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Pups and schools blocking therian guide
Therian Guide Staff
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映月 | HJ-111
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Post: #1
Pups and schools blocking therian guide
Dear pups, youngsters and those who are in school.

In the past years, laptops have become more present in the classrooms. These laptops are often school owned and governed by them. Meaning they have access to a lot of data from your computer, without you knowing.

You might have noticed that the teacher can see what you are doing on your screen whilst they are far away, schools adding blockers for apps and websites, ...

Truth is they can access your action history as well. What you do during class, what websites you visit, ...

Administrators can view those and if they see a certain website gets visited a lot during classes and causes a lot of traffic (in our case, loading the webpage, fetching posts, shoutbox messages, ...). They may be inclined to add that website to the blacklist. And thus causing your fun websites and therian guide to become blocked.

Why do they do these things?
To remove distractions in class so you'd pay attention in class.

Why would they look at our actions?
There are multiple reasons as for why they might do this.
- routine checks
- grades are low in a certain class / grade
- it is their job
- ...

We, as therian guide, have done everything we can do to prevent schools from banning therian guide. now it is up to you

What can you do?
- only be on here after school
- never be online or open therian guide when in class
- don't browse here during tests, presentations, tasks and lectures

Aka only be on here during your free time!
Doing this will minimize the risk of therian guide being blocked. Minimize the risks of your friends getting blocked. Minimize the risk of your losing your friends.

I know it is enticing to be on here for your friends during class. But is the risk worth it? Is it worth those few chats with friends to then never have contact with them anymore because tg got blocked?
If not for you, do it for others.
What about pups who want to learn about therianthropy but they can't access the website because it got blocked by someone being on here when they shouldn't. This is not only about you but also the future of therian guide.

Tldr: schools block websites that are frequently visited during classes and don't conform to the class subject. Only be on here in your free time.

Vrydi - Ying Yue | HJ-111 | She/her | huli jing - siberian flying squirrel - noomdle

[Image: ying-yue-wbg.png]
(This post was last modified: 2024-03-14 16:48 by Senna.)
2024-03-14 16:34
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Post: #2
RE: Pups and schools blocking therian guide
Understood. Although i cant be on here after school… it’s okay. I understand Vrydi.

sibs: @frost_TheCat, @SunnyDelta_On_Pawrs, @willowmoth
pups: @KoCaF_on_Pawrs, @Kida_TheFluffball
parents: @AvisTheDutchie, @Lunar Flight, @BagelJuice on Pawrs
2024-03-14 16:38
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Post: #3
RE: Pups and schools blocking therian guide
Ironically OKP's blocked for me and I've never even been on it once
'Nother tip for those who's school districts use "Lightspeed Alert Helper-" don't let your computer die/shut down w/ your fun things open, that's probs how I got Chicken Smoothie blocked on my school computer.

(Vry when will I be ubanned from snout?)

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

Left TG Sad

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[Image: Screenshot-2024-04-16-095236.png]
(This post was last modified: 2024-03-14 16:42 by Ashfur.)
2024-03-14 16:41
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Post: #4
RE: Pups and schools blocking therian guide
I’d like to add from a technical side most school networks are configured in such a manner that even BYOD (bring your own device) networks are monitored. They may not be able to directly manage your personal device but, they can observe it, and see what it does.

Yes that means they can also tell when you’re trying to use a method to bypass the rules. Additionally, it isn’t possible for you to fully erase your data or browsing history from a managed device on purpose. They can go back and still see what, when and how long you accessed a page for. Some schools also implement remote access to managed devices that allows your teacher or IT administrators to directly pull up your screen without you knowing.

It’s also important to know that by accessing this site on a managed device; you are giving up your right to privacy as the device you are using is property of the district. Honestly, I personally find this bothersome as the site is intended to be a closed community and by browsing the forums in this manner you are robbing the rest of us here of our right to privacy as well.

- Kenai (kiːnaɪ)

2024-03-14 16:54
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Post: #5
RE: Pups and schools blocking therian guide
Another thing I'd like to add... LanSchool. Teachers use it to look at what you're doing on your computers and to enforce "lockdown browsers." If they have it, they will use it. It's not new, it was founded in 1986. Its website is right here. If you see its logo as a widget in the taskbar of your teacher's computer, you should probably do your work and not be here, don't take any chances.

