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My theory on what a soul is and how it is related to therianthropy
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Clumsy Feline
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Post: #11
RE: My theory on what a soul is and how it is related to therianthropy

(2022-11-14 17:19)ZephIsAFluffyFox Wrote:  If you clone a dog (it has been done) and treat it the exact same way you did to the original dog, it will still have a different personality. The only reason I can think of why this happens is because of souls. You can't clone souls.
Also sorry if my English is bad right now, I'm half dissociated and kind of lightheaded. I just lost a lot of blood hah.

Yeah, that makes sense. And, are you okay?! You said you just lost a lot of blood, did you hurt yourself?

"Why do the humans come here, do you suppose?"
"Who knows why humans do anything?"
-Richard Adams, Watership Down
2022-11-14 17:30
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Post: #12
RE: My theory on what a soul is and how it is related to therianthropy

(2022-11-14 17:30)EvergreenLion Wrote:  

(2022-11-14 17:19)ZephIsAFluffyFox Wrote:  If you clone a dog (it has been done) and treat it the exact same way you did to the original dog, it will still have a different personality. The only reason I can think of why this happens is because of souls. You can't clone souls.
Also sorry if my English is bad right now, I'm half dissociated and kind of lightheaded. I just lost a lot of blood hah.

Yeah, that makes sense. And, are you okay?! You said you just lost a lot of blood, did you hurt yourself?

Oh no I'm fine, I just get bad nosebleeds in the winter because of the dry air.


Pro-everything, live and let live

If you need a non-judgmental listener, I'm here.
2022-11-14 17:31
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Post: #13
RE: My theory on what a soul is and how it is related to therianthropy
This is my own theory, here it is:
'the soul'' = actually a result of a cause, result of a cause etc etc??
Before you read this: NO HATE OR something like that on alterhuman. This is my very OWN THEORY combined with a littlebit of realistic Buddhism (Buddhism is a practice/lifestyle and NOT A RELIGION)

I believe in short that: The part that makes ''you'' --> ''you, is the part that stays the same in every life. It is your true nature. But throughout many lives, human lives, creature lives... your soul (for example color yellow) will stay yellow but it will be shaped differently trough every life you live. The core ( yellow in this case) will always be the same. The shape can be different.

For example: random quote '' My past life of a wolf, made me who I am today, but my own core was always the same and will be the same in every other future life (exept if you live a full spirit-life as a spirit).

But where I DO believe in, is that even if me myself don't have a kintype (expect for maybe a dragon), but still can be draconic. That means the core (color yellow example again) was always a dragon troughout every life. So the core (color) will be yellow/the color comes from your draconic part that is always in you.

Another thing that can be said is that the color of your core is part draconic (white for example) and the other part is (red for example) the red part can be something completely different. Like an other kintype like a wolf, cat, unicorn etc. Than the two kintypes will blend together to the new color: (pink for example)

Dragons are quit high, but at the same time, the kind of the same level as humans. Why else can everyone have a dragon kintyp? Exactly.

---You can have a draconic blessing, by one of the dragongods like the main dragongods: Tiamat, Quetzalcoatl, Fafnir and Leviathan. ---

In short the term soul: no one exactly knows what it realy is. But I peronally believe that there is a change a soul as we think of them, do now exist. Instead it is a RESULT of a CAUSE wich is a RESULT of a CAUSE etc etc....

Who knows. But realy no one knows it exactly including myself. This is just my opinion.

[Image: 38ceba5132e168bfa300e6daeb28c6a3b85f395a.pnj]

Waiting for the New Golden Age in 2032 !!!
2022-11-14 17:34
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Clumsy Feline
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Post: #14
RE: My theory on what a soul is and how it is related to therianthropy

(2022-11-14 17:31)ZephIsAFluffyFox Wrote:  

(2022-11-14 17:30)EvergreenLion Wrote:  

(2022-11-14 17:19)ZephIsAFluffyFox Wrote:  If you clone a dog (it has been done) and treat it the exact same way you did to the original dog, it will still have a different personality. The only reason I can think of why this happens is because of souls. You can't clone souls.
Also sorry if my English is bad right now, I'm half dissociated and kind of lightheaded. I just lost a lot of blood hah.

Yeah, that makes sense. And, are you okay?! You said you just lost a lot of blood, did you hurt yourself?

Oh no I'm fine, I just get bad nosebleeds in the winter because of the dry air.

Okay, well stay safe then Smile

"Why do the humans come here, do you suppose?"
"Who knows why humans do anything?"
-Richard Adams, Watership Down
2022-11-14 17:43
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Post: #15
RE: My theory on what a soul is and how it is related to therianthropy

(2022-11-14 16:34)EvergreenLion Wrote:  And I also just wanna say - how do you know so much on this subject??! Your knowledge is intimidating me :s

I am a trained Shaman of a West African spiritual system, worked as a spiritual adviser and healer for some time, and grew up studying and practicing various spiritual systems and self cultivation since the age of 8 years old(28 years old now)...and in general a seeker of truth and knowledge. I actually believe I have consciously chosen to incarnate and have felt this way about myself since I was a child.

Despite how all that might make me sound, I'm actually a very chill, fun loving and even rebellious person. Not an uptight, stiff spiritual type lol. Just when it comes to these matters I have much experience and so I have much to speak on. In normal conversation you'd see a very different side of me hahah XD

(This post was last modified: 2022-11-14 19:07 by Wolf.)
2022-11-14 19:03
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Clumsy Feline
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Post: #16
RE: My theory on what a soul is and how it is related to therianthropy

(2022-11-14 19:03)WolfThing Wrote:  

(2022-11-14 16:34)EvergreenLion Wrote:  And I also just wanna say - how do you know so much on this subject??! Your knowledge is intimidating me Confused

I am a trained Shaman of a West African spiritual system, worked as a spiritual adviser and healer for some time, and grew up studying and practicing various spiritual systems and self cultivation since the age of 8 years old(28 years old now)...and in general a seeker of truth and knowledge. I actually believe I have consciously chosen to incarnate and have felt this way about myself since I was a child.

