We've talked about this before briefly and for me the challenge is: How does this affect TG policy, how do we deal with members who are potentially too sheltered for their own good?
Obviously TG has always had a policy of honesty as I do believe that honesty with oneself is key to understanding one's therianthropy. I do not believe it serves the goal of understanding one's therianthropy, to be as super-open to accept, anything anyone says about themselves as the truth without question. So obviously I am going to support anyone who would be critical, if you come to TG and claim something outrageous and expect us to just accept it.
As an adult I also feel some responsibility to provide our younger members an environment where they can learn useful life skills. Among these is learning to balance one's own needs with those of others. Be prepared to communicate with other members on the site to accept what you are saying rather than bullying us into accepting whatever it is you want. I believe everyone on TG is entitled to their own perspective and opinion, and if you want everyone to accept your view, you're just going to have to try and convince us.
A valuable lesson in my life, that I wish to share, is that people do not always have the same moral values as you. What is unacceptable or revolting to you, might not be seen the same way by other people and you do not get to force them, just because of what you believe. Personally I have always been alone with my values and understanding that I have to somehow live my life, without everyone necessarily caring about what is important to me, was very helpful to me.
With all that said, it should be obvious that I am not in favour of CWs, TWs and all such things. Neither do I support segregating TG into age groups, or any other such things. We all have to learn to live with one-another as plainly and honestly as possible.
All that said, I do understand this will ultimately be a learning experience for everyone. If you are struggling with something and are not prepared to face the entire community, you have the option to join a
team and discuss it within the smaller internal team chats.