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

Left TG Sad

Besties: @Wolfish @Haskull @DakotaTheGrayWolf

[Image: Screenshot-2024-04-16-095236.png]
2024-03-14 17:06
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Post: #6
RE: Pups and schools blocking therian guide
Good to know, thank you for the information. Personally, I'm not so worried as I have so many tabs open in the background, it's rediculous and our school doesn't enforce such things (yet). From myself, I don't go onto the guide during school anyway, since there are enough distractions already, and I advise others to do the same. You can not catch up with school as easily as you can catch up with friends online. It's a great thing about it. Please stay safe on and off of the internet and try not to get this site blocked, I'd hate to have it so.

Snuggled in @Senna's tails
2024-03-14 19:00
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Post: #7
RE: Pups and schools blocking therian guide

(2024-03-14 17:06)Ashfur Wrote:  Another thing I'd like to add... LanSchool. Teachers use it to look at what you're doing on your computers and to enforce "lockdown browsers." If they have it, they will use it. It's not new, it was founded in 1986. Its website is right here. If you see its logo as a widget in the taskbar of your teacher's computer, you should probably do your work and not be here, don't take any chances.

I'd like to add that some schools have NetRef, which allows teachers to see what website you're on now, what you were on previously, control your mouse & type things on your computer, and pull up your current screen. Mine does, but I don't often get on TG during school [or at all, for that matter].

But yes, Vrydi, totally can see your point. Andddd now I need to go to class [lunch just ended].

Pups be careful and don't let your district block TG bby being on it 24/7!

【 foxglove 】
✭ he/they/it ✭
ₓ˚. hyenakin, jaguarhearted, quoiian ₓ˚.
✩ artist, aspiring author, hoarder of books ✩

!!left tgf!! see profile for more
2024-03-14 19:36
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Post: #8
RE: Pups and schools blocking therian guide
Just a side note here. When schools 'give' students laptops they are not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, it is a tool they fully intend to use to basically snoop on you and your activities.
Schools are pretty much open and upfront on what they use the devices for so here is the thing, only use their device for school work and if you are forced to take it home then only use it for homework and NOTHING else.

Don't surf on it for any other purpose than schoolwork! Once your work is done, shut down the device and place it in a room far from your own and if possible keep it in a garage or car.

Don't synch your own computer with the one the schools lend you. Don't transfer any data from your own computer to theirs.
In short use their device for school only and your own should never have any contact wit theirs, this means not using your email on theirs and vice versa, it is not about being paranoid but being safe.

Sorry but the schools are not providing these things for your convenience, it is for their own purposes of monitoring and controlling. This is the world we have now so be smart and safe.
2024-03-15 1:39
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frosted Moss
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Post: #9
RE: Pups and schools blocking therian guide

(2024-03-14 19:36)foxmoth_ Wrote:  

(2024-03-14 17:06)Ashfur Wrote:  Another thing I'd like to add... LanSchool. Teachers use it to look at what you're doing on your computers and to enforce "lockdown browsers." If they have it, they will use it. It's not new, it was founded in 1986. Its website is right here. If you see its logo as a widget in the taskbar of your teacher's computer, you should probably do your work and not be here, don't take any chances.

I'd like to add that some schools have NetRef, which allows teachers to see what website you're on now, what you were on previously, control your mouse & type things on your computer, and pull up your current screen. Mine does, but I don't often get on TG during school [or at all, for that matter].

But yes, Vrydi, totally can see your point. Andddd now I need to go to class [lunch just ended].

Pups be careful and don't let your district block TG bby being on it 24/7!

yess this I can confirm cuz my school useis netref and I'm only on here in my free time

the words above is illegal to read >:3
2024-03-15 3:01
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Post: #10
RE: Pups and schools blocking therian guide
Okay, I'd like to give teachers and schools the benefit of the doubt. Most aren't providing the computers for devious means like spying on students. A lot of students probably don't have/can't afford their own laptops so the school has to provide them if they are expecting digital work to be done. Even my college has school-owned laptops (which they don't monitor online activity), and at this point in life, most students do have their own computers, but not all, and of course, college relies heavily on online platforms and work, a lot of which are on programs that either cost money to load onto a personal computer, or the program only works on very specific systems.

With technology in schools, of course teachers have to monitor your online activity because so many students take advantage of them. The teachers are trying to help keep students on task and help them learn and get adequate grades. That's what most of them are there for. Something else to think about: being on other sites and doing other things in class is disrespectful to the teachers, and most teachers don't get enough credit. They do a lot for students and deserve the respect of your attention and effort.

Power is knowledge of the inner self
[Image: 60pEBXwm.png]
2024-03-15 14:48
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