Despite how all that might make me sound, I'm actually a very chill, fun loving and even rebellious person. Not an uptight, stiff spiritual type lol. Just when it comes to these matters I have much experience and so I have much to speak on. In normal conversation you'd see a very different side of me hahah XD

Wow, that's cool :0 And I don't doubt that you are fun, loving and rebellious! ^_^

"Why do the humans come here, do you suppose?"
"Who knows why humans do anything?"
-Richard Adams, Watership Down
2022-11-15 7:43
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Post: #17
RE: My theory on what a soul is and how it is related to therianthropy
I believe the soul is a brain function, and I'm agnostic about other interpretations. The individuality of each soul can be explained due to mathematical chaos. What happens to the soul of someone with Alzheimer's disease? Does it slough off in pieces like old paint falling off? I don't think so. I think the soul painfully fades away because the brain is diseased.

I'm skeptical of past life memories because memory is unreliable and pseudomemories are a thing. I've heard anecdote about people who knew things they couldn't know, so I believe it is possible, but I don't believe every person who claims to have past life memories. How can we distinguish a false memory from a past life memory? I don't know if it's possible.

I used to think I was born on this backwater barbarian planet as punishment for something I did wrong in a past life. I remembered a connection to some unknown dark goddess. Turns out, I have baby memories, the dark goddess was my mother and she punished me.

previously a wolf spirit
2022-11-15 13:54
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Post: #18
RE: My theory on what a soul is and how it is related to therianthropy

(2022-11-15 13:54)Tdae Wrote:  I believe the soul is a brain function, and I'm agnostic about other interpretations. The individuality of each soul can be explained due to mathematical chaos. What happens to the soul of someone with Alzheimer's disease? Does it slough off in pieces like old paint falling off? I don't think so. I think the soul painfully fades away because the brain is diseased.

I'm skeptical of past life memories because memory is unreliable and pseudomemories are a thing. I've heard anecdote about people who knew things they couldn't know, so I believe it is possible, but I don't believe every person who claims to have past life memories. How can we distinguish a false memory from a past life memory? I don't know if it's possible.

I used to think I was born on this backwater barbarian planet as punishment for something I did wrong in a past life. I remembered a connection to some unknown dark goddess. Turns out, I have baby memories, the dark goddess was my mother and she punished me.

Actually, this is all very interesting speculation. I'm very intrigued!

I myself am not a very firm believer in past lives. Personally I just don't believe in reincarnation. But I don't gatekeep, I understand that everyone's thoughts and beliefs will never be the same to one another, and nobody can claim certain things to be true or not.

Sometimes I have very strong memories and connections to things, I consider past lives from this sometimes. But I agree with what you said above about what you believe.

I'm curious about your interpretation and belief on what dreams are, if you're comfortable explaining this! I personally believe there could be more to whatever dreams are, not just imagination. I'm curious what other therians' believe as well

"A walk in nature walks the soul back home"

Squirrel-Hearted|20|PLUR|I'm here for you
2022-11-15 14:57
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Post: #19
RE: My theory on what a soul is and how it is related to therianthropy

(2022-11-15 14:57)CatBark Wrote:  Actually, this is all very interesting speculation. I'm very intrigued!

I myself am not a very firm believer in past lives. Personally I just don't believe in reincarnation. But I don't gatekeep, I understand that everyone's thoughts and beliefs will never be the same to one another, and nobody can claim certain things to be true or not.

Sometimes I have very strong memories and connections to things, I consider past lives from this sometimes. But I agree with what you said above about what you believe.

I'm curious about your interpretation and belief on what dreams are, if you're comfortable explaining this! I personally believe there could be more to whatever dreams are, not just imagination. I'm curious what other therians' believe as well

Thank you. This is an interesting question about dreams. I don't think dreams are quite the same thing as imagination. Imagination is a tool that can be used consciously or unconsciously. In my opinion the unconscious mind uses this tool for thinking in dreams. Sometimes they're mundane maintenance/organizing that helps you function, sometimes they're interesting or meaningful, and sometimes extraordinary or spiritual. It depends on personal beliefs and experiences.

I feel there is sort of duality between the waking (conscious) mind and the dreaming (unconscious) mind. Each has characteristic strength and weakness. The unconscious mind has less filtration and faster processing speed. It uses different logic from the conscious mind. And it is more open or vulnerable to suggestion depending on how you look at it. I think with these characteristics the unconscious mind is more adept at the functions of nocturnal dreaming.

previously a wolf spirit
(This post was last modified: 2022-11-16 4:36 by Tdae.)
2022-11-16 4:35
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Post: #20
RE: My theory on what a soul is and how it is related to therianthropy
This is so interesting! I have to say I agree with some of this. I'm not sure what I believe dreams to be spiritually. But it's crazy how some people can claim to having dreams relating to past lives, or even dreams predicting the future of their current lives. I've experienced dreams predicting the future before in different ways, and it always leaves me wondering.

Humans are such a strange thing, and it really is amazing how little we know about ourselves at this point. I wish there was a clear way to study things like this. It's all so interesting. At the same time though, humans are corrupt and power hungry. I feel as though unlocking the secrets of dreaming and the brain could be dangerous. As you said, our unconscious mind is very suggestible.

Thank you for speculating this with me though! <3

"A walk in nature walks the soul back home"

Squirrel-Hearted|20|PLUR|I'm here for you
2022-11-17 2:30
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