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My theory to Therianthropy
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✦ 3 critters in a trench coat ✦
Theriotype: Sea wolf, Ikran, Dragon Clado
Experience: Therian, Otherkin
Connection: Psychological
Reputation: 17
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Post: #1
My theory to Therianthropy
As most know, humans used to be hunter gatherers. we used to live amongst the natural world, until the last few thousand years, which is a really rapid change from wild to civilization. Some people may still innately feel the need to hunt, to thrive, to survive in a natural world. we're born into a world that lacks this natural environment, and feel like a huge part of ourselves that is connected to nature is missing.

my theory is that therians are people who innately feel that having this missing part of themselves is too much to bear, and so, going down the spiritual route, their souls connect with the soul of the animal (s) that fulfil their natural needs most. this could explain spiritual therians who have past lives and those who don't. psychological therians minds may have 'mimicked' another animal(s) depending on what the individual needs of the person are.

I also have a theory on why lots of therians have feline or canine theriotypes. I believe that mentally or spiritually, these animals are innately connected to humans. its why so cats and dogs are the most popular pets all over the world, and why lots of people say wolves or big cats are their favourite animal. somehow, both canine and feline species are linked. I don't have a more psychological theory as to why this is, but spiritually, maybe the soul of a dog or cat is more compatible to fit with ours than other animals. now this of course doesn't mean every other animal is completely incompatible, but the less therians there are of a certain species, the less compatible their souls are with ours. It's why there are very few insect or fish therians compared to mammal therians.

Of course this is all just theory and speculation, but it makes the most sense to me :] feel free to post your own thoughts in the replies!

- Apollo

•·✦º✦·» Are you ready to have the next two minutes of your life completely wasted by ME?? :] «·✦º✦·•

Current Kintypes: Sea wolf, Ikran, Dragon Cladotherian Nom
(This post was last modified: 2023-01-16 15:32 by CrystalAvian.)
2023-01-16 10:02
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Silly Goose
Theriotype: Shapeshifter
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Post: #2
RE: My theory to Therianthropy
One thing that jumps out to me about your theory is the compatibility of cats and dogs with humans versus, say, a fish with humans. I feel domestication plays a large role in this, as humans domesticated these species for one reason or another (i.e., practicality). This then turns into refinement of a given subspecies, as we also know that certain dog breeds have been bred to look or behave a certain way (such as the facial structure of pugs, or any shepherding breed and what purpose they serve). We can see this through an experiment being held that's actively attempting to breed a domesticated fox - I'll leave a link to the video here.

So, long story short, humans have actively played a role in shaping cats and dogs into the purpose they serve presently. What caused humans to attempt to do this in the first place, as well as when this would've happened historically speaking, I don't personally know, but would be open to hearing more about if anyone happens to know. Point being, I feel that the domestication of these species plays a large role in your explanation when it comes to compatibility of souls or the innate connection.

These are my thoughts at least, but overall I enjoyed reading your explanation.

Toyotathon is where I feel the most myself, because like a Toyota Sienna I'm ready to go places.
2023-01-16 16:53
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✦ 3 critters in a trench coat ✦
Theriotype: Sea wolf, Ikran, Dragon Clado
Experience: Therian, Otherkin
Connection: Psychological
Reputation: 17
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Post: #3
RE: My theory to Therianthropy

(2023-01-16 16:53)Bad Wrote:  One thing that jumps out to me about your theory is the compatibility of cats and dogs with humans versus, say, a fish with humans. I feel domestication plays a large role in this, as humans domesticated these species for one reason or another (i.e., practicality). This then turns into refinement of a given subspecies, as we also know that certain dog breeds have been bred to look or behave a certain way (such as the facial structure of pugs, or any shepherding breed and what purpose they serve). We can see this through an experiment being held that's actively attempting to breed a domesticated fox - I'll leave a link to the video here.

So, long story short, humans have actively played a role in shaping cats and dogs into the purpose they serve presently. What caused humans to attempt to do this in the first place, as well as when this would've happened historically speaking, I don't personally know, but would be open to hearing more about if anyone happens to know. Point being, I feel that the domestication of these species plays a large role in your explanation when it comes to compatibility of souls or the innate connection.

These are my thoughts at least, but overall I enjoyed reading your explanation.

I don't think I've worded it very well, but yes, exactly what you've said above. Domestication I feel definitely plays a role, people have been interacting with dogs and cats for thousands of years, developing bonds with their pets. It's no wonder that there's a large percentage of therians who are canine or feline when taking this into account. Even non therians commonly feel connections to these animals, such as people with spirit animals, or even people with a particularly strong bond with a pet. Again; this is all just speculation, I just haven't seen a theory that accounts for spiritual and psychological therians.

also, Thanks very much for giving your thoughts on this, i really appreciate it Smile

- Apollo

•·✦º✦·» Are you ready to have the next two minutes of your life completely wasted by ME?? :] «·✦º✦·•

Current Kintypes: Sea wolf, Ikran, Dragon Cladotherian Nom
2023-01-17 10:19
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