual therory (Soul Jumping)
Pushy zver
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Post: #11
RE: Spiritual therory (Soul Jumping)

(2023-01-09 2:58)Observant Demon Wrote:  To me a soul is like a mote of energy

what is energy in your understanding?

mote is matter. energy is not matter. how can it fit together?

2023-01-09 3:26
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Observant Demon
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Post: #12
RE: Spiritual therory (Soul Jumping)
Mote means particle or speck; not necessarily referring to physical matter really.
Energy is a force that can affect something else and when channeled it can be deliberately used to perform a function.
Hence since the soul is a form of energy and it inhabits a body it is therefore doing 'work'.
2023-01-09 23:50
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Post: #13
RE: Spiritual therory (Soul Jumping)
Solely my belifs here:

Just to briefly jump into the OP's post, I agree about each individuals soul being in a 'favored' shape. That is to say the sentient soul is attracted to that shape and form; suggesting a reincarnation preference.

However, complications of any kind can exist. Some may be bound somewhere, others may have souls that are bonded, so on and so forth. Your theory of 'us being humans due to a flux in populations' (or so it is put) does not take into account those of us who are not earth animals. For some of us Earth in its current state was simply a detour--a new experience.

**Timber wolf therian-- Zhuard-- Horse & Corvid hearted**

*~Being kin is a journey. See through the challenges and speak on the revelations.*

*Traversing this world with a zhuard's soul and her familiar*
2023-01-10 1:02